Not eating after 5pm... does this work?



  • misschoppo
    misschoppo Posts: 463 Member
    I don't think it matters when you eat. I typically eat 50-70% of my entire days cals from 6pm onwards (sometimes more) as I am just really busy during the day at work & often don't feel hungry as I am too preoccupied or I am just too busy to sit and have a substantial meal. I'd have to rush it which would mean I'm not really enjoying it anyway so I prefer to eat little and often during the day & usually that leaves me plenty of cals left for the evening when I have time to enjoy them. Never found it to be an issue.

    If I weigh myself in the morning having had loads to eat just before bed I may see a higher number on the scale but I didn't somehow gain multiple lbs overnight, its just natural fluctuation and I don't pay any attention to it. You weight will always fluctuate day to day based on numerous factors & I don't see how restricting myself and banning myself from eating after a certaint time would make any sense.
  • BodySpecialist
    It's not this or that. It's and and.
    Eating after 5 pm is harder on your metabolism for most people.
    After 5 pm your body's natural clock tells it to slow down.
    People that really listen to their body, can feel something changing after 5 pm.
    The body turns from feeding mode into cleansing mode.

    But don't go for the theory. Try it !!
    And of course it is also important what you eat.
    So it's what you eat and when you eat it.
    Try it, and you will see !

    Good luck !

    The Food Specialist
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    i dont know about anyone else but the earlier i stop eating, the more likely it is that i will binge eat or night eat right before bed.

    i say focus on the amount of calories, not what time they are eaten. it may not even always matter what DAY you ate the calories. the point is to eat less than you burn.
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    It's not this or that. It's and and.
    Eating after 5 pm is harder on your metabolism for most people.
    After 5 pm your body's natural clock tells it to slow down.
    People that really listen to their body, can feel something changing after 5 pm.
    The body turns from feeding mode into cleansing mode.

    But don't go for the theory. Try it !!
    And of course it is also important what you eat.
    So it's what you eat and when you eat it.
    Try it, and you will see !

    Good luck !

    The Food Specialist

    cleansing mode eh. i dont remember learning about that one in college. is there a scientific term for it?
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    i have a bowl of cereal every night before bed. i budget my daily calories so that works, and i'm losing weight even though i often eat my cereal after 11. my husband eats far more than i do before bed, and he's been losing weight anyway.

    in fact, as long as i eat less calories than my body uses, seems like i lose weight, period. doesn't matter if i do or don't eat carbs, what time i eat or anything else.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    It's not this or that. It's and and.
    Eating after 5 pm is harder on your metabolism for most people.
    After 5 pm your body's natural clock tells it to slow down.
    People that really listen to their body, can feel something changing after 5 pm.
    The body turns from feeding mode into cleansing mode.

    But don't go for the theory. Try it !!
    And of course it is also important what you eat.
    So it's what you eat and when you eat it.
    Try it, and you will see !

    Good luck !

    The Food Specialist

    That is ridiculous.

  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    It's not this or that. It's and and.
    Eating after 5 pm is harder on your metabolism for most people.
    After 5 pm your body's natural clock tells it to slow down.
    People that really listen to their body, can feel something changing after 5 pm.
    The body turns from feeding mode into cleansing mode.

    But don't go for the theory. Try it !!
    And of course it is also important what you eat.
    So it's what you eat and when you eat it.
    Try it, and you will see !

    Good luck !

    The Food Specialist

    That is ridiculous.
    Gotta love avi-less one post wonders who bump old threads with a ridiculous post
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    It's not this or that. It's and and.
    Eating after 5 pm is harder on your metabolism for most people.
    After 5 pm your body's natural clock tells it to slow down.
    People that really listen to their body, can feel something changing after 5 pm.
    The body turns from feeding mode into cleansing mode.

    But don't go for the theory. Try it !!
    And of course it is also important what you eat.
    So it's what you eat and when you eat it.
    Try it, and you will see !

    Good luck !

    The Food Specialist

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this

    Not really WTF?
  • dedflwrs
    dedflwrs Posts: 251 Member
    It could "work" because it might cause you to eat less. You can get less in you if you limit the hours of the day that you are eating. Unless you are really good at eating a lot real fast and then it doesn't matter. If you eat 10 lbs worth of Reese's Pieces it is 10 lbs worth whether you eat it at noon or at 9pm
  • njmark72
    njmark72 Posts: 99 Member
    Your body doesn't know what time it is when you eat. The myth about eating late means your body will hold onto more calories is just that, a myth.

    Your body will burn X number of calories a day no matter what. If you exercise you will burn Y calories in addition to what your body normally burns. If X + Y < the total number of calories you consume, you will lose weight. If it is greater, you will gain.

    Don't force your body to go long periods of time without fuel. Spread your meals throughout the day and make conscious decisions about what and how much you put in your body. And move around, go for walks, whatever, and you will lose weight.

    I started 5 months ago at 265.2 and am 185 today. Doing nothing more than eating 1500-1800 calories a day and walking 3 or more miles a day. 80lbs in 5 months. I feel great and I have learned how not to be a gavone. Gavone is Italian for a pig while eating.

    Good luck...

  • forgiven16
    forgiven16 Posts: 22 Member
    Nutrition timing does NOT matter
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    It's not this or that. It's and and.
    Eating after 5 pm is harder on your metabolism for most people.
    After 5 pm your body's natural clock tells it to slow down.
    People that really listen to their body, can feel something changing after 5 pm.
    The body turns from feeding mode into cleansing mode.

    But don't go for the theory. Try it !!
    And of course it is also important what you eat.
    So it's what you eat and when you eat it.
    Try it, and you will see !

    Good luck !

    The Food Specialist

    god you're so wrong.

    If I didn't eat after 5 PM I would probably die- I leave work at 5 PM- spend 2 hours at the gym then spend another 3 at my dance studio- so it's 10 or later by the time I've come home and have burned upwards of 4-600 calories.

    And I'm just supposed to not eat? WTF.


    OP- if you find you're munching on too many snacks- either accommodate that by eating less earlier- or just go with the no eating later rule. Either one will work- but it's because it's what's manageable FOR YOU- not because it helps your pancreas or metabolism.

    I don't do well at night be hungry- so I specifically push back all my calories to the afternoon/evenings. And I start eating around 1 and finish around 11. It works for me and has for many years. So that's what I do.

    If that doesn't work for you- then try the not eating thing-but do what works and is sustainable for eating a calorie deficit and doesn't make you crazy hangry.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    I totally agree that it's not WHEN you eat but more WHAT you eat.

    Used to be that if I'd eat later at night, I always showed a gain. However, I've now learned that if I hav something that's easily digestible (like applesauce or silken tofu with cocoa in it), I will show a loss. Even if I have those things later at night.

    So it's not so much WHEN but more WHAT.

  • eomuno215in541
    eomuno215in541 Posts: 201 Member
    I can only say what works for me, and only for now. I eat all the time. 11p, 12a, 1a, 3a, 3 squares during the day. Daily goal is what works for me. I use the clock - midnight turns a new day, new calories, yay! I DO have to watch HOW MUCH I eat after midnight, or I'm behind the 8-ball the rest of the day. It probably wouldn't hurt me to go to bed earlier, but I'm a night own and morning person :) Friend me if you'd like, laugh at my pain :P
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,572 Member
    I think 8pm would work well for me :) Personally I have eaten all or most of my calories by then and am not hungry in the least. The only reason I eat after eight is because I am bored, lonely, or tired. If I had a limit of eight pm to get my calories in, I would be less likely to eat all the crappy useless food I crave in the evenings (sugar, candy, chips). I do well with limits. I would just have to find something else to do and deal with the emotions in a more positive manner.

    I understand the concept of calories for weight loss and how it doesn't matter when you eat - only how much you are eating. I also allow room for 'treats' in my day. I also often leave room in my calories for a late night snack-this does not stop me from being restless and searching the pantry for Christmas Candy.

    Just wanted to point out that for anyone like me who finds themselves reaching for empty calories later at night for emotional reasons, even though they have eaten their calories for the day and are not hungry, a limit like this might help with that.

    I purposefully work a small, sweet snack (dark chocolate, umm) into my daily routine for post 8pm.Things have generally slowed down a bit in my household by then and I make a point to sit down and really savor it, vs before when I ciuld mindlessly eat the whole giant bar of it.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Although in my case I would probably try 7pm, on the basis that it's a real miracle if I get to sleep before midnight, ha ha!

    Does anyone have any thoughts about this method? Any success stories?

    Kirsty xxx

    Overall calories throughout your day is what matters.
    Not some random time you stop eating before bed
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    It's not this or that. It's and and.
    Eating after 5 pm is harder on your metabolism for most people.
    After 5 pm your body's natural clock tells it to slow down.
    People that really listen to their body, can feel something changing after 5 pm.
    The body turns from feeding mode into cleansing mode.

    But don't go for the theory. Try it !!
    And of course it is also important what you eat.
    So it's what you eat and when you eat it.
    Try it, and you will see !

    Good luck !

    The Food Specialist

    :huh: :huh: :huh: :noway: :noway: :noway:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Although in my case I would probably try 7pm, on the basis that it's a real miracle if I get to sleep before midnight, ha ha!

    Does anyone have any thoughts about this method? Any success stories?

    Kirsty xxx

    Overall calories throughout your day is what matters.
    Not some random time you stop eating before bed

    it's the be-fatting hour instead of the bewitching hour!!!