A sweet cottage cheese!

martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member

I eat fat free cottage cheese regularly... with hot sauce mixed in. Recently, I've seen some pictures of people using cinnamon, syrup, maple, low cal sweeteners, apples, etc. in theirs.

Does anyone have a good recipe of what to mix in? I know that's a wildly open question, but, I'm honestly lost on what to put in mine, lol.


  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    I eat a cup of cottage cheese with 1 Tbsp. of Hershey's Special Dark unsweetened cocoa and 1 Tbsp. of Stevia every day! Love it!!!! Also good with Stevia and cinnamon instead of cocoa.
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    I just prefer mine either plain or with a sprinkle of black pepper on it. I can't do the fruit and cottage cheese or sweet and cottage cheese. I will however eat tomato wedges with cottage cheese on occasion or eat it as my protein with my meal perhaps with steamed broccoli or something like that.
  • reese_gomez
    reese_gomez Posts: 6 Member
    I am getting bored of the same old with just a bit of black pepper too. And I can't do the sweet/salty combo, it's silly but it just grosses me out. One of my friends suggested mixing it with a bit of Old Bay and baby shrimp; another suggestion are: corn relish or black olives. I haven't tried any of these suggestions yet but I will. Worse thing will be a waste of half cup cottage cheese.
  • animalldy
    animalldy Posts: 140 Member
    I do fruit or low-sugar jelly. Easy and yummy!
  • Ahdillard
    Ahdillard Posts: 42 Member
    Cinnamon and stevia!
  • paulasews
    I sometimes put cottage cheese over my fruit salad. Here in the UK it is normal to find it sold with pineapple chunks in it. Most shops here have plain, black pepper, pineapple and chive varieties. I've never thought of sweetening it with anything other than fruit but I bet it would taste good with cinnamon. I also use cottage cheese in my lasagna, not sure if that is 'normal' or not!
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    I use cottage cheese in fruit smoothies sometimes. 1 part milk to 1/2 part CC (I usually go with 1 cup milk and 1 serving CC), frozen fruit of choice + honey, or chocolate, or whatever you like in smoothies.

    It's a really low cost substitute for protein powder in my opinion, but make sure you get the "no added sodium" kind, unless you like salty smoothies. :tongue:
  • Mygsds
    Mygsds Posts: 1,564 Member
    I'm so strange.... I mix 3 T cottage cheese with 1 T either orange marmalade or blueberry preserves... Put on bread and throw in toaster oven..... Tastes like a Danish... So good. Any combinations work
  • ironangel250
    ironangel250 Posts: 24 Member
    I mix in protein powder and some yogurt, with a bit of Splenda. It is creamy and sweet like pudding and filling also! Sometimes I add peanut butter or pb2 as well
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    Cottage cheese and your favorite yogurt 8)
  • neveragain84
    neveragain84 Posts: 534 Member
    I eat a cup of cottage cheese with 1 Tbsp. of Hershey's Special Dark unsweetened cocoa and 1 Tbsp. of Stevia every day! Love it!!!! Also good with Stevia and cinnamon instead of cocoa.

    That does sound good! My favorite is to add some fruit preserves.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    You can add a touch (like 1/8 packet) any flavor Jello sugar free pudding mix (dry) and it is like pudding! I do this with Fage yogurt too.

    I also do the apple sauce and apple pie seasoning.

    I also mix pumpkin purée and pumpkin pie spice, it's like pumpkin pie filling!

    Any fruit, if you mash it and cook on the stovetop with a little water and sugar (I use Truvia substitute) will turn into a fruity "sludge" which when cooled becomes a yummy topping.
  • SandyBVTN
    SandyBVTN Posts: 367 Member
    Maple syrup. Around 1/2 to 1 full tablespoon drizzled over a half to a full cup of cottage cheese. It was a big treat in my hippie household growing up, and it's still the only way I'll eat cottage cheese. It's one of my go to breakfasts right now. awesome for protein and calcium.
  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    Fruit cocktail over light cottage cheese. Sounds weird but tastes great!
  • Pspellcst
    I eat cottage cheese 1/2 cup for breakfast along with about 1/2 cup of Cheerios across the top. There are several flavors of Cheerios to choose from but my favorites are Honey Nut and Banana Nut. Tastes good together and gives a little bit of crunchy munchy goodness to it. Sometimes I put a few berries on top as well.
  • rainrain83
    rainrain83 Posts: 82 Member
    bump i am going to try the maple syrup one
  • panchakshara
    panchakshara Posts: 37 Member
    One recipe that I'm recently loving is to make sweet eggs (2 eggs with a tsp of sugar and some vanilla and cinnamon) and then fill them with half a cup of blueberries and half a cup of cottage cheese. It tastes kind of like blintzes if you've ever eaten them.

    I've also gotten into mixing cottage cheese with pumpkin puree, pumpkin pie spice, vanilla, a tsp of molasses, and 3/4 cup uncle sam's breakfast cereal, which has worked out pretty nicely.

    Finally, cottage cheese with a couple tbsp of PB2 chocolate is always tasty!
  • sarahsedai
    sarahsedai Posts: 273 Member
    i can't get on board with the whole sweet cottage cheese thing - but your post caught my eye - - just earlier today i was grabbing some cottage cheese out of my fridge ( i eat quite a bit of it, usually just with some pepper or plain ) and i saw my hot sauce and was like... hmmmm. but i didn't try it. i think i will next time!!
  • sarahsedai
    sarahsedai Posts: 273 Member
    I am getting bored of the same old with just a bit of black pepper too. And I can't do the sweet/salty combo, it's silly but it just grosses me out. One of my friends suggested mixing it with a bit of Old Bay and baby shrimp; another suggestion are: corn relish or black olives. I haven't tried any of these suggestions yet but I will. Worse thing will be a waste of half cup cottage cheese.

    yum.. never thought about adding in black olives. that i could get on board with.
  • Keepcalmanddontblink
    Keepcalmanddontblink Posts: 718 Member

    I eat fat free cottage cheese regularly... with hot sauce mixed in. Recently, I've seen some pictures of people using cinnamon, syrup, maple, low cal sweeteners, apples, etc. in theirs.

    Does anyone have a good recipe of what to mix in? I know that's a wildly open question, but, I'm honestly lost on what to put in mine, lol.
    I am not usually one to make mine sweet, but maybe some strawberries, or pineapple? I usually add salt and add to the tops of Sunchips, but now I want to try it with hot sauce.