

  • LauraAllerton
    LauraAllerton Posts: 1 Member
    I've been taking Protein Worlds 'Slender Blend' which contains raspberry Ketones, I've also tried their other protein which just doesn't contain raspberry ketones. During taking slender blend I felt fine and did notice weight loss however after taking it for about 4 weeks I suddenly started feeling weak, shaky and inner tremors. I thought I must just be having an off few days but realised it was everytime I was having the slender blend that I'd feel worse after as I usually mixed that in with oats before the gym. I tried different carbs such as whole grain rice, sweet potato ect before the gym and I was still getting those symptoms however not to as bad as after I had protein and oats and it then got worse everyday and my weights were dropping in the gym and generally weak all the time as it got worse. I also had this shake at breakfast so either way I'd had some of that protein before working out. One time it got so bad I decided to check my blood sugar which rocketed to 19.2 mmol after having my oats which is extremely high, no wonder I felt so bad! I realised the only thing I'd changed in my diet was this protein over the past month and changed protein and had that with oats and I felt fine...I'd done the blood sugar a few times after oats and the slender blend protein and each time it went to 17-19+ mmol even when my blood sugar returned to normal I'd still not feel quite right for about 4/5 hours after!
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,095 Member
    If your BSL is rocketing to 17 - 19, you need to see a doctor. Normal people's BSL does not ever get that high.

    You need to be tested for diabetes ASAP.
  • marilandica
    marilandica Posts: 88 Member
    Good or bad? How about just stupid.
  • ianjohnward
    Poor girl, a real shame that is, for the attitude she's received that is!!!.
  • oneandonlyfrangie
    Why do people comment who don't have anything productive to say? It's no news flash that diet and exercise get you in shape. If anything else can help, why not try it? People who get on here and answer this question with the same stuff we all know are just doing so to make themselves feel important.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Why do people comment who don't have anything productive to say? It's no news flash that diet and exercise get you in shape. If anything else can help, why not try it? People who get on here and answer this question with the same stuff we all know are just doing so to make themselves feel important.
    because it can't / won't / doesn't help.

    speaking of making themselves feel important, where does "bumping a threat 1 month and 1 day after the last response just to scold someone" come in on that magic scale?

    ETA: and your only other forum post ever is ALSO just scolding other people.

    I guess some folks like to help, some just like to make noise.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Does anyone know if Raspberry Ketones are actually helpful? I am eating healthy and exercising but it is said that this boosts the weight loss. True or is this another crazy weight loss scheme??? I bought one that is all natural and 100mg. I started it yesterday. I appreciate your input!

    Totally worth it, buy a few brands, and try them together to see which synergize the best! It's also a good idea to take in tandem with g. cambogia AND green coffee extract. They amplify effect when taken together.
  • tabicatinthehat
    tabicatinthehat Posts: 329 Member
    Why do people comment who don't have anything productive to say? It's no news flash that diet and exercise get you in shape. If anything else can help, why not try it? People who get on here and answer this question with the same stuff we all know are just doing so to make themselves feel important.
    because it can't / won't / doesn't help.

    speaking of making themselves feel important, where does "bumping a threat 1 month and 1 day after the last response just to scold someone" come in on that magic scale?

    ETA: and your only other forum post ever is ALSO just scolding other people.

    I guess some folks like to help, some just like to make noise.

    Why do people think that the only possible "productive" response is support for whatever craziness the person is trying and ASKING for opinions on?
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Why do people comment who don't have anything productive to say? It's no news flash that diet and exercise get you in shape. If anything else can help, why not try it? People who get on here and answer this question with the same stuff we all know are just doing so to make themselves feel important.
    because it can't / won't / doesn't help.

    speaking of making themselves feel important, where does "bumping a threat 1 month and 1 day after the last response just to scold someone" come in on that magic scale?

    ETA: and your only other forum post ever is ALSO just scolding other people.

    I guess some folks like to help, some just like to make noise.

    Why do people think that the only possible "productive" response is support for whatever craziness the person is trying and ASKING for opinions on?
    because coddling is all some know. blind support. "JUST TELL ME I AM RIGHT, NOT WHY I AM WRONG!" etc.
  • WVprankster
    WVprankster Posts: 430 Member
    Useless bullfeces.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Why do people comment who don't have anything productive to say? It's no news flash that diet and exercise get you in shape. If anything else can help, why not try it? People who get on here and answer this question with the same stuff we all know are just doing so to make themselves feel important.

    I'm always amused by people who bump up a year+ old zombie thread with a comment like this ... but I'm going to answer your question anyway.

    A lot of people will come in and comment with "nothing productive to say" because we want to save someone the grief of following the bad advice (at the very least, save them the $$ that will be wasted). Diet supplements have never been shown to work long term. Raspberry Ketones haven't even been shown to work short term. There is absolutely nothing that shows they cause any extra weight loss over a simple calorie deficit (even the anecdotal stories are questionable because there is generally nothing showing calories before or after starting them).

    The original poster may not even be the one who is helped by this ... most often, this is the case, because OP only wants to hear "positive support." But this is a public forum. There are, very likely, other people who hear about a product like raspberry ketones and start looking around the internet to find some information. Believe it or not, these threads pop up in google searches even. So, if someone with little experience only find the "go for it, they're awesome, I lost so much weight" responses, they don't really get a good picture. If they find these threads, with many experienced people (quite a few of whom have lost significant amounts of weight without "supplements") saying that they aren't all they're claimed to be, it may help them think twice before throwing money down the drain.

    That's what the community is for.