Intermittent fasting, opinions?



  • MikeEnRegalia
    MikeEnRegalia Posts: 110 Member
    I'm currently on a ketogenic diet and I find that this makes intermittent fasting much easier. I had planned to try 5:2 fasting earlier this year, but never could get myself to do it, I kept postponing the fasting days. :wink:

    On the ketogenic diet it almost seems like IF is automatic - you literally just forget to eat a meal sometimes.
  • eels4peels
    eels4peels Posts: 229 Member
    I use IF as a tool for scheduling my calories in a shorter window to allow me the flexibility to eat bigger meals and stay within my caloric budget, as well as to pick up any potential bonuses that some research points to like improved cell repair, better nutrient partitioning, etc.
    Calories and macros still matter, IF just is a way of arranging your day and/or week.

    I like eating bigger meals more than small meals or snacks. It's really whatever works for you. But you should still be eating enough calories throughout your feeding window.
  • Apparently I misunderstood the diet then. I am working towards losing a few more pounds though. I am being serious when I say, even with my workout routine I have a very small appetite. I can't help that and I honestly think its stupid to physically force yourself to eat something when you aren't hungry.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    No it isn't if you are severely under eating.
  • lillyrose2020
    lillyrose2020 Posts: 178 Member
    It looks like you have set your goals to burn 10,000 calories per week in exercise and I note yesterday you only ate 884 calories and burned over 2,000!

    I read on your profile you have been too thin and suffered with eating disorders in the past. Whether you have a small appetite or not you are exercising compulisively so the little calories that you are eating are nowhere near enough for you to be healthy.

    This is coming from a place of concern, you are over exercising and under eating, this is going to do some serious damage and you should go back to your doctor, please.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    I use IF as a tool for scheduling my calories in a shorter window to allow me the flexibility to eat bigger meals and stay within my caloric budget, as well as to pick up any potential bonuses that some research points to like improved cell repair, better nutrient partitioning, etc.
    Calories and macros still matter, IF just is a way of arranging your day and/or week.

    I like eating bigger meals more than small meals or snacks. It's really whatever works for you. But you should still be eating enough calories throughout your feeding window.
    this and this
  • freedomwriter88
    freedomwriter88 Posts: 38 Member
    Apparently I misunderstood the diet then. I am working towards losing a few more pounds though. I am being serious when I say, even with my workout routine I have a very small appetite. I can't help that and I honestly think its stupid to physically force yourself to eat something when you aren't hungry.

    Try some high calorie/protein dense shakes. They won't fill you like food will, but will give you more of the fuel you need for your body.
  • angelamb1970
    angelamb1970 Posts: 123 Member
    Maybe more protein and fat? Looks like you are burning around 2000+ calories a day with exercise, and you are barely getting 1000 calories a day in nutrition, most days its less than that. Your body can't sustain on that, and you are probably burning your own muscle mass for fuel to keep up with your extreme exercise. I understand you saying you don't want to eat when you are not hungry, but you could replace some of the foods you are eating with more calorie dense choices.
  • tanny76
    tanny76 Posts: 4 Member
    I do 5:2 ! Its great and suits my lifestyle. For those saying you are starving yourself. I urge you to go watch Eat, Fast & Live Longer. There are many many health benefits to fasting and not just weight loss. Does my head in when people make comments like this without checking it out first!.
  • angelamb1970
    angelamb1970 Posts: 123 Member
    I do 5:2 ! Its great and suits my lifestyle. For those saying you are starving yourself. I urge you to go watch Eat, Fast & Live Longer. There are many many health benefits to fasting and not just weight loss. Does my head in when people make comments like this without checking it out first!.

    I also do 5:2, and it's been wonderful and successful. The OP is not doing it safely or as intended.
  • MyssPhytt
    MyssPhytt Posts: 51 Member
    I'm considering giving IF a try but I don't really know where to begin and want to research a bit further before I jump into it. A cousin of mine (male) does it fairly regularly and has had great results and highly recommends it, but I've heard a wide variety of mixed opinions about it. I've read it can wreck your metabolism, mess up hormone levels in women, can actually cause muscle burn instead of fat burn, and can also cause binge eating. I'm currently only about 5 pounds away from my long-term weight loss goal, so I have already lost pretty much all the weight that I want to and am currently working on muscle building/strengthening with weight training doing Stronglifts 5x5 3x a week with a balance of cardio on other days (kickboxing, running, zumba, etc) and I am staying within a 1430 cal deficit everyday with 3 meals a day with snacks, but admittedly my macros aren't always where they need to be and my diet isn't always "clean" but I do almost always stay within my deficit calorie-wise. I'm not really worried about losing pounds per se, but I do want to continue to lose fat and build lean muscle. I workout almost daily burning anywhere between 200-500 cals a day (my cal burns are much lower now that I have lost the majority of my weight and also HR is a bit on the lower side now since I started running) but the remainder of my day is pretty sedentary (desk job). So, is fasting something that is intended for someone wanting to lose a lot of weight/pounds only or is it also for someone who is working toward lowering body fat and building lean muscle? I know that I can fast for 12 hours (usually stopping in the late afternoon and then not eat until breakfast the next day)....most people do this anyway without realizing it. But, I've found that if I go much over 12 hours of not eating, I feel weak and shaky, and even feel somewhat nauseated until I finally eat something. This makes me worry that doing anything more than that would be pure torture. I gotta say....I love food. Lol. Would this be something that my body will get used to and get better the more I continue to fast? I've heard people say fasting makes them feel amazing, but I typically feel miserable if I go too long without eating. I usually don't do my workout until my lunch break (around 12:00-1:30 p.m.) and I will eat a mid morning snack before my workout and then eat lunch after my workout and I typically do kickboxing/zumba type classes late in the afternoon (6 p.m.) and do the same method of having a small snack just before the workout and then my evening meal afterwards. I've been told that with fasting, you should not eat anything before your workouts and should still be fasting until after it, but with the type of workouts that I do, I feel that I have to have something to fuel me and give me energy in order to be able to do them efficiently. Right now it seems that my energy is very sufficient for my level of exercising and I feel really good during my workouts, so I don't want to do anything that might hinder or change that but I would like to get the best of my workouts and be able to burn more fat if possible. I just hate feeling weak during a workout and barely making it through it. Will that also be something that my body just has to get used to or will I always feel starved and weak while working out/fasting and just have to mentally push myself in order to get through it? Also, if I just continue with what I am doing; staying within my deficit, burning the cals that I already do, but work on making my diet better by eating more clean and stay within my suggested macros, could I get the same results doing this without having to fast? Both cleaning eating and fasting are hard for me, but I think in order to get the results I want, I need to do one or the other......preferably both, but I know that would be a huge challenge for me. I just feel right now that I eat to workout and workout to eat. My scales don't move much in either direction and I barely weigh myself anyway since I started weight lifting and am not concentrating on pounds to lose right now. I do notice that my body is seeing a slow transformation of definition in muscle and I suspect that I'm gradually losing more fat by getting more muscle, but at the same time I know that I still probably have plenty of fat percentage that I could lose. I'm a baby steps kind of person. I don't want super-fast results overnight. I want something that is going to benefit me in the long run and be an everyday part of my lifestyle to help me stay healthy and fit and I don't want to be "skinny fat" and don't want to do anything to hinder or cause muscle loss also. That's why I am trying to keep a decent balance of cardio/strength training. I'm just curious if fasting intermittently could help me to achieve a lower fat percentage and higher lean muscle which ultimately is my biggest goal even over losing weight or being a certain size, but without putting myself through torture or hindering my energy or muscle building. Sorry I rambled a bit! I appreciate any info, opinions, suggestions, and/or testimonies. Thanks in advance!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    MyssPhytt- I only got about halfway through your wall of text then my eyes rebelled but I think if you google the research of Krista Varady or JUDDD or read any book on alternate day or intermittent fasting (they're short), you'll get your questions answered with authoritative info.

    But in short, it's not going to cause metabolic damage or torch your lean body mass and leave your fat. Though if you have issues with bingeing, it might not work well for you. A week of it as a test definitely wouldn't hurt you. I'm using it with not much weight to lose and I'm happy with it.

    Good luck!
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    To the OP: in terms of intermittent fasting, you're doing it wrong. Read this article for further guidance:
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    Does anyone else do this?

    Yep, whenever I go on a cut. Easiest way I have found to manage calories...
  • MyssPhytt
    MyssPhytt Posts: 51 Member
    Haha...sorry about that! I have a hard time explaining or asking things in a short-version. Drives my hubby crazy! But thank you for the info and you really answered the majority of my questions right off the bat. I'll look into those articles as well. As for putting myself into a binge, I'm not sure that I would or not. I dont think I've ever let myself get to that point, perhaps overeating a little bit but never eating till I'm sick or anything like that, so I can't really say for sure. I think I may do a test drive of it for a few days and just see for myself. Can't hurt, right? Thanks again!