Whey Protein Powder for a 10 year old?

I wonder what you all think about giving Whey protein powder to a 10 year old boy. My son is not overweight but he is husky. He has horrible eating habits on his own. However, he says I'm mean because I encourage healthy eating habits. I do allow him to eat treats. He gets to pick three junk food items a week. Which he chooses to eat the first two days of the week. So I'm not depriving him. I'm also a busy Mom. Breakfast most days is a challenge because he is just not in the mood to eat. I let him try the Whey Protein Powder I have been having in the mornings and he like it! I didn't see anything on the package that said an age limit on it. He said he stayed full till lunch then stayed full till he got home. Usually he is famished by then.

Anyway what do yall think about giving whey Protein Powder for a 10 year old boy?


  • AusAshMommy
    AusAshMommy Posts: 845 Member
    Honestly unless the Dr indicates he should consume it then I wouldn't give it to him - instead try continuing to encourage the healthier eating habits.

    My kids are a healthy weight, daughter is actually slightly underweight but this is not for lack of feeding her quality foods, it's her metabolism is just that quick and we do offer them some dessert at night after dinner, usually they have chosen ice cream or popsicles at the grocery store, and they get soda every once in a while - sadly these days my hubby's been giving it to them more frequently then I'd prefer, but they are very active kids...so I don't worry about it. That being said though, the treats they get are candy once in a blue moon - they prefer the exotic fruit treats vs. the candy/cookies, etc.

    What kinds of treats are you giving him?

    Can you maybe encourage more active behavior so he metabolizes his food faster?

    And, honestly I'd try to encourage him also to eat a balanced breakfast - my daughter doesn't have much of an appetite right after she wakes up, but within about 10 - 15 mins her tummy's talking to her, so she has a choice of cereal or frozen pancakes w/fruit.

    I'd talk to the Dr before giving him Whey Protein, his body needs more nutrients and calorie dense foods than our adult bodies do because he's still growing.
  • fangedneko
    fangedneko Posts: 133 Member
    As long as he's not eating it exclusively, I think that it's a nonissue.
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    Don't know that it's any different than giving him some of the breakfast "shakes" designed for kids (Carnation, etc), nutrition-wise. If he likes the taste, and it's not an exclusive thing, than eh, not sure I see any harm.
  • daydreams_of_pretty
    daydreams_of_pretty Posts: 506 Member
    I thought of those breakfast shakes, too. At first I was thinking that it sounded like a bad plan, but if he likes it and thinks it helps then it might be a good idea. The protein powder probably has added vitamins (you could check the label). It's not optimal, but it is a step in the right direction.
  • echofm1
    echofm1 Posts: 471 Member
    I don't think the protein powder is an issue in addition with a healthy diet. If you're concerned about it though, but want him to continue staying full, maybe he needs more protein in the mornings. Peanut butter or eggs are often a good option, and eggs take maybe 5 minutes to cook, or you can hard boil some the night before. He's getting to a peak growing age though and will be putting on a more muscle when he hits puberty, so I'm pretty sure the protein would only be helpful to a growing boy.
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    If he likes it and it keeps him full, why not? My kids (ages 9-15) have them sometimes. Especially during peaks in sports seasons. Keeps them fuller than cereal or other quick breakfasts.
  • Jim_Barteck
    Jim_Barteck Posts: 274 Member
    Whey protein is basically just concentrated dairy products, so there's nothing inherently bad or dangerous about giving it to a child.

    As long as you're sure it fits within a calorie-appropriate diet for him, then it should be OK although I'd be more tempted to let him have a glass of chocolate (or whatever flavor your whey protein powder is) milk instead. Whole foods are always better than concentrates whenever possible :)
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I see no issues with it, and high fives to you for staying consistent with him and showing him healthy choices.
  • dispatcher939
    dispatcher939 Posts: 75 Member
    My son who is 11 uses my Herbalife Formula 1 shakes all the time. He loves them! He usually has one for breakfast and then one for an after school snack. He still eats like an normal 11 year old would. He has never been a big candy/ junk food eater so I have been really luck with that. However I have to tell him when to push the plate away, he has no sense of portion control.
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    I wonder what you all think about giving Whey protein powder to a 10 year old boy. My son is not overweight but he is husky. He has horrible eating habits on his own. However, he says I'm mean because I encourage healthy eating habits. I do allow him to eat treats. He gets to pick three junk food items a week. Which he chooses to eat the first two days of the week. So I'm not depriving him. I'm also a busy Mom. Breakfast most days is a challenge because he is just not in the mood to eat. I let him try the Whey Protein Powder I have been having in the mornings and he like it! I didn't see anything on the package that said an age limit on it. He said he stayed full till lunch then stayed full till he got home. Usually he is famished by then.

    Anyway what do yall think about giving whey Protein Powder for a 10 year old boy?

    If you said, he had an issue with gaining weight, then maybe.
    If you had said, he has an issue with getting enough daily protein, then maybe.
    but for a husky person..
    a Protein drink is not a diet drink.. its not going to shrink him.

    If you want him to loose weight. its time for swimming lessons, running lessons, baseball, football etc..
    Have him put down the smart phone, or the gaming console and have do something outside.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,577 Member
    And, honestly I'd try to encourage him also to eat a balanced breakfast - my daughter doesn't have much of an appetite right after she wakes up, but within about 10 - 15 mins her tummy's talking to her, so she has a choice of cereal or frozen pancakes w/fruit.

    ^^This. My 10yo daughter doesn't like to eat the second she rolls out of bed at 6:10am, so she packs her school lunch and gets dressed. Those 10-20 minutes make a difference and she eats a little something, usually yogurt and fruit, or a small bowl of cereal, a piece of sprouted grain bread with pb or a whole grain freezer waffle. She is also very conscientious to pack a mid-morning snack(usually pretzel rods and hummus or cheese and crackers), which her teacher gives the class 10 minutes for, since lunch isn't until 12:20 or so.
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    My son who is 11 uses my Herbalife Formula 1 shakes all the time. He loves them! He usually has one for breakfast and then one for an after school snack. He still eats like an normal 11 year old would. He has never been a big candy/ junk food eater so I have been really luck with that. However I have to tell him when to push the plate away, he has no sense of portion control.

    :laugh: Good luck finding any 11 year old boy who has a sense of portion control. All that most growing pre-teens know is "MOAR FOOD! MOAR FOOD!"
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    I put a few scoops into shakes when I make them for my 12 year old and I... most kids don't get enough protein as it is, so I see no harm in it...

    With that said, on a personal level, I don't give him just whey and water, I put other things in the shakes (his reward for physical activity) for nutritional density... while also trying to teach him about healthy eating.
  • scotw75
    scotw75 Posts: 3
    First of all, if he's "not overweight but husky" and he's pre-pubescent I'd say be cautious about anything resembling a "diet." Lots of kids are husky as kids and their body uses that extra weight in puberty as fuel for growth.

    That being said, healthy eating habits are great for the whole family. If you're singling him out, no wonder he feels like you're being mean. A whole-family diet makeover may be in store for everyone, and he won't feel like you're being mean because it's about the way "we" are going to eat, as opposed to the way "you" are going to eat.

    Regarding whey protein, my 12-year-old takes whey protein during football season, especially during strength and conditioning. We never give it to him in off-days, though. Chances are, you'll notice bold print on the whey protein container that says "this product is not intended as a meal replacement." This is because of whey protein's possible insulinogenic effect and the possibility of high lactose content.

    Of course, he said he feels fuller, longer with it, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, then. I'd say if you do continue using whey as a meal replacement, you definitely want to supplement with a multi-vitamin. But is there anything else you can do to create a high-protein / high fiber / low glycemic environment using natural foods (chicken breast, lots of vegetables and whole grains, easy on the carbs) without resorting to whey protein?
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    This thread makes me so sad. How about just giving them a balanced diet yep I know a pretty off the wall idea but it's worked for children for generations so maybe it could work now
  • sheenarama
    sheenarama Posts: 733 Member
    I make yogurt smoothies for my boys (6 & 8) for snacks and put protein powder in it. They've had no issues. Also, sometimes they eat my Zone Perfect or Quest bars as snacks.
  • dispatcher939
    dispatcher939 Posts: 75 Member
    My son who is 11 uses my Herbalife Formula 1 shakes all the time. He loves them! He usually has one for breakfast and then one for an after school snack. He still eats like an normal 11 year old would. He has never been a big candy/ junk food eater so I have been really luck with that. However I have to tell him when to push the plate away, he has no sense of portion control.

    :laugh: Good luck finding any 11 year old boy who has a sense of portion control. All that most growing pre-teens know is "MOAR FOOD! MOAR FOOD!"

    Very True, they are like bottomless pits!!
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Perhaps do a green smoothie for him, if you're concerned about nutrients?

    Light tasting green, such as spinach
    Liquid of choice (water, almond milk, milk, etc)
    Protein powder
    Nut butter, fruit, or other items to add some body and other flavor

    This gives him the protein as well as some fiber and micronutrients. In effect, he's eating healthier, without it being as much of a fight, and he gets a good, reasonably balanced breakfast.

    That said, if it's a bust, it's not a big deal. If the protein shake's enough for him in the morning and he's eating a good lunch and dinner, then I agree with the others -- it's a non-issue. Some people just can't do breakfast very well.
  • jcr85
    jcr85 Posts: 229
    Just fyi that most protein shakes are classified as a food supplements and therefore are not regulated by the FDA.
  • fangedneko
    fangedneko Posts: 133 Member
    How about just giving them a balanced diet

    Are you insinuating that a balanced diet necessarily excludes whey protein?