What to eat when you have excess calories? Like over 600+



  • chad_phillips1123
    chad_phillips1123 Posts: 229 Member
    I usually try new things if I have calories to spend, but Taco Bell's quesarito comes to mind.
  • miniwheatxoxo
    Whatever the flip you want.
  • eggomylegos
    eggomylegos Posts: 146 Member
    Did anyone even ask what OP's goals are?

    I thought the OP was pretty clear:

    "What are some of the things everyone eats that is healthy but still can help count against those calories."

    Food recommendations were made
    Poor advice about keeping an unhealthy deficit was offered
    Healthy advice about eating enough to reach OP's calorie goal was provided
    Bacon and Burbon were mentioned, bringing us back to OP's original question.
  • eels4peels
    eels4peels Posts: 229 Member
    So we're still doing ice cream topped with peanut butter and whipped cream right?
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    MFP adjusts the caloric and macro goals based on exercise performed. Those goals include the deficit required to maintain the weekly planned loss amounts. Eat to meet them ... very simple in theory. Maintaining the required intake of nutrients is important, especially to maintain performance in the long term. Failure to eat enough leads to dietary deficiencies and those in turn lead to problems.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    So we're still doing ice cream topped with peanut butter and whipped cream right?

    I'll probably have a milk shake tonight. Need to fuel after 45 minutes in the pool this morning and a planned 20ish mile ride if the weather cooperates tonight.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I did not binge, I do NOT binge. I spent the whole day crying because I missed my kids and grand baby so freaking much. I had an off day is all because of it. And even that is very unusual for me. And thanks to this dude I'm now back having to defend my reason for eating something and it's brought up that very deep hurt, that very painful, heart ripping feeling.

    I'd say that's categorically binging- eating excessive amounts of food for emotional reasons??

    and yes- I'm straight up judging you- toughen up butter cup- missing someone isn't a reason to bury your face into food- you have to re-evaluate your relationship with food and find a better way to manage your emotions- we all have bad days- no one is saying they don't- but you have to manage yourself.

    Secondly- hunger is a HORRID way to tell if you need to eat.
    If I used hunger to determine when to feed myself I"d be a fat heifer- why because i'm hungry ALL THE TIME.

    And clearly you've never had to bulk- you want those gains- you want to get swole- guess what for months on end- you over eat- you set alarms to eat- you eat before you go to bed- you eat when you wake up- you hit all you can eat sushi buffets- you drink so much milk it makes you sick.

    Because the goal is more important than how I feel RIGHT NOW in this moment.

    If you have upwards of 1000 calorie deficit you should probably do something about it- hunger or other wise. I try to keep mine no greater than 500. Sometimes if I have a long day and not much time to eat- I wind up having only had 1000 or so for the day and earned significantly more- and leaves me with almost 1500 to eat... guess what- that's unacceptable. gotta go home and have a big glass of milk and several servings of ice cream. Plain and simple.

    :noway: LMAO again you don't know me and have no cause to judge. I've been at this for almost 3 years now and if I have one day of slamming some really horrible food, that is NOT a binge. Today I made an amazing cheesecake, tomorrow I'm going to make some homemade milky way bars. Got lots of chocolate to use up before I buy more. Last week before I left I made the most delicious chocolate cake. I make homemade ice cream almost weekly and guess what? I have a bite or two and give the rest away. I enjoy baking sweets (those mini cups were to be used in something delicious but sadly they didn't make it) . It was a bad day emotionally for me yes, but I never eat my feelings, just happens that that day I did.
    And no I'm not trying to bulk and I'm not interested in it at this point. I think it's the most boring thing to do. It's worse than watching golf.
    We did tend to overeat that week but whatever, I gained a lb or two and I'm back to working on it. I enjoyed my family, cried about missing them before I even left again. I left my kids and grand baby to come back home and take care of my parents, so I'm taking care of two households including cooking for both. I never go to bed with a dirty house. I eek out time in the mornings for me and my exercise even though I'd rather be sleeping. My husband is in Congestive Heart Failure, my mom is legally blind and has COPD and is almost 80 and going downhill everyday, my dad is in Stage 4 Prostate Cancer with less than a year left to be on this Earth, and they are all my responsibility. So please don't tell me to suck it up. You now have a look into MY LIFE. I don't complain about my life because someone out there has it so much worse than I do. Someone's suffering so much more than I. The one thing I do whine about is missing my kids, my heart was ripped out but according to you I have to suck it up and NOT have a moment where I just needed to say to hell with it and do something irrational, even if that irrational thing was eating chocolate and peanut butter.
    I'm not sure where I'm supposed to re-evaluate my relationship with food. Me and food get along just fine. 203 lbs lost in 2 years and pretty much maintaining my current weight for the last year seems to say to me I'm doing something right.
    Dude you go right ahead and judge me, but you have it all wrong as did the other 2 people. Your just as clueless as they were and still are.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    Chips. Or more chicken! I love chicken...
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    I did not binge, I do NOT binge. I spent the whole day crying because I missed my kids and grand baby so freaking much. I had an off day is all because of it. And even that is very unusual for me. And thanks to this dude I'm now back having to defend my reason for eating something and it's brought up that very deep hurt, that very painful, heart ripping feeling.

    I'd say that's categorically binging- eating excessive amounts of food for emotional reasons??

    and yes- I'm straight up judging you- toughen up butter cup- missing someone isn't a reason to bury your face into food- you have to re-evaluate your relationship with food and find a better way to manage your emotions- we all have bad days- no one is saying they don't- but you have to manage yourself.

    Secondly- hunger is a HORRID way to tell if you need to eat.
    If I used hunger to determine when to feed myself I"d be a fat heifer- why because i'm hungry ALL THE TIME.

    And clearly you've never had to bulk- you want those gains- you want to get swole- guess what for months on end- you over eat- you set alarms to eat- you eat before you go to bed- you eat when you wake up- you hit all you can eat sushi buffets- you drink so much milk it makes you sick.

    Because the goal is more important than how I feel RIGHT NOW in this moment.

    If you have upwards of 1000 calorie deficit you should probably do something about it- hunger or other wise. I try to keep mine no greater than 500. Sometimes if I have a long day and not much time to eat- I wind up having only had 1000 or so for the day and earned significantly more- and leaves me with almost 1500 to eat... guess what- that's unacceptable. gotta go home and have a big glass of milk and several servings of ice cream. Plain and simple.

    :noway: LMAO again you don't know me and have no cause to judge. I've been at this for almost 3 years now and if I have one day of slamming some really horrible food, that is NOT a binge. Today I made an amazing cheesecake, tomorrow I'm going to make some homemade milky way bars. Got lots of chocolate to use up before I buy more. Last week before I left I made the most delicious chocolate cake. I make homemade ice cream almost weekly and guess what? I have a bite or two and give the rest away. I enjoy baking sweets (those mini cups were to be used in something delicious but sadly they didn't make it) . It was a bad day emotionally for me yes, but I never eat my feelings, just happens that that day I did.
    And no I'm not trying to bulk and I'm not interested in it at this point. I think it's the most boring thing to do. It's worse than watching golf.
    We did tend to overeat that week but whatever, I gained a lb or two and I'm back to working on it. I enjoyed my family, cried about missing them before I even left again. I left my kids and grand baby to come back home and take care of my parents, so I'm taking care of two households including cooking for both. I never go to bed with a dirty house. I eek out time in the mornings for me and my exercise even though I'd rather be sleeping. My husband is in Congestive Heart Failure, my mom is legally blind and has COPD and is almost 80 and going downhill everyday, my dad is in Stage 4 Prostate Cancer with less than a year left to be on this Earth, and they are all my responsibility. So please don't tell me to suck it up. You now have a look into MY LIFE. I don't complain about my life because someone out there has it so much worse than I do. Someone's suffering so much more than I. The one thing I do whine about is missing my kids, my heart was ripped out but according to you I have to suck it up and NOT have a moment where I just needed to say to hell with it and do something irrational, even if that irrational thing was eating chocolate and peanut butter.
    I'm not sure where I'm supposed to re-evaluate my relationship with food. Me and food get along just fine. 203 lbs lost in 2 years and pretty much maintaining my current weight for the last year seems to say to me I'm doing something right.
    Dude you go right ahead and judge me, but you have it all wrong as did the other 2 people. Your just as clueless as they were and still are.

    Your very defensive reactions are indicative of a nerve hit by a truth you are unwilling to admit. Your rants, actions, and diary betray you. Your behavior with the Reese's was a binge ... an emotional overeating ... like it or not. Denying your actions does not change what you did. Trying to redefine or ignore terms does not change what you did. Your telling people to eat or not was giving advice ... again an act on your part that you fail to take ownership of.

    Multiple people have noticed these issues based on your posts and commented on them. If you think everyone else is wrong when they make cogent points based on your demonstrated actions and statements ... you're deluding yourself.
  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    ThePhoenixIsRising Posts: 781 Member
    Tonight I had cookies and milk to reach my cal goal.
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    OP I had this problem previously when trying to bulk, I stuffed my face with rubbish every night to make up the deficit. TBH I just felt fatter and crappy. This time round I try to estimate what my burns will be for the next day using averages from previous days, wether I will train today or not, wether I will do a lot of walking or a little. Then I pre log most of my meals for the day, and pre prep my food where possible, if I am looking low I can squeeze something healthy onto lunch, or as a snack. For the evening I am logging something like some nuts and yogurt. If I come a little to high I can drop the nuts, if a little low I can eat a few more, they are quite calorie dense. For the most part I find I am getting a lot closer to my daily goals then I used to, without resorting to sugar. Hope this helps. Good luck :-)
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I did not binge, I do NOT binge. I spent the whole day crying because I missed my kids and grand baby so freaking much. I had an off day is all because of it. And even that is very unusual for me. And thanks to this dude I'm now back having to defend my reason for eating something and it's brought up that very deep hurt, that very painful, heart ripping feeling.

    I'd say that's categorically binging- eating excessive amounts of food for emotional reasons??

    and yes- I'm straight up judging you- toughen up butter cup- missing someone isn't a reason to bury your face into food- you have to re-evaluate your relationship with food and find a better way to manage your emotions- we all have bad days- no one is saying they don't- but you have to manage yourself.

    Secondly- hunger is a HORRID way to tell if you need to eat.
    If I used hunger to determine when to feed myself I"d be a fat heifer- why because i'm hungry ALL THE TIME.

    And clearly you've never had to bulk- you want those gains- you want to get swole- guess what for months on end- you over eat- you set alarms to eat- you eat before you go to bed- you eat when you wake up- you hit all you can eat sushi buffets- you drink so much milk it makes you sick.

    Because the goal is more important than how I feel RIGHT NOW in this moment.

    If you have upwards of 1000 calorie deficit you should probably do something about it- hunger or other wise. I try to keep mine no greater than 500. Sometimes if I have a long day and not much time to eat- I wind up having only had 1000 or so for the day and earned significantly more- and leaves me with almost 1500 to eat... guess what- that's unacceptable. gotta go home and have a big glass of milk and several servings of ice cream. Plain and simple.

    :noway: LMAO again you don't know me and have no cause to judge. I've been at this for almost 3 years now and if I have one day of slamming some really horrible food, that is NOT a binge. Today I made an amazing cheesecake, tomorrow I'm going to make some homemade milky way bars. Got lots of chocolate to use up before I buy more. Last week before I left I made the most delicious chocolate cake. I make homemade ice cream almost weekly and guess what? I have a bite or two and give the rest away. I enjoy baking sweets (those mini cups were to be used in something delicious but sadly they didn't make it) . It was a bad day emotionally for me yes, but I never eat my feelings, just happens that that day I did.
    And no I'm not trying to bulk and I'm not interested in it at this point. I think it's the most boring thing to do. It's worse than watching golf.
    We did tend to overeat that week but whatever, I gained a lb or two and I'm back to working on it. I enjoyed my family, cried about missing them before I even left again. I left my kids and grand baby to come back home and take care of my parents, so I'm taking care of two households including cooking for both. I never go to bed with a dirty house. I eek out time in the mornings for me and my exercise even though I'd rather be sleeping. My husband is in Congestive Heart Failure, my mom is legally blind and has COPD and is almost 80 and going downhill everyday, my dad is in Stage 4 Prostate Cancer with less than a year left to be on this Earth, and they are all my responsibility. So please don't tell me to suck it up. You now have a look into MY LIFE. I don't complain about my life because someone out there has it so much worse than I do. Someone's suffering so much more than I. The one thing I do whine about is missing my kids, my heart was ripped out but according to you I have to suck it up and NOT have a moment where I just needed to say to hell with it and do something irrational, even if that irrational thing was eating chocolate and peanut butter.
    I'm not sure where I'm supposed to re-evaluate my relationship with food. Me and food get along just fine. 203 lbs lost in 2 years and pretty much maintaining my current weight for the last year seems to say to me I'm doing something right.
    Dude you go right ahead and judge me, but you have it all wrong as did the other 2 people. Your just as clueless as they were and still are.

    BTW I am not trying to get people to feel sorry for me. This post was more about letting people know that you do not know people's situation and they should not be judged by others for one day or 2 years. Especially people with closed diary's should not be judging others. I am not upset that someone "thinks" I have issues, I'm more ticked off that they took it upon their self to look into my space in order to see if they could discredit me. Then proceeded to call me out for things he made up. My weight loss speaks volumes for itself.
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    I'd probably have some kind fast food or Cake. ;) But healthy things to easily tot up calories, would be Mixed Nuts or Peanut Butter.
    I was really shocked to find out how calorific they are!
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