Everything Delicous Is Unhealthy



  • CuracaoRunner
    CuracaoRunner Posts: 21 Member
    You just need to change your train of thought! I was in the SAME boat! As far as bread goes, have you tried oopsie bread? It's an Atkins approved recipe, not quite like the original, but it will do for those hankerings. Do you like fruit by chance? Best of luck!
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    god i love bread too, challah, como, french toast, rarebit, raisin bread, raisin cinnamon bread, pumpernickel, zucchini bread, banana bread, cheese toast, grilled cheese, whole wheat, white, seeded, crostini, bagels, bagels toasted with cream cheese, strawberry jam and walnuts, english muffins, buns, biscuits, toast with honey, toast with butter, toast with jam, and just about every other kind of bread you can think of.

    ok, off to have yogurt with fresh fruit for breakfast!! yum!
  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    I eat sandwiches every day. There's really no need to cut them out...just account for everything in them. Yes, I even put mayo on them when I want to. My favorite sandwich has grilled chicken, a bit of feta, baby spinach, green peppers, onions, sometimes cucumber and tomato, and a bit of mayo. Yum.
  • Juniper1221
    Juniper1221 Posts: 42 Member
    Sara Lee makes a 45 calorie bread. Maybe give that a try and load your sandwich with veggies.
  • For me, everything is delicious, and I found healthy food to be more delicious than all the junk I used to eat.

    - Fresh fruits - delicious by themselves.
    - Vegetables - Cook them properly, add some spices... Yummy!
    - Legumes - Same as vegetables. Spice it up!

    Now I eat a lot of healthy foods that I never touched before in "curry style". From okra to cauliflower, zucchini, chick peas, black eyed beans, eggplant, lentils.... I eat everything now (except pork / beef, chicken tastes better).
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    I know that it sounds silly, but a big problem I have being on a diet is that i'm not enjoying what i'm eating. I know it's about the end result, I just don't know if I can make it a permanent change when I miss the 'yummy' food so much. I'm sure theres any easy solution :(
    Actually everything you like "sounds" unhealthy for whatever diet you're on. So don't do that diet. Because if it's not one you can sustain for LIFE, then you'll end up regaining the weight you fought so hard to lose.

    A.C.E. Certified Group Fitness and Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Sandwich fillings with no mayo:

    Finely chop a medium sized tomato with a hard boiled egg. The juiciness of the tomato will be enough to turn this into a spreadable filling. Add chopped green onion if you like.

    Mix drained tuna with salsa, to desired consitency.

    Humous with chicken breast

    Guacamole and crispy grilled bacon

    Cottage cheese with prawns and chopped cucumber.
  • DeborahBatewell
    DeborahBatewell Posts: 147 Member
    Arnold deli thins are delicious and come in several flavors @ 100 calories and they also have bagels @ 110 calories. Recipes can for the so called "yummy Foods" can be modified to fit your weight loss needs.
  • cdavison2018
    cdavison2018 Posts: 15 Member
    Three bite rule. This allows 2 to 3 bites of whatever you MUST have from time to time. Don't care if it is butter on a spoon! Share one dessert, take home a portion, drop the napkin on the floor and then put it on your plate, chuck the rest of the cupcake in the lunchroom trash- you get the idea. Also, tiny amounts of treat foods and sauces can jazz things up on the lesser desired healthy foods. A pat of butter on a cup of steamed broccoli adds only 36 calories. A squirt of ReddiWip only about the same on sliced peaches with cinnamon. Branch out from your old harmful habits! We DO NOT have to be slaves to our customary foods.
  • kategrant1979
    kategrant1979 Posts: 1 Member
    I know I am having a pizza tonight that is 1000 calories (and I can't wait!). I've planned the rest of my day accordingly and will do an extra burst on the exercise bike first. I can't not eat pizza.
  • goodasgoldilox165
    goodasgoldilox165 Posts: 333 Member
    You don't have to give up anything (as has been pointed out) but as you work towards that end result and change your shape/health, it is quite likely that your tastes will gradually change too.

    Most of the successful MFPers on here will probably be able to tell you about foods they now love that they hadn't tried or used to dislike.
    PSMTD Posts: 106 Member
    As long as I don't go over calories, if I want it I eat it.
    My favorite thing are eggs on a bagel so I swapped the 270cal bagel for a Thomas Thins which are only 110cal and pack on the meat so it turns out to be higher protein than carb.
    You can also look into Sarah Lee - they make a 45 cal bread per slice and it tastes the same as the regular. IMO dieting and cutting out foods will only hurt you in the long run unless you plan to never eat those foods again. Learn to eat what you like in moderation or look into lower cal/heailther options or how to incorporate more protein and vegetables into said meal.
  • cleback
    cleback Posts: 261 Member
    I sometimes make my sandwiches open faced with cream cheese instead of mayo. Fewer calories, still yummy.

    And BTW your tastes will probably change the longer you do this. I started in 2013, and while I was not always logging everything I ate, it was in my head to choose healthier options. In the past year, I've acquired a taste for vegetables, my previous arch nemesis. So maybe, more general advice would be to start with small changes and little by little revamp your diet, instead of doing it all at once.
  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    As long as it fits into my calories for the day then I don't limit myself because honestly I wouldn't be able to cut out everything I love forever, just won't happen.

    As for mayo, just use the serving size log it and enjoy...if you want a healthier alternative swap out the mayo for some hummus, I tried it once and I love it, gives it a little bit of extra flavoring.
  • digistyle
    digistyle Posts: 40 Member
    My rule of thumb for my diet is "Moderation, not deprivation." I still eat pretty much what I like, just less of the really high calorie foods. The weight hasn't come off quickly, but it is coming off steadily.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    a big problem I have being on a diet is that i'm not enjoying what i'm eating. I know it's about the end result, I just don't know if I can make it a permanent change when I miss the 'yummy' food so much
    I think pineapple is yummy, and it's healthy. Ditto for salmon, pizza, peanut butter, bread...
    So have bread... Cutting out what you love all together is the fastest road to failure.
    You don't need to cut foods out to lose weight you just need to eat at a deficit and learn moderation. Depriving yourself of foods you like will more than likely lead you to binge on them and not keep any weight off. You need to learn to lose weight in a way you can live for the rest of your life not just a short term 'diet'
    All of this. Yes.
    What's our take on mayo, I love it but I am well aware that I should def do without it
    Read what was said above: eat what you like, just in reasonable amounts.
    I'm using a mayo that's made with olive oil, so it's at least a bit healthier. When I make a sandwich wrap I use a whole grain mini tortilla (50 calories) and the mayo is 60 cal per tablespoon, which is a lot to use on a wrap. I usually use 1/2 a tablespoon.
    Also recently discovered olive paste, which is exactly what it sounds like - olives smashed into a paste. Healthy fat, lots of flavor, and it doesn't take much to improve a sandwich.

    Helpful things to read:




    And a couple of my blog posts:

    That includes links to BMI charts & calculators, to make sure your weight goal is realistic & healthy.
    One of them will even tell you how many servings of the various food groups to eat to reach or maintain that goal weight.

    Since you only want to lose 40 lb, for now losing up to 1 lb a week would be reasonable.
    That means you need a deficit of 500 cal per day from what you're eating now. Or take 10x your current weight, then subtract 500 to get goal calories to lose 1 lb per week.
    As you get closer to your goal, slow to 0.5 lb per week, 250 cal per day less than you need.
    Don't go below 1200 cal (unless you're very short, or monitored by your doctor).
    Ignore net or exercise calories. (This is what my doctor & dietician told me.) 1 - most people overestimate exercise calories; so do machines; so does MFP. 2 - most people underestimate what they eat.
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    I Love bread... I'm a big sandwich person

    Everyone is different. I feel the pain, bread is my weakness. French bread, wheat bread, any bread. I don't have bread in my house, because it is something I eat too much of.

    I have gone to making salads now, of whatever sandwich I wanted, not the same, but I am losing the weight.

    When you reach your goal weight, start slow, and see if you can moderate bread, if not, just splurge on eating sandwiches out when you want one.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I had a giant wholemeal bap for lunch with real butter, bacon and avocado. At 552 calories, I could eat three a day and still lose weight. Stay under your calorie goal and you'll lose weight. Be sensible about eating a balanced diet and you'll stay healthy.
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    as for the diet breads, if you like cheap bread (store's own brand of bread, usually a dollar per loaf) its about the same calorie wise as sandwich thins/45 cal per slice bread.

    The one I have been eating lately goes on sale for 75 cents a loaf, and its 60 cals per slice. Soft and squishy too. :)
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    ok ok you see! this is the stuff I need! What's our take on mayo, I love it but I am well aware that I should def do without it.... but come on... a sandwich without mayo?? lol I have switched to light but im sure that's still not good. I was thinking of adding pickles, this way I don't think the sandwich is dry

    Well I eat low carb and high fat. My eating plan encourages the consumption of full fat mayo. So I partake. There's nothing wrong with eating mayo. Fat is good for you. I don't eat bread either. Instead I have low carb wraps if they're on sale, OR I make a version of my own bread. I recently discovered you can make something similar to bread with riced cauliflower, mozzarella cheese and an egg. I have also made bread with peanut butter. It's good, but if you don't store it properly it gets moldy quick.