Everything Delicous Is Unhealthy



  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    "Everything Delicous Is Unhealthy.... "

    hmm, everything I eat is delicious, and much of it is healthy.

    Time to do more experimenting.


    I eat some REALLY good food... I always wonder wtf people are eating that all things "delicious are unhealthy"

    Also sub out greek yogurt for mayo- or sour cream- easy peasy.
  • jennifurballs
    jennifurballs Posts: 247 Member
    ok ok you see! this is the stuff I need! What's our take on mayo, I love it but I am well aware that I should def do without it.... but come on... a sandwich without mayo?? lol I have switched to light but im sure that's still not good. I was thinking of adding pickles, this way I don't think the sandwich is dry

    While tomatoes are in season I have a tomato sandwich with 1.5 T of Hellman's mayo on high fiber wheat every morning. It's 175 calories.
  • bugaboo_sue
    bugaboo_sue Posts: 552 Member
    I Love bread... I'm a big sandwich person

    What's wrong with bread?
    ok ok you see! this is the stuff I need! What's our take on mayo, I love it but I am well aware that I should def do without it.... but come on... a sandwich without mayo?? lol I have switched to light but im sure that's still not good. I was thinking of adding pickles, this way I don't think the sandwich is dry

    If you use the serving size it is more than enough. I buy the mayo with olive oil -- full fat too -- and sometimes use only half the serving size and it is plenty for a sandwich. If you really don't want to use mayo then just spread mustard on the bread, or use hummus.
  • jmessina205
    jmessina205 Posts: 190 Member
    Don't stop eating the things you love!!! The key to this is everything in moderation!! I refuse to stop eating the food I love, I've just added in healthier things with it. At the end of the day if I want a cookie, I have one. But maybe just one or two instead of half the package :ohwell:
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    don't cut out anything! they moment you tell yourself "I can never have THAT again"....THAT is all you will crave and eventually this can lead to a big ol' binge. The key to success is in moderation, portion control, and making healthy choices most of the time. Sometimes, we have to pass up something we really love, but only FOR NOW. You can choose not to have that bagel right now...and plan to have one tomorrow, right?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    don't cut out anything! they moment you tell yourself "I can never have THAT again"....THAT is all you will crave and eventually this can lead to a big ol' binge. The key to success is in moderation, portion control, and making healthy choices most of the time. Sometimes, we have to pass up something we really love, but only FOR NOW. You can choose not to have that bagel right now...and plan to have one tomorrow, right?
    Glad you've found what works for you.
  • gemmamummy
    gemmamummy Posts: 185 Member
    I have the extra light version on Mayo - 0.7g of fat per tablespoon compared to 11g fat per tablespoon for the regular Mayo. Sorted. As for bread. I have two slices everyday. You don't need to cut it out!
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I've just had a fruit and oat bagel with strawberry and Rhubarb Jam on. That was delicious.

    You don't need to cut foods out to lose weight you just need to eat at a deficit and learn moderation. Depriving yourself of foods you like will more than likely lead you to binge on them and not keep any weight off. You need to learn to lose weight in a way you can live for the rest of your life not just a short term 'diet'

  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Perfect example... eggs benedict is, like, my favourite breakfast. Before, I'd get it with hashbrowns on the side and hubby and I would share a short stack of pancakes. I obviously wasn't counting calories then, because that's pretty much my whole day's allowance right there. But just the other day I went to Smitty's and ordered my eggs benny with fruit on the side. Turns out I don't care all that much about the hash or flap jacks. I think it was something like 475 calories, which is still quite a bit for breakfast, but I was satiated. It wasn't until I made the pork back ribs that way that I blew everything out of the water, and honestly the ribs weren't even that good.

    I find that since I started paying more attention, I need far less of my treat foods to be satisfied. I ate half an Aero one day, and the other half 4 days later. Each time my chocolate craving was completely satisfied. Probably could have done with 1/3 of it even.

    A lot of people buy the "better" brands when they're eating less, so they also enjoy it much more. e.g. fine chocolate over cheap chocolate. Since you're eating small portions, the price isn't significant, but the taste is oh-so-much better. Likewise, buy your favourite bread, even if it's White Wonderbread, log it first (to make sure it fits), and then love every bite of it.

    Also remember that it takes time to build habits. You can't flip a switch and have all these different food tastes overnight. If you're used to eating a big calorie surplus, it will probably take some time to get down to a reasonable intake. But that's better than crashing right off the bat, and giving up.
    This...every single word of this. :flowerforyou:
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Keep in mind the changes you are making are LIFESTYLE changes. If you are NEVER going to eat bread again, then cut out bread. Why cut it out if that's what you enjoy? Moderation is key. This journey is really about MINDSET more than anything else.

    Someone shared the message below with me and I want to pass it on to you.

    If you want to lose weight permanently: You have live a healthy LIFESTYLE. Meaning, don't go on a diet. Don't start an exercise plan. You have to formulate a lifestyle with healthy eating and some activity that you know you can stick to for the rest of your life. Don't start something that you're going to stop doing a few weeks from now. Make small changes one or two at a time and then slowly add more new habits in over time - things you can do forever. That's the key to long term success without the yo-yo weight gains and losses.

    this this this!!! Diets are temporary, and the successes probably will be too. Any "diet" will work...but can you live that way? Probably not. Make a series of small lifestyle changes, and long term success and better health are your rewards!
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    I Love bread... I'm a big sandwich person

    Nothing wrong with eating bread as well as the other "yummy" foods. :) I work in about 3/4 cup of ice cream every night for myself, personally! It's all about moderation.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member

    If more people knew how to cook, and cared about what they ate, no one would say things like,
    Everything Delicous Is Unhealthy
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I think if you really stick to it and are determined to change how you eat, your tastes will change right along with them. I used to be a huge sweets person and now i'm really not. I don't add sugar into anything, i rarely use salt, I no longer like fried foods. Those previously delicious foods, are just not delicious anymore. I however just ate a peach and omg yumminess! There's nothing wrong with pastas or breads, just watch the portions. I tend to gravitate away, because they make me feel heavy and lethargic. II can take or leave it now. I'd much rather have my sandwich wrapped in crunchy lettuce then bread anyway. Although if a recipe I want calls for it, i'll have it. One of my all time favorites was always lasagna, but now i find it heavy and unsatisfying, unless it's made a particular way.

    Spices are my best friend. I'm also experimenting with different types of oils. Since I don't really like oil all that much, but it's good for you. i'm trying to find alternatives. :)

    It's really individual too. A friend of mine loses better with a high carb diet then me. I do better with a higher protein diet. So listen to your body as well
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I Love bread... I'm a big sandwich person

    I love sandwiches too. Sandwich wraps help me. There are several 90-100 calories wraps on the market that are tasty. I add the same things I'd add to any sandwich, plus a little more leafy stuff. Buffalo chicken wraps with Franks Red Hot Buffalo sauce and a little blue cheese is one of my favorites!

    And I by thinner breads, such as Arnold's Sandwich thins for things like pbj that just don't work well in a wrap.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    This link is included in the "sexypants" thread, but I want to point it out. It will change your life. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/925464-fitting-it-in-giggity
  • shandyw
    shandyw Posts: 25 Member
    Have you tried sandwich flats or 45 calorie bread?
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    Didn't read all the responses, but instead of mayo I use hummus and I freaking love it. Especially red pepper hummus with turkey and pepper jack cheese.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    I didn't read everything, so if I am repeating, I apologize.

    You don't have to give up anything. Keep those sandwiches. I love them. But here are some things I have done to keep my sandwiches (and pizza,, cheese sticks, wings, beer, brownies, onion rings, Taco Bell, McDonald's, etc) in my diet. Front load on veggies or salad. I will always start out with a big salad or some veggies (today i had green beans, corn and mashed potatoes). They can be filling so I'm not tempted to have 4 sandwiches (or slices of pizza).

    Occasionally, if there's a dressing I want - like a mayo or chipotle ranch, I might skip the cheese if I think the dressing will overpower the taste. Sometimes, cheese is essential.

    Log everything. The most valuable thing to me about this site was learning what i was putting in my body and what i was burning and how to manage/balance those so I could do this without giving up anything.