what would you think?



  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    This is really creepy. If someone did it to me he'd get a kick where it hurts or a punch. Kissing someone without their permission isn't fun or sexy, it's downright weird.

    Also OP? Just so you know, you'll be 'that skeezy dude' to her. She'll tell her friends about the creepy socially inept guy who thought it was acceptable to kiss a complete stranger without asking and then walk away. You won't get an invite to that party next year.
    Plus, I'm attracted to a very specific type of woman. No offense to anyone, but the most negative responses came from women that wouldn't have been the one I choose anyway.

    Yeah you're absolutely right. You're attracted to women who think being grabbed and kissed is romantic rather than an invasion of their bodily space. The women here are calling you out for your creepiness. No wonder you wouldn't choose them - not one of them would put up with your behaviour.

    Yeah, his passive-agressive defense of his actions and furtive insults are creepy.
    I guess he just posted the question to get responses from people that agreed with him??
    I'm glad I'm not his "type."
  • bugaboo_sue
    bugaboo_sue Posts: 552 Member
    I've actually done this before. Many many years ago. Wound up in a long term relationship with her. I just wondered what women of today might think. Plus, I'm attracted to a very specific type of woman. No offense to anyone, but the most negative responses came from women that wouldn't have been the one I choose anyway. It's not all looks. You can tell the ebb and flow of a woman by her body lamguage. Her demeanor. How she carries herself. It won't be some random "assault" like I rushed her and tackled her like a linebacker.
    Thank you for your responses and your honesty.


    So please explain what sort of "body language" and "demeanor" would prompt you to run in, grab someone and kiss them. If I'm at a party my body language could be saying "Yeah! Party on dudes! I'm having a GREAT time!" but that does in no way translate into "I wish some random guy would just grab me and start making out with me." If a stranger ever did that to me you bet I would push you away, smack your face and then kick you in the nads.
  • Ripfit138
    Ripfit138 Posts: 1,148 Member
    I'm just here for the responses... hahaha!!
  • SheBeButLittleSheisFierce
    Perhaps a sweet comment and a kiss on the cheek but to just walk up kiss and walk away....um no. You aren't God's gift thin or not and you would be talking an octive higher when leaving.
  • territhefrog
    territhefrog Posts: 1,134 Member
    Your danglers will end up in your throat.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    4 pages in and no Rapey Sloth? MFP I am dissapoint.
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    It is very conceited of you to think that just because you may be attracted to the poor girl who happens to find herself alone at midnight on new years eve that your attention would be welcome by her. There is a very great chance that she would not be attracted to you AND after the uninvited kiss she most likely will not even give you help getting up off the floor after she decks you.

    I would not try this if I were you, it is not going to end well.

    BTW not romantic at all, it is just creepy and you're not really my type anyway
  • BeardedYoung
    BeardedYoung Posts: 229 Member
    This very thing happens to me all the time but in random places... grocery store, getting coffee at Starbucks, church, its a little awkward and it makes my wife uncomfortable so guys... please stop :laugh:
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,090 Member
    Im quite shocked i was just informed its classed as a sexual assault in this country??? wtf? I think someones pulling my leg... thats it romance really is dead :devil:

    Being grabbed and kissed by a stranger is "romance"?? HELL NO!! It's an offense!

    I didnt say grabbed and kissed by a stranger is romance.. but i dont think someone asking if they can kiss you is natural or romantic. Im sure the guy isnt talking about forcing himself on anyone.

    But "someone asking" isnt the scenario OP is planning - in his own words he would do it "without a word spoken before or after"
    No asking first.
  • scasey1656
    scasey1656 Posts: 89 Member
    This very thing happens to me all the time but in random places... grocery store, getting coffee at Starbucks, church, its a little awkward and it makes my wife uncomfortable so guys... please stop :laugh:

    Well, you kinda bring that on yourself. You do have a beard. Just sayin'.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Im quite shocked i was just informed its classed as a sexual assault in this country??? wtf? I think someones pulling my leg... thats it romance really is dead :devil:

    Being grabbed and kissed by a stranger is "romance"?? HELL NO!! It's an offense!

    I didnt say grabbed and kissed by a stranger is romance.. but i dont think someone asking if they can kiss you is natural or romantic. Im sure the guy isnt talking about forcing himself on anyone.

    Asking someone if you can kiss them isn't the same as not speaking to them all night, trying to read their body language, and then grabbing them at 11:59pm and kissing them without so much as an introduction.
  • BeardedYoung
    BeardedYoung Posts: 229 Member
    This very thing happens to me all the time but in random places... grocery store, getting coffee at Starbucks, church, its a little awkward and it makes my wife uncomfortable so guys... please stop :laugh:

    Well, you kinda bring that on yourself. You do have a beard. Just sayin'.

    I know... I know.... curse this irresistible appeal this beard brings...
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    97% chance you'll end up with a knee in your nuts.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    97% chance you'll end up with a knee in your nuts.

    That be keeping it light for consequences.
  • lizzybathory
    Just because she's "available" (clue: not "taken" doesn't mean she's available to you) and just because in this scenario you feel you're more attractive doesn't make this okay. This is basically assault. I can see how it'd make a cute romcom movie plot twist or something, but in real life, you're planning to assault a strange woman who has absolutely no say in it.

    People have so many different preferences. Even if she was open to the idea of being kissed randomly by a stranger, and even if you think you're pretty attractive, you have no idea what she would like in a man. Maybe you're losing a lot of weight and putting on some muscle, but who knows? Maybe she prefers scrawnier guys with hipster beards; you don't know. Even if you are really proud of the progress you've made and the way you look, it doesn't mean some random woman is guaranteed to be attracted to you.

    Even if I was single, which I don't think you could really know for sure, I would absolutely view this as 100% inappropriate and really, really not okay. I would do everything I could to report you to the police. Even if you were actually visually attractive to me, that kind of entitlement over my body is one of the most disgusting traits a strange man could have. Honestly, I'd go home and cry about that violation.
  • lizzybathory
    I've actually done this before. Many many years ago. Wound up in a long term relationship with her. I just wondered what women of today might think. Plus, I'm attracted to a very specific type of woman. No offense to anyone, but the most negative responses came from women that wouldn't have been the one I choose anyway. It's not all looks. You can tell the ebb and flow of a woman by her body lamguage. Her demeanor. How she carries herself. It won't be some random "assault" like I rushed her and tackled her like a linebacker.
    Thank you for your responses and your honesty.

    1. Guy asks women's opinions
    2. Women say "hell no"
    3. Guy calls them ugly and claims to be the master of interpreting the female psyche
  • 1991Louise
    1991Louise Posts: 5 Member
    I want to look good on new years, pick the hottest chick in the room, and just walk up and kiss her at midnight. Not a word spoken before or after. Just kiss and walk away. And her memory NOT be of that fat creep that did that. Instead, "OMG WHO was that? IDK but he was HOT!"

    So, ladies....if this happened to you, what would your reaction be? I'm so gonna do this, but I kinda want to hear how it could be received.

    Haven't read other comments but that ^^^ is sexual harrassment. Sorry, it's great you're feeling so confident and everything but engage in conversation with her first and get your flirt on. Or if you wanted the spontaneity try asking first "do you mind if I start my year by kissing the most beautiful girl in the room?" if you get a yes then get your kiss on.
  • lizzybathory
    I'm attracted to a very specific type of woman. No offense to anyone, but the most negative responses came from women that wouldn't have been the one I choose anyway.
    So you think you can determine how a woman will feel about certain things based on a profile picture? No way, dude. The women you tend to be physically attracted to don't all magically share a common opinion about strangers putting their mouths on them without permission.
    It won't be some random "assault" like I rushed her and tackled her like a linebacker.
    You know it's still assault even if she doesn't suffer physical injury, right? You don't need to knock her down for it to be gross and rapey.

    Please. You asked for women's opinions, because I think (hope) you're not so sure about your plan. You got them. Now listen to them.
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    I would probably try pretty damn hard to report him to the police. Not cool. It's rapey.
    I disagree. You can kiss someone without creepy hands and tongue etc. I think it's awesome. Really depends if the girl has a sense of humour.