Ways to gain weight besides just more food.



  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I just cannot understand people who don't want to / say they can't / refuse to eat the foodz. It's not that difficult.
  • misschoppo
    misschoppo Posts: 463 Member
    Quit smoking and spend the extra money on food. WIN!!!

    budget problem solved! :smile:

    although, even without spending extra you can just shop carefully, look at what is on offer, buy things that are ambient like pasta, dried beans, rice etc in bulk as its usually a lot cheaper that way & if you have one try out your local produce market and you can usually get a lot of produce for a fraction of the store prices.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    I just cannot understand people who don't want to / say they can't / refuse to eat the foodz. It's not that difficult.
    It seems like a simple answer, but in practice it can be really difficult. Especially if you've just put a lot of time and effort into losing weight, doing a complete 180 and purposefully gaining weight can be a mindf**k.

    OP, have you read this? http://www.jcdfitness.com/2009/10/the-former-fat-boy-syndrome/
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I just cannot understand people who don't want to / say they can't / refuse to eat the foodz. It's not that difficult.

    He's at 2700 calories a day!!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I just cannot understand people who don't want to / say they can't / refuse to eat the foodz. It's not that difficult.

    He's at 2700 calories a day!!

    he just upped that- from 2300. No need to complain at that level.

    I was eating near 3000 a day. More dense foods- after 2500 and on up it starts to become more of a hassle to eat like that daily- but anything under 2500 I can eat on my same budget as for cutting.
  • W31RD0
    W31RD0 Posts: 173 Member
    I just cannot understand people who don't want to / say they can't / refuse to eat the foodz. It's not that difficult.

    It can be difficult when you really don't know how to do it. I used to gorge on 1500 - 2500 calories in a single meal, feel sick, and then feel like not eating much the rest of the day.

    It also takes some skill in knowing how to prepare food to make it the most appetizing. For breakfast I have been struggling with trying to eat 5 tablespoons of peanut butter, just too thick. Started slicing an apple into five slices and putting PB on that, now I can easily eat double the amount of peanut butter.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I just cannot understand people who don't want to / say they can't / refuse to eat the foodz. It's not that difficult.

    He's at 2700 calories a day!!

    He said maintenance was 2300, but clearly it was not since he was losing weight. So now he is eating 2700 to try to gain. Except he says he is trying 3000 some days and 2300 other days, but he lost more weight.... So clearly he isn't eating enough to maintain or to gain.

    I'd suggest determining what real maintenance calories is. Adding calories to gain from there should not be very difficult. 2 cups of whole milk = 300 calories.
  • missycj87
    missycj87 Posts: 24 Member
    I started with less activity, today I only took my dog for a 15min walk than the usual 1 hour walk i've done all year.

    well im sure the dog was disappointed:sad: lol. i wish there was a way to gain weight besides stuffing yourself but speaking from experience, more food is the only answer
  • trojan_bb
    trojan_bb Posts: 699 Member
    I just cannot understand people who don't want to / say they can't / refuse to eat the foodz. It's not that difficult.

    it's difficult when I'm eating 3x what you probably maintain at. I lose weight if I eat 2x your maintenance.

    just sayin. and his 3000 calories needed to gain weight can be tough to hit if he's used to eating less or losing weight. lots of this is mental and hormonal. It can be hard at first to get the right mentality and couple it with a diet that optimizes hunger response.
  • Spiderkeys
    Spiderkeys Posts: 338 Member
    For the first time i'm over a year, today I ate just over 4,000 calories!

    I havent eaten nearly as near this much in one in over 1 year, I was probably up to 2,000 by lunch time, I just ate until I couldn't eat anymore, I actually stopped feeling cold, and actually felt too hot for the first time in many many months, I ate a lot more than I planned today which was suppose to be 3,000, but even that I ended a lot over, I'm not that worried, as I was long overdue to give myself a cheat day.

    I try 2,700 - 3,000 tommorow, to do that I have to log immediately after everything I touch, it crazy how far you can over when you stop logging, but this was a day I just needed, I wonder what the scale will read tommorow...
  • Isobelle40

    I wouldn't recommend going mad and eating lots of high cal junk food, you'll just put on pure fat and some of that could go on round the middle (not good for health reasons). Just increase your daily intake by a few hundred calories per day (around 2800) and maintain your activity level. There's no point in reducing your fitness levels as long as you are not overdoing it. Eat lots of nutrient rich/natural foods with healthy snacks in between meals. In the mean time, I don't think it would be a bad thing to see your doctor now, just to make sure that you are not nutritionally deficient and/or any other health condition that would increase weight loss. I have a feeling that you are holding on to your diet habits and thinking you are actually eating more than you are? While that's fantastic you managed to lose the weight and were obviously very disciplined, you'll need a bit more of that to just very slowly put on the excessive weight that you lost but I wouldn't rush it.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    I wouldn't recommend going mad and eating lots of high cal junk food, you'll just put on pure fat and some of that could go on round the middle (not good for health reasons). Just increase your daily intake by a few hundred calories per day (around 2800) and maintain your activity level

    while I agree with the rest of your post- the first part isn't correct. as long as you hit your' macros' in general- you'll be fine to eat the rest of it in terms of high calorie " junk" food.

    Slices of cheese cake take up a good chunk of suprlus when you cant' fit another chicken breast in there.

    ti's not going to turn straight to fat though- that's just NOT how this works.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    For the first time i'm over a year, today I ate just over 4,000 calories!

    I havent eaten nearly as near this much in one in over 1 year, I was probably up to 2,000 by lunch time, I just ate until I couldn't eat anymore, I actually stopped feeling cold, and actually felt too hot for the first time in many many months, I ate a lot more than I planned today which was suppose to be 3,000, but even that I ended a lot over, I'm not that worried, as I was long overdue to give myself a cheat day.

    I try 2,700 - 3,000 tommorow, to do that I have to log immediately after everything I touch, it crazy how far you can over when you stop logging, but this was a day I just needed, I wonder what the scale will read tommorow...

    Think of it like this, the difference between 2300 and 3000 is 700 calories. That is two extra 350 calorie snacks. A big handful of almonds and big glass of milk. There are a lot of ways you can get those calories in without it being a big volume of food.
  • Spiderkeys
    Spiderkeys Posts: 338 Member
    Well, I actually just ate a lot more of the healthy foods I usually eat to get to 4,000, but yeah I have to slow down too, in 24hrs I only gained 1kg, I guess thats only the weight of the food I consumed and extra sodium levels, tommorow i'm planning on eat a lot of nuts, and this time drink non-diet soda.

    I prefer to consume high calorie foods that don't take too much room in my stomach, hopefully I weigh even more tommorow.