Realized I'll never be a runner



  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I definitely look like the dog!
    I could walk all day and I mean all day if i had the time. I only have an hour to an hour and a half in the mornings to walk/run before I have to be back home. I may just try to improve my distance as long as my knees will allow and work on HIIT running later on.

    When you say HIIT, do you mean HIGH INTENSITY interval training, or do you just mean you are switching between walking and running?

    True HIIT means going all out, balls to the wall, about to die for a short period, then gentle to rest, then repeat. If you are simply running a bit and walking a bit, it is probably not HIIT. And this is what you should be doing! Try to slowly increase the amount you run, but don't go all out.

    I was actually doing the HIIT running just because of time restrictions. I was trying to get the most out of my time. The last two runs though I just stayed with a steady pace that worked for me because my knees were bothering me but I was still using the same time limits as the HIIt. I was jogging at a steady pace for 40 seconds then walking for 2 minutes.

    The elliptical helped me build up to even being able to run/jog and not run out of breath in 5 seconds. From everything I read about HIIT it boosts your metabolism which I need.

    You'll get the most out of your runs if you stay at a conversational pace as long as you can.

    In awhile, when you can go for longer, your body will have adapted to the stresses of running by strengthening your joints, cardiovascular system, etc. Then you can work for speed.
  • CompressedCarbon
    CompressedCarbon Posts: 357 Member
    Dear OP:

    I'm 5'0" and I'm old. Last December 1st I could run at a snail's pace for exactly 48 seconds before feeling like I was going to hurl. Not long ago I ran 63 minutes. Barring injury, you can do what you want to do. Just don't expect to do it all today. Add a tiny bit of time each time. Go a little bit farther. Then do it again a few days later.

    What I like about running is that I'm not required to compete with anyone other than myself. You aren't required to run at a certain speed or distance to call yourself a runner. Sprint towards that ice cream.
  • 20Grit
    20Grit Posts: 752 Member
    I seriously suck at running, but I love it, so if you like it, do it!!! ..:bigsmile:
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Me too .. I injured myself doing C25K .. imagine that. I will probably never do it again as it is just not worth the risk.

    I do cycling now instead .. and am happier for it. :flowerforyou:
  • NoXCuses4me
    If you're going faster than a walk you're a runner. If you love the feeling of running, keep doing it and who cares how fast or long you go?

    Comparison is the thief of joy.

    Comparison is the thief of joy <-- Love this!

    I'll never be an elite runner, but I do like seeing little improvements in my time, my stamina, etc. It's a thrill. A small thrill, but a thrill! I went from walking 2 miles in about 40 minutes, to finishing the same 2 miles in 27 minutes. That''s more like a super-fast walk, but I'll take it! When I can run it non-stop in 20, I'll be really happy! I'll get there. I turn on the tunes and just focus on my performance for a half hour. Find something you enjoy and just do it!
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    Jogger= anyone that can cover a mile while moving faster than a walking pace... I have seen 300+ lb linemen "jog" at like maybe 1 mile an hour...

    Runner= anyone that can cover a mile in less than 6 minutes... and can do it consistently for several miles...

    is that too provocative?

    Running like a track star.. takes training and practice... there are a variety of running styles.... there are shufflers, striders, jumpers, stompers, ( my observations)... and for the first time earlier this week I saw a "poser"... literally each stride this fella took looked like he was posing... freaking hilarious...

    anyway... before you give up on running... find a place where runners are running... and observe.. some are elegant... some not so much... also watch sports that involve running... soccer, rugby etc...

    track running is a special type of running... as opposed to cross's a flat even surface that is designed to be run on... so Runners CAN and do... run... and they concentrate on long even strides... where someone running for fun or fitness... do NOT need that refined reaching stride...
  • SarahRuthRuns
    SarahRuthRuns Posts: 118 Member

    Comparison is the thief of joy.

    This is amazing. Yes.
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,157 Member
    Good timing on seeing this thread -

    I just got back inside after running 3.1 miles - 2nd time this week and 2nd time in about a year. I'm 5'2", 50 and fat.

    I started and finished C25K last year (loved it) and did a small 5K my subdivision had last September. I tanked - started out too fast, ended up walking a lot of it and came in at 42 mins. I got caught up in everyone running ahead of me, even though they were mostly late teens, early 20s and doing this for a while (90% of the runners were younger than me). There's no way I'm ever going to beat them without a car and I let myself forget that.

    I stopped running for a few months and started up again in April. I'm signed up for the same subdivision race in 3 weeks. I've been increasing my speed on mile runs and am now working on running for longer time periods. I did this in 37:50. I think the phrase about a turtle jogging in peanut butter is fitting, but I'm happy with it. My goal is first, to do it without walking and second to come in under 40 mins.

    I'm realizing this time around that it's more mental than physical. I can do this, but my brain tries to stop me :devil: My brain also looks at how good other people look when they run and how that dog pic a few pages back is pretty on the money for me. But that's okay, I'm doing it, my knees are okay, my lungs haven't fallen out and the little voice telling me to stop is getting quieter.

    If you want to be a runner, then keep running. I like it. I have no aspirations that I'll get far with it, my goal is to do one 5K this year and see how that goes. Then to keep doing 3 miles at a time on a regular basis and we'll see.
    Sprint towards that ice cream.
    Love this image :heart: And loved the story of the 7 year old running with his mom.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Jogger= anyone that can cover a mile while moving faster than a walking pace... I have seen 300+ lb linemen "jog" at like maybe 1 mile an hour...

    Runner= anyone that can cover a mile in less than 6 minutes... and can do it consistently for several miles...

    is that too provocative?

    Running like a track star.. takes training and practice... there are a variety of running styles.... there are shufflers, striders, jumpers, stompers, ( my observations)... and for the first time earlier this week I saw a "poser"... literally each stride this fella took looked like he was posing... freaking hilarious...

    anyway... before you give up on running... find a place where runners are running... and observe.. some are elegant... some not so much... also watch sports that involve running... soccer, rugby etc...

    track running is a special type of running... as opposed to cross's a flat even surface that is designed to be run on... so Runners CAN and do... run... and they concentrate on long even strides... where someone running for fun or fitness... do NOT need that refined reaching stride...

    This is not a very good definition of runner vs jogger. here is a better definition:
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Never thought I'd be a runner either. It took me a long time to get to the point where I could run for 10 minutes without stopping.

    Now that I'm able to enjoy it (being outside, the heart pounding, silence on the trail), I look forward to my run in the morning. Now if only the stupid muggy summer weather would take a hike...I'd be back to 7 miles!

    Feel free to friend me. It took a long time to get back to loving running.
  • RebeccaMae1983
    RebeccaMae1983 Posts: 35 Member
    Lots of good advice thanks everyone! I love jogging/running, whatever it is that I'm doing and while I'll always be envious of the gazelles at least I can say I'm moving faster and longer than I even thought possible for me!

    I'm going to read up on jogging/running and keep going. I think I may need to cut down to running 3 to 4 days a week because I do the elliptical every day and was adding jogging in the mornings and there are days where I have to push really hard because I'm just doing too much.

    Every morning I walk my son to school and when I say I'm going running he always asks me if I'm running to get ice cream! I guess at least I have a goal, to get to that ice cream!
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    you ARE a runner!!! I know exactly what you mean, that's how I felt when I started. I am also around 5'1.
    I started out just like you and before I knew it I was running the NYC full marathon :) you are a runner, regardless of distance, pace, anything. Once you set your feet to the pavement and you get that rush that comes with challenging yourself, pushing yourself a little harder each time- you got it!!!
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Lots of good advice thanks everyone! I love jogging/running, whatever it is that I'm doing and while I'll always be envious of the gazelles at least I can say I'm moving faster and longer than I even thought possible for me!

    I'm going to read up on jogging/running and keep going. I think I may need to cut down to running 3 to 4 days a week because I do the elliptical every day and was adding jogging in the mornings and there are days where I have to push really hard because I'm just doing too much.

    Every morning I walk my son to school and when I say I'm going running he always asks me if I'm running to get ice cream! I guess at least I have a goal, to get to that ice cream!

    Keep doing the elliptical for's easier on the knees and if you need a day to rest your joints, it's a great way to keep up your mileage without stressing your knees/hips.

    Some people prefer trails or asphalt/pavement. I am a trail person. I'd rather run on a dirt trail than on the pavement-it feels easier on my knees and I'm able to have more of a natural stride that way. Just my own two cents. Try to mix it up...try trails, try's my me time when I go run...and I'm back to looking forward to it. I really just hate running in the summer. Mugginess is horrible.
  • RebeccaMae1983
    RebeccaMae1983 Posts: 35 Member
    Lots of good advice thanks everyone! I love jogging/running, whatever it is that I'm doing and while I'll always be envious of the gazelles at least I can say I'm moving faster and longer than I even thought possible for me!

    I'm going to read up on jogging/running and keep going. I think I may need to cut down to running 3 to 4 days a week because I do the elliptical every day and was adding jogging in the mornings and there are days where I have to push really hard because I'm just doing too much.

    Every morning I walk my son to school and when I say I'm going running he always asks me if I'm running to get ice cream! I guess at least I have a goal, to get to that ice cream!

    Keep doing the elliptical for's easier on the knees and if you need a day to rest your joints, it's a great way to keep up your mileage without stressing your knees/hips.

    Some people prefer trails or asphalt/pavement. I am a trail person. I'd rather run on a dirt trail than on the pavement-it feels easier on my knees and I'm able to have more of a natural stride that way. Just my own two cents. Try to mix it up...try trails, try's my me time when I go run...and I'm back to looking forward to it. I really just hate running in the summer. Mugginess is horrible.

    I run on pavement/blacktop. I live in the city and I'm within walking distance of where I run. The school track which I would love to run on is being used by the kids right now so I can't get on it in the mornings. I would love to be able to run on grass or dirt but without driving somewhere that isn't an option. The good thing is two sides of the path I run is uphill so once I get a little better I'm going to run up those instead of running on the more flat parts.

    The humidity gets me too which is why I only run in the mornings. It was 93% percent yesterday!
  • SameMe_JustLess
    SameMe_JustLess Posts: 245 Member

    Comparison is the thief of joy.

    Exactly! I run. I run slow, I take short strides, and sometimes I cannot run more than 2 minutes without walking. But, I run. Therefore, I am a runner!! =)
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Runner= anyone that can cover a mile in less than 6 minutes... and can do it consistently for several miles...

    Not this!
    I'm a runner and I can't run a mile in close to 6 minutes. I run a mile in about 12-13 minutes. I am a runner, nonetheless.
    A runner is anyone who is running. We all start slow and we all start by running approx. 30 seconds before we feel like we're dying. It is actually possible to run slower than one walks. That's okay. The aim is to reach your goal, be it 30 seconds of running or 60 minutes of running.
    A runner is someone who keeps at it, who improves slowly and wisely and who enjoys the running. A runner rejoices in every second shaved off of their personal time and someone who rejoices for others who have shaved time off of their runs. Although we may run alone, we're all in this together and act as a group. That's one wonderful aspect of being a runner. You're always part of a group, even when you're physically running alone.
    The actual time or speed of running doesn't matter. What matters is the running.

    Keep up the running if you enjoy it. Revel in all of your improvements and achievements. There will be many on the road of running.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Jogger= anyone that can cover a mile while moving faster than a walking pace... I have seen 300+ lb linemen "jog" at like maybe 1 mile an hour...

    Runner= anyone that can cover a mile in less than 6 minutes... and can do it consistently for several miles...

    is that too provocative?

    Running like a track star.. takes training and practice... there are a variety of running styles.... there are shufflers, striders, jumpers, stompers, ( my observations)... and for the first time earlier this week I saw a "poser"... literally each stride this fella took looked like he was posing... freaking hilarious...

    anyway... before you give up on running... find a place where runners are running... and observe.. some are elegant... some not so much... also watch sports that involve running... soccer, rugby etc...

    track running is a special type of running... as opposed to cross's a flat even surface that is designed to be run on... so Runners CAN and do... run... and they concentrate on long even strides... where someone running for fun or fitness... do NOT need that refined reaching stride...

    Where the hell did you come up with those completely arbitrary definitions?
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    If you're going faster than a walk you're a runner. If you love the feeling of running, keep doing it and who cares how fast or long you go?

    Comparison is the thief of joy.
    Couldn't say it better. I was 53 and had both of my hips replaced twice before I started running... against everyone's advice....except my brother... I now run distances that i thought were impossible...
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    Jogger= anyone that can cover a mile while moving faster than a walking pace... I have seen 300+ lb linemen "jog" at like maybe 1 mile an hour...

    Runner= anyone that can cover a mile in less than 6 minutes... and can do it consistently for several miles...

    is that too provocative?

    Running like a track star.. takes training and practice... there are a variety of running styles.... there are shufflers, striders, jumpers, stompers, ( my observations)... and for the first time earlier this week I saw a "poser"... literally each stride this fella took looked like he was posing... freaking hilarious...

    anyway... before you give up on running... find a place where runners are running... and observe.. some are elegant... some not so much... also watch sports that involve running... soccer, rugby etc...

    track running is a special type of running... as opposed to cross's a flat even surface that is designed to be run on... so Runners CAN and do... run... and they concentrate on long even strides... where someone running for fun or fitness... do NOT need that refined reaching stride...

    Where the hell did you come up with those completely arbitrary definitions?
    Yeah... I want to know, too....before i get horribly
  • astroophys
    astroophys Posts: 175 Member
    Never say never. You're placing limitations on yourself. The only reason you would never become a runner is because you have decided so.