Water ??? 8 glasses



  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    I don't worry too much about the eight glasses. There was a time I didn't drink much liquids at all. At that time I placed four 16 oz bottles of water on my counter. At the end of the day those had to be gone. One in am, one at lunch, one late afternoon one at dinner. This helped me develop the habit of just drinking water. I did this because of persistent dehydration and UTI 's. Not weight loss.
  • valkaree
    valkaree Posts: 519
    I never struggle, I drink a minimum of 128 oz a day, 8 glasses isn't close to enough in my opinion. I drink 16oz as soon as I wake up. Then about 8oz an hour.

    I totally agree. You get used to it after a while. I stop about 90 minutes before I go to bed or will be up 5 times during the night. Water helps me HUGE with my weight loss!
  • abcreed
    abcreed Posts: 15 Member
    My husband hates plain water, so he always uses a packet of drink mix (the ones he uses are 10 cals / packet) for each bottle -- he has no problem drinking water once it's flavored :)

    I can drink plain water just fine, but it took me a while to get used to it. I used to alternate a bottle w/drink mix and then a bottle of plain water, and I gradually cut out the drink mix completely (for some reason the drink mix gave me heartburn a lot). I also like my water very cold, but I can't drink much at a time when it's cold like that, so I alternate. I'll guzzle a bottle of room-temp water and then sip on my very cold water.

    I also found that when I first started drinking a lot of water, I had to go to the restroom quite frequently, but now that I've gotten more used to drinking so much, the urge isn't as dire (amt is still the same, but the "oooh I gotta GO!" feeling every 5 mins goes away)
  • i just read that with my weight, I need to drink 12 glasses (96 ounces) of water a day... I wanted to scream. I dont mind drinking water but it gets boring after a while. I'm thinking of getting a water bottle that has the center thing for fruit and veggies to infuse it with some flavor
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    i just read that with my weight, I need to drink 12 glasses (96 ounces) of water a day... I wanted to scream. I dont mind drinking water but it gets boring after a while. I'm thinking of getting a water bottle that has the center thing for fruit and veggies to infuse it with some flavor

    I like water, but infused water is a nice change. At my weight I should be drinking 120 ounces per day (even more when I was heavier). I've tried, but I start feeling ill when I drink much more than 80 ounces per day. Now I just monitor urine color.
  • jazzie_red
    jazzie_red Posts: 180 Member
    I have been reading that you are to take your weight and divide in half. That gives you how much water you are to drink. There is NO way I could do 100 oz of water. I do my eight and feel like I also get water from some of the foods I eat and 16 oz cup of coffee.

    I tend to drink herbal teas and water. So four cups of herbal, four cups of water.

    I have a jug that holds exactly 8 glasses. I fill it up, drink it down, end of it.
  • komitra
    komitra Posts: 67
    I sometimes add lemon or green tea to my water.. makes it tastes different and then I'm able to gulp it down too :)

    I have a small bottle of 500 liters, which i roughly fill 6 times a day, so I'm able to consume 3 lts water. plus water in any other form is not counted in these 3lts, like soup or tea.
  • WombatHat42
    WombatHat42 Posts: 192 Member
    It doesn't have to be 8 glasses of water, most of the liquids we drink count towards hydration, coffee, tea etc are all made with water and help to hydrate us (the oft stated fact that coffee dehydrates is a myth)

    In addition there is no magic number of how much to drink and it depends on the local climate, your activity level etc.

    As long as your pee is pale straw colour (it does not need to be clear) then your body is hydrated and you are fine, if its darker then drink more.


    And yes, you CAN use something like Crystal Light or Mio to flavor it. It won't hurt it, it won't magically turn it into non water and it makes it go down better. Some people just don't like them though.

    Also, you get hydrated through fruits you eat too.
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    Kind of hard for me. I've never liked plain water. I like the fizz of carbonation.
    But I have tried very hard to drink more water since joining MFP and especially since I'm exercising so much more.
    I think my lack of thirst was because I was rarely exerting myself and the fluids I did drink (coffee and diet sodas) were satisfying my fluid needs.

    I've discovered I like cold refrigerated water. Not ice water and not cold tap water. So I keep 4, quart size bottles in my fridge at all times and try to pour myself a big glassful every hour or so.

    Some days I can easily put away 3 quarts of water, others it's hard to manage 1.

    I'm just happy that my body has finally adjusted to drinking more water and I'm not running to the restroom every 5 minutes, lol.
  • I find it harder to drink from a glass than a bottle. I keep a bottle next to me all day! you'll be surprised how fast you can get through it. Im on number 3 and its only 12pm here!
  • sportmir
    sportmir Posts: 10 Member
    I find it harder to drink from a glass than a bottle. I keep a bottle next to me all day! you'll be surprised how fast you can get through it. Im on number 3 and its only 12pm here!

    Me too :-)
    I don't drink from a glass, I have a 0,5 l bottle and drink a bottle in one time, during the day I drink 2 bottles before lunch, 1 bottle after lunch, 1 bottle with dinner.
  • jmlynar
    jmlynar Posts: 65 Member
    I like challenging myself so I downloaded the app water your body and its a simple app that helps you record how much water you drink. I love seeing my progress so the app sort of motivates me. It also sends you notification to remind you to drink water lol. Now I'm so used to drinking water I guess I don't need the app anymore.
    LOTOPC Posts: 5
    I carry a 1L water bottle everywhere with me. I chug, refill, then chug again. Water keeps you happy, your skin clear, and your poops quality. Drink it y'all.

    I really like spring water but I find that the carbonation makes me gassy (thusly, preventing me from enjoying my plain water). If you don't like drinking H20 plain, put a tea bag or something pretty in it — like sliced lemons, limes, ginger, etc.