Has anyone given up on reaching their goal weight?



  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    :drinker: yeah me. I originally was going to get to 134 for an even 100 lost but now I am thinking 144 ish will be more realistic to what I want to look like. I like my curves too much. I guess its just a number anyways. What is ten lbs really. For too many years I was fixated on getting back to my prepregnancy weight of 118 but that only led me to doing unhealthy things to get here and I coudnt do it. I got to 122 and just stuck there for months so I got discouraged. I now know that when people said I looked like a skeleton that they were indeed telling the truth and not just being mean. Not this time. I get noticed now fo rmy curves and I like it. Sometimes you just got to go by how you feel and look and not really make the final goal to be only about a number. If anything, try to maintain this current weight of yours for a few months and see how it goes.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    I'm just starting out with my weight loss, but I figure once I'm down 35 or 40 pounds then I will assess how I feel about my goal weight. I've had a lot go on in my life since the last time I was at my goal weight. One of the things was having another child, and it changed my body shape in ways my first pregnancy didn't. I was 155 before child #2, which is a BMI of 25 (overweight) for my height, and I felt good at that weight. I've been 145, and felt and looked fine. I was also 128 before either one of my kids and was told I looked emaciated (it's still in the normal BMI range too). So honestly, I'm not even going to worry about the exact numbers, I'll just go with how I feel. If I feel good about myself and I'm happy then I wouldn't call it "giving up".
  • dsm1991
    dsm1991 Posts: 156
  • I'm in the same boat, I keep up with food, excerise, and my husband thinks I've gained weight, an the last time I checked I hadn't lost at all, what is my problem.. Every one that did this alp lost great!!
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    my goal weight is a general guideline not an absolute.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    My goal weight is 150. I have no idea if I will ever get there or not but it seemed like a good number at the time. I have never been a normal weight in my life. In fact, I have been morbidly obese since I can remember. If I can reach 150 by eating at a reasonable deficit and moderate exercise then awesome but I'm not going to take unsustainable measures to get there. I'll be satisfied to get under 200... Happy to get under 180.. anything beyond that is just gravy.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I won't ever give up, but the number on the scale isn't the only factor. I have to feel comfortable in my skin and if the number on the scale isn't what I though it would be I'm willing to give it up as long as I'm happy about how I look.
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    Luckily I've not gotten to that point. I set my goal weight pretty high; all I desired was to be out of the dreaded 'obese range' on the BMI charts. Even if it's only one pound under that and I can manage to maintain that weight, I'll be doing happy dances everyday.

    I am a tiny bit frustrated that the scale hasn't moved in 9 days. :grumble:

    So, I'm going to swim a few more minutes each day and double check my logging accuracy. Something is off and 99% sure it's something I'm overlooking.
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328
    Yes, I have.
    I started at 110 kg, wanted to lose 40 to be "under 70kg" ( 69.9 would have been ok for me).
    I am now around 85kg, so 25 lost. My NEW goal is to be under 80 kg.
    I have given up reaching that low weight because I would look too thin and skinny. I am down from XXL to M and S in shirts and from 52 to 40 in pants, and I never imagined to be able to wear such small clothes. So my body is smaller than I thought it would be with a weight that is higher than I wished for.
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    I made it to my goal weight and decided at that point I wanted to be far stronger than I was. This requires that I gain weight.
    HAES will no doubt list me on the ones for which 'diets failed' when it's not remotely the case. It's a matter of changing my priorities from being an ideal weight to greater functionality.
  • liftnlove_
    liftnlove_ Posts: 112 Member
    Yep, I gave up on reaching a certain scale weight, and refocused on gaining muscle, looking the way I want to, and being strong. I don't feel like I "gave up" at all...just switched my goals. The last bit of weight is hard, so it just depends on if it's worth it to you to look very lean. If it's not, as long as you're healthy, happy and strong, who cares what the scale says?
  • astralweeks82
    astralweeks82 Posts: 230 Member
    Yes and no. My goal when I joined MFP was 145 because that's what I weighed when I got married and felt the best about how I looked. I'm 157ish right now, and am the same size I was then. The difference is that I wasn't doing any exercise at all back then. So I'm getting ready to call it a day and go into maintenance. I'm pretty pleased with how I look and am not so worried about the number on the scale anymore.

    This, almost exactly. I am a smaller size now than I was when I weighed 137lbs, and I am currently 152lbs. My goal was 140 but I just switched to maintenance a few days ago after not losing anything for a while. I am a size 6, I feel good at this size. Now focusing on my running and endurance.
  • loribethrice
    loribethrice Posts: 620 Member
    I am tempted to quit trying because it's been 2 months and I haven't lost a thing at all. The only thing I changed was adding in exercise 5 days a week. I am beyond annoyed.

    You might want to reevaluate the amount of calories you're taking in. I know since I do the TDEE method, that they recommend adjusting your calories after about 10 pounds lost. You might be taking in too many calories for your current weight.

    I eat the same amount of calories I ate when I was trying to lose 64lbs. I've never upped them for fear of gaining and I just recently added in cardio 5 days a week starting 2 months ago when I stopped losing.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I am tempted to quit trying because it's been 2 months and I haven't lost a thing at all. The only thing I changed was adding in exercise 5 days a week. I am beyond annoyed.

    You might want to reevaluate the amount of calories you're taking in. I know since I do the TDEE method, that they recommend adjusting your calories after about 10 pounds lost. You might be taking in too many calories for your current weight.

    You got to adjust. I've eaten 1600-1700 the whole time too, but 1700 now means a much slower weight loss... it's actually close to maintenance if I don't exercise at all. And if you're not weighing your food and underestimating your portions, there goes your deficit.
    I eat the same amount of calories I ate when I was trying to lose 64lbs. I've never upped them for fear of gaining and I just recently added in cardio 5 days a week starting 2 months ago when I stopped losing.