A Call for a Low-Carb Diet



  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member
    It does not matter what you eat as how much you eat ... no deficit no loss. Pure and simple.

    So, since it doesn't matter what I eat, I should be able to lose wight as long as there's a deficit, even if I'm living off of french fries, soda, and cake? :huh: Yeah, right. Dude, you're not going to lose weight by eating ****ty junk food all day even if you're staying within your calorie goal. Obviously we need the deficit to lose weight, but the quality of food matters too. What we eat matters.

    Yes if you stay within your calorie goal you would be losing weight. I'd like to know what cake you're eating if you're sitting on the couch all day eating it and STILL within your calorie goal. Don't muddy the waters more and bring in nutrients. Purely for a weight loss purpose alone, yes you can eat only soda, cake and French fries and still lose weight if you're within your calorie allowance.

    Yeah, we don't want those waters all "muddy" with crazy talk about nutrients!

    We just want to lose weight, and we want it now!

    Do you guys even read what you write? Should someone desire weight loss, regardless of health risks (yes, that's a rhetorical question)?

    If not, why even mention that you can lose weight eating crap?
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    It does not matter what you eat as how much you eat ... no deficit no loss. Pure and simple.

    So, since it doesn't matter what I eat, I should be able to lose wight as long as there's a deficit, even if I'm living off of french fries, soda, and cake? :huh: Yeah, right. Dude, you're not going to lose weight by eating ****ty junk food all day even if you're staying within your calorie goal. Obviously we need the deficit to lose weight, but the quality of food matters too. What we eat matters.

    Yes if you stay within your calorie goal you would be losing weight. I'd like to know what cake you're eating if you're sitting on the couch all day eating it and STILL within your calorie goal. Don't muddy the waters more and bring in nutrients. Purely for a weight loss purpose alone, yes you can eat only soda, cake and French fries and still lose weight if you're within your calorie allowance.

    I see this come up all the time on the forums and feel like the two "camps" just talk past one another even though they actually believe the same things.

    1. It is absolutely true that if you are at a caloric deficit you will lose weight regardless of what the source of said calories is. You can lose weight eating nothing but twinkies if you want.

    2. It is absolutely true that if you do not get a proper balance of macros and nutrients you will find it impossible to maintain your diet in a sustainable, satisfying and healthy way long term and therefore eating nothing but twinkies is not a viable way to lose weight.

    Both are true and I doubt either side would disagree with either statement, its just one person arguing that the glass is half full while the other yells back that it is half empty. It is boring.
    I don't see how eating low carb is the same as eating only cake and French fries all day. It is POSSIBLE to lose weight only eating those items. You seem to have this view of low carb that it's very restrictive.

    From a weight loss standpoint it really is about calorie deficit. Like I said before, if you bring nutrients into it then it's not just about simple weight loss and CICO. I don't see how it's a "camp" thing at all.
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    It does not matter what you eat as how much you eat ... no deficit no loss. Pure and simple.

    So, since it doesn't matter what I eat, I should be able to lose wight as long as there's a deficit, even if I'm living off of french fries, soda, and cake? :huh: Yeah, right. Dude, you're not going to lose weight by eating ****ty junk food all day even if you're staying within your calorie goal. Obviously we need the deficit to lose weight, but the quality of food matters too. What we eat matters.

    Yes if you stay within your calorie goal you would be losing weight. I'd like to know what cake you're eating if you're sitting on the couch all day eating it and STILL within your calorie goal. Don't muddy the waters more and bring in nutrients. Purely for a weight loss purpose alone, yes you can eat only soda, cake and French fries and still lose weight if you're within your calorie allowance.

    Yeah, we don't want those waters all "muddy" with crazy talk about nutrients!

    We just want to lose weight, and we want it now!

    Do you guys even read what you write? Should someone desire weight loss, regardless of health risks (yes, that's a rhetorical question)?

    If not, why even mention that you can lose weight eating crap?
    We are talking specifically about weight loss and cico. Are you saying if you eat your daily allowance of cake you won't lose weight?

    It's also obvious that others who don't eat low carb think that nutrients isn't a concern. WHERE DO YOU THINK CARBS COME FROM IN A LOW CARB DIET? Veggies and minimal amounts from dairy mainly. But, since it's clear you don't know much about eating low carb you wouldn't know that.

    I do read what I write but it's been shown before your comprehension is lacking.
  • Fit_Housewife
    Fit_Housewife Posts: 168 Member
    0.03% of 300 million is 9 million people.

    The number you're looking for is 90,000 not 9 million.

    But this is still good, because based on your post I strongly suggest you open your diary so we can check your math before you declare yourself a special snowflake.

    Gotta love the MFP forums, where one can feel superior for calling someone out on elementary math.

    It doesn't make me feel superior, it makes me feel sad. This is a person who is clearly struggling but unable to find their answer. :( While it appears, based on posting history, that most of the problem is self-inflicted, it's still saddening, because it's no fun when other people are struggling. :(

    my diary is open to friends. as i said before, everything is weighed, measured, and portioned. i cook at home, so every ingredient is listed in the recipe builder, matched with the appropriate database entry, and portioned accordingly. i log first, THEN eat, just in case a portion is going to send me over on one thing or another.

    and... i'm sorry, but... self-inflicted??? are you trying to claim that i over eat specifically so that i can whine about not losing weight?

    you're right that it's no fun when people are struggling... it's even less fun when you're the one struggling and people dismiss you as nothing more than an idiot.

  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    My brain is too tired to get involved in any internetz debates/arguments about such things... not really that important to me, in the grand scheme of life.

    But... I found for me, personally, low carb left me unable to do anything much beyond walking for exercise. I could not train hard, as I usually do, nor for long. I also do not feel satiated with just fat and protein. I need a balance of all 3 macros to feel full and energised for my workouts. Thus, although I mostly avoid wheat and beans (the latter because they cause me digestive issues), I am quite happy to have potatoes and nuts and fruits and vegetables, as well as dark chocolate and the occasional chips, pizza and cake. Maybe some function well on low carb, but I am certainly not one of them, and since I have never been overweight anyway, I currently do not worry too much about it as long as my diet is balance and nutritious overall. And I have hypothyroidism as well as hormonal issues.
  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member
    You know, I'm starting to see the point of dismissing individuals that don't have a profile pic (such as yours truly).

    However, I have a question:

    If I place a pic showing washboard abs (for instance), would I have to suffer through individuals who seem to know everything, but apparently can't figure out how to lose weight themselves?

    Now, if it would shut those types up, it would be well worth it.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    It does not matter what you eat as how much you eat ... no deficit no loss. Pure and simple.

    So, since it doesn't matter what I eat, I should be able to lose wight as long as there's a deficit, even if I'm living off of french fries, soda, and cake? :huh: Yeah, right. Dude, you're not going to lose weight by eating ****ty junk food all day even if you're staying within your calorie goal. Obviously we need the deficit to lose weight, but the quality of food matters too. What we eat matters.

    Yes if you stay within your calorie goal you would be losing weight. I'd like to know what cake you're eating if you're sitting on the couch all day eating it and STILL within your calorie goal. Don't muddy the waters more and bring in nutrients. Purely for a weight loss purpose alone, yes you can eat only soda, cake and French fries and still lose weight if you're within your calorie allowance.

    Yeah, we don't want those waters all "muddy" with crazy talk about nutrients!

    We just want to lose weight, and we want it now!

    Do you guys even read what you write? Should someone desire weight loss, regardless of health risks (yes, that's a rhetorical question)?

    If not, why even mention that you can lose weight eating crap?
    The problem is when people start arguing extremes. You have one side saying eat "clean". The other side says "What is clean? You can eat what you like and hit your macros".

    But the arguments are read as "You must eat clean all the time" and "You can eat donuts all day and as long as you're in a deficit you lose weight".

    It's so easy to find a middle ground but it gets lost.

    We all knew it was coming but it's finally happened - the chihuahua is sick of the backhanded remarks and has taken over the keyboard to set things straight. I, for one, welcome our new canine overlord...

    And yes, you'd think it would be pretty easy for people to reach a middle ground on these issues but instead it seems to devolve into a ****storm about, oh, I'd say 99.9% of the time. But it's the Internet, so that sounds about right.
  • wagglesworth
    wagglesworth Posts: 53 Member
    I lost 44 lbs in my first 7 weeks. I've cut out all grains, legumes, refined sugars, and dairy products except a wee bit of butter now and then. I stay just at or below 1,200 calories each day. By cutting down drastically on the carbs I've lost my cravings and don't feel deprived. My snack is usually almonds or cashews. What I'm doing is working and is approved by my Doctor. Not only is my weight dropping so has the cholesterol and blood pressure. The Doctor said according to my blood studies I may be also be getting off daily insulin injection 3 times a day. So I am happy. I think that whatever is healthy, works for you and you can live with it - well that's the way to go. Best wishes to all.
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    I love this line of thought - you can eat Twinkies and drink Coke all day as long as you are in a calorie deficit.

    One package of Twinkies (two cakes) = 270 calories

    One can of Coke = 140 calories.

    Total = 410 calories

    So if you are on a 1,650 calorie daily limit you can have four packages of Twinkies (1,080 calories) and 4 Cokes (560 calories) during the course of a day.

    Nobody would make it through more than a couple of days (you could substitute Twinkies with any equivalent pastry, and Coke with fruit juice). So why does anyone even bring up these ridiculous hypotheticals? And if you are limiting calories, why would you want to fill your daily intake with this junk, which does nothing to fill you up?

    You certainly have a thing against Coke.

    To clarify, I'm not advocating for a cake, soda and French fries only diet HOWEVER we are talking calories in, calories out for weight loss. Theoretically yes, you can lose weight doing that. If you don't think so, then it's not as simple as cico for weight loss as this whole thread has been talking about.
  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member
    I love this line of thought - you can eat Twinkies and drink Coke all day as long as you are in a calorie deficit.

    One package of Twinkies (two cakes) = 270 calories

    One can of Coke = 140 calories.

    Total = 410 calories

    So if you are on a 1,650 calorie daily limit you can have four packages of Twinkies (1,080 calories) and 4 Cokes (560 calories) during the course of a day.

    Nobody would make it through more than a couple of days (you could substitute Twinkies with any equivalent pastry, and Coke with fruit juice). So why does anyone even bring up these ridiculous hypotheticals? And if you are limiting calories, why would you want to fill your daily intake with this junk, which does nothing to fill you up?

    You certainly have a thing against Coke.

    To clarify, I'm not advocating for a cake, soda and French fries only diet HOWEVER we are talking calories in, calories out for weight loss. Theoretically yes, you can lose weight doing that. If you don't think so, then it's not as simple as cico for weight loss as this whole thread has been talking about.

    Most should have a "thing against Coke" (at least if they're trying to lose weight).

    Unlike many other calorie-dense foods, soda is nothing but empty calories (and yes, empty certainly applies here). All it provides is sugar. And please don't waste your time telling me how important sugar is; we can live just fine without drinking soda.

    Do I think soda is evil? No. Do I like soda? Yes. Will I drink soda? Another yes.

    Will I drink soda when supposedly trying to lose weight? No, it's not worth it to me.

    To each his own, but I can't imagine mocking someone for excluding soda from their diet, when their goal is to lose weight.

    Note: To be clear, I'm talking about full-calorie soda, lest I get picked apart by someone saying I'm trying to demonize artificial sweeteners.
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    I love this line of thought - you can eat Twinkies and drink Coke all day as long as you are in a calorie deficit.

    One package of Twinkies (two cakes) = 270 calories

    One can of Coke = 140 calories.

    Total = 410 calories

    So if you are on a 1,650 calorie daily limit you can have four packages of Twinkies (1,080 calories) and 4 Cokes (560 calories) during the course of a day.

    Nobody would make it through more than a couple of days (you could substitute Twinkies with any equivalent pastry, and Coke with fruit juice). So why does anyone even bring up these ridiculous hypotheticals? And if you are limiting calories, why would you want to fill your daily intake with this junk, which does nothing to fill you up?

    You certainly have a thing against Coke.

    To clarify, I'm not advocating for a cake, soda and French fries only diet HOWEVER we are talking calories in, calories out for weight loss. Theoretically yes, you can lose weight doing that. If you don't think so, then it's not as simple as cico for weight loss as this whole thread has been talking about.

    Most should have a "thing against Coke" (at least if they're trying to lose weight).

    Unlike many other calorie-dense foods, soda is nothing but empty calories (and yes, empty certainly applies here). All it provides is sugar. And please don't waste your time telling me how important sugar is; we can live just fine without drinking soda.

    Do I think soda is evil? No. Do I like soda? Yes. Will I drink soda? Another yes.

    Will I drink soda when supposedly trying to lose weight? No, it's not worth it to me.

    To each his own, but I can't imagine mocking someone for excluding soda from their diet, when their goal is to lose weight.

    Note: To be clear, I'm talking about full-calorie soda, lest I get picked apart by someone saying I'm trying to demonize artificial sweeteners.

    I'm not mocking someone for not including soda in their diet while losing weight. I DO have a problem when the OP just can't accept that people can include soda into their diet while losing weight.
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    I love this line of thought - you can eat Twinkies and drink Coke all day as long as you are in a calorie deficit.

    One package of Twinkies (two cakes) = 270 calories

    One can of Coke = 140 calories.

    Total = 410 calories

    So if you are on a 1,650 calorie daily limit you can have four packages of Twinkies (1,080 calories) and 4 Cokes (560 calories) during the course of a day.

    Nobody would make it through more than a couple of days (you could substitute Twinkies with any equivalent pastry, and Coke with fruit juice). So why does anyone even bring up these ridiculous hypotheticals? And if you are limiting calories, why would you want to fill your daily intake with this junk, which does nothing to fill you up?
    My point I made a few post ago ^^^^^

    You are the one arguing extremes and creating the all or nothing hypothetical situations. You've been asked many times before and I'll ask again, link us to the posts or a post where someone is telling people to have nothing twinkies and/or coke all day.

    Scroll up on this page. That's as far as you have to go! "Purely for a weight loss purpose alone, yes you can eat only soda, cake and French fries and still lose weight if you're within your calorie allowance."
    Nice try so you try and quote a post made after you posted your original claim.

    That poster is talking about calories and deficit. You claim people tell members to eat nothing but twinkies and Coke. When? Where did a member advocate that diet? The person who posted above was in no way telling people to eat nothing but french fries.

    I don't care. Just let's stop talking about that you "could" just eat garbage the rest of your life and lose weight.

    Why even bring this up? We should be telling people to avoid, as much as possible, high calorie foods that tend to nothing for satiety. This is not rocket science. If you are trying to lose weight, don't drink Coke or any sugary soda; drink water or diet soda. Don't eat Twinkies because one package could represent 15% of your daily limit.

    Instead of "could," how about "don't?"
    Why do you care so much about how people "spend" their daily calories?
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    All I'm gonna say is what I know has worked for me. Without watching portion sizes at all or worrying at all about calories, I dropped 8 pounds by cutting out gluten and refined sugar.
    Foods with gluten and refined sugar generally have more calories, thus my guess is you created a calorie deficit by cutting them out of your diet.

    Actually fats have more more calories. Sugars and grains just don't keep most people satisfied so they tend to eat more of them.

    Carbs 4 calories per gram
    Proteins 4 calories per gram
    Fats 9 calories per gram

    When was the last time you heard of somebody binging on chicken breast and brocolli ?
    What keeps you full longer a cinimon bun or a chicken breast ?

    * not trying to pick a fight with you! just having a friendly conversation.

    I don't get AT ALl that you are trying to start a fight. :smile:

    Some fats have more calories than some carbs, and some carbs have more calories than fats. It really depends on which carbs or fats you choose and how much you choose to eat of any given thing.

    I've binged on chicken and broccoli before, just as I've binged on cinnamon rolls. When I binged, it was not about hunger but about satisfying some emotional need that I thought food could take care of. This went on for years and years. It was not about type of food, it was about the availability of food.

    I get the impression that many people believe that eating low carb is the "answer" to weight loss. Well, it is not, anymore than any other diet plan is the magic answer. No matter what diet you choose, you're going to have to expend more calories than you eat in order to lose the weight.

    There is only way way to lose weight (eat less than you burn) but there are many different roads (diet plan choice) to reach that destination. I am all for choosing your own diet plan, but the plan itself is what's best for the individual, not what's simply the best plan to lose weight.

    As for me, I choose moderation in all things,including plenty of carbs, and I've done well. That does not mean that I would never try a low carb eating plan if I had an issue that I thought it might help with, such as migraines (my friend does low carb to control her migraines and it works wonders for her), but I would not do it to lose weight.
  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member
    I love this line of thought - you can eat Twinkies and drink Coke all day as long as you are in a calorie deficit.

    One package of Twinkies (two cakes) = 270 calories

    One can of Coke = 140 calories.

    Total = 410 calories

    So if you are on a 1,650 calorie daily limit you can have four packages of Twinkies (1,080 calories) and 4 Cokes (560 calories) during the course of a day.

    Nobody would make it through more than a couple of days (you could substitute Twinkies with any equivalent pastry, and Coke with fruit juice). So why does anyone even bring up these ridiculous hypotheticals? And if you are limiting calories, why would you want to fill your daily intake with this junk, which does nothing to fill you up?
    My point I made a few post ago ^^^^^

    You are the one arguing extremes and creating the all or nothing hypothetical situations. You've been asked many times before and I'll ask again, link us to the posts or a post where someone is telling people to have nothing twinkies and/or coke all day.

    Scroll up on this page. That's as far as you have to go! "Purely for a weight loss purpose alone, yes you can eat only soda, cake and French fries and still lose weight if you're within your calorie allowance."
    Nice try so you try and quote a post made after you posted your original claim.

    That poster is talking about calories and deficit. You claim people tell members to eat nothing but twinkies and Coke. When? Where did a member advocate that diet? The person who posted above was in no way telling people to eat nothing but french fries.

    I don't care. Just let's stop talking about that you "could" just eat garbage the rest of your life and lose weight.

    Why even bring this up? We should be telling people to avoid, as much as possible, high calorie foods that tend to nothing for satiety. This is not rocket science. If you are trying to lose weight, don't drink Coke or any sugary soda; drink water or diet soda. Don't eat Twinkies because one package could represent 15% of your daily limit.

    Instead of "could," how about "don't?"
    Why do you care so much about how people "spend" their daily calories?

    You can do whatever you like. But many people fail at dieting because they are hungry all the time. So let's say you come to this sight and start counting calories to lose weight. Maybe you were averaging 2,300 calories/day, and you are dropping to 1,500 calories/day. That's not easy. And it's even harder if you waste some of those 1,500 calories on sugary soda and junk food, which does nothing to fill you up. Again, this is not rocket science.

    I'm a good example of the scenario you mention.

    Less than a month ago, I was eating literally half the calories I do today. What did my daily beverages consist of? Multiple cups of coffee with copious amounts of sugar and cream, along with at least two liberal-sized Cokes throughout the day. No point in even mentioning the food.

    What do I drink now? Well, if I'm in the mood, I may flavor my water (10 cals per .5 liter). Coffee? Not drinking it now. Previously, I switched to having it black, but I decided that the taste wasn't worth it this time.

    Right there, we're talking about hundreds of calories. Granted, I was a bit immoderate in my usage (but I suspect I'm not the only one out there, either).

    It's all about choices.
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    If you haven't gathered, I do eat low carb. However i don't shove it down people's throats as the ONLY way of doing it, but obviously have to defend it's a legit way to cut down overall calories.

    You don't want me talking about absolutes, but your post was filled with plenty of "don't eat that, don't eat this". There are plenty of people on mfp that have lost weight while eating on a calorie deficit while drinking coke or eating cake. Cutting those out are not ESSENTIAL to lose weight. Just like eating low carb is a way to calorie deficit, still eating "junk food" and fast food and staying within a calorie deficit is another way that works.
  • Catter_05
    Catter_05 Posts: 155 Member
    There is one person and one person alone that is responsible for your health as an adult and that is you. Your health is your responsibility and if you become overweight or obese it is because you have neglected your health. You may have reasons for that neglect associated with job or family but that does not mean you did not neglect that one aspect of your life. You may have various medical conditions that make your metabolism different than that of the population (hyper- hypothyroidism, PCOS etc) but then it is your responsibility to recognize that, understand your maintenance level and adjust accordingly. Placing blame on something beyond your control is just acceptance that being unhealthy is somehow your destiny and that is NOT the kind of mindset that is going to improve your life.

    Harsh reality time. If you are obese, if you are overweight, that is a self-infliicted condition regardless of what your life or medical situation may be. If there is a condition that forces you to gain weight to an unhealthy level regardless of what you do I have not heard of it.

    There CAN be things outside of your control that make you scrawny, or skinny, or unhealthily thin...but there isn't such a thing for being overweight.

    Actually, they believe PCOS to be genetic. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2776334/) I listed this study because it is a case study and sites many other studies for those of you who are interested.
    I'm not sure why being "scrawny" is outside of your control any more than an inherited gene defect the effects the way your body processes insulin. I know about this particular disease because I suffer from it. I also know how difficult it is to get a Dr. to take you seriously when you are seriously suffering and trying to lose weight and be healthy, but you aren't losing any weight because you have a disorder.

    edited for clarity
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I love this line of thought - you can eat Twinkies and drink Coke all day as long as you are in a calorie deficit.

    One package of Twinkies (two cakes) = 270 calories

    One can of Coke = 140 calories.

    Total = 410 calories

    So if you are on a 1,650 calorie daily limit you can have four packages of Twinkies (1,080 calories) and 4 Cokes (560 calories) during the course of a day.

    Nobody would make it through more than a couple of days (you could substitute Twinkies with any equivalent pastry, and Coke with fruit juice). So why does anyone even bring up these ridiculous hypotheticals? And if you are limiting calories, why would you want to fill your daily intake with this junk, which does nothing to fill you up?
    My point I made a few post ago ^^^^^

    You are the one arguing extremes and creating the all or nothing hypothetical situations. You've been asked many times before and I'll ask again, link us to the posts or a post where someone is telling people to have nothing twinkies and/or coke all day.

    Scroll up on this page. That's as far as you have to go! "Purely for a weight loss purpose alone, yes you can eat only soda, cake and French fries and still lose weight if you're within your calorie allowance."
    Nice try so you try and quote a post made after you posted your original claim.

    That poster is talking about calories and deficit. You claim people tell members to eat nothing but twinkies and Coke. When? Where did a member advocate that diet? The person who posted above was in no way telling people to eat nothing but french fries.

    I don't care. Just let's stop talking about that you "could" just eat garbage the rest of your life and lose weight.

    Why even bring this up? We should be telling people to avoid, as much as possible, high calorie foods that tend to nothing for satiety. This is not rocket science. If you are trying to lose weight, don't drink Coke or any sugary soda; drink water or diet soda. Don't eat Twinkies because one package could represent 15% of your daily limit.

    Instead of "could," how about "don't?"
    Why do you care so much about how people "spend" their daily calories?

    You can do whatever you like. But many people fail at dieting because they are hungry all the time. So let's say you come to this sight and start counting calories to lose weight. Maybe you were averaging 2,300 calories/day, and you are dropping to 1,500 calories/day. That's not easy. And it's even harder if you waste some of those 1,500 calories on sugary soda and junk food, which does nothing to fill you up. Again, this is not rocket science.

    I'm a good example of the scenario you mention.

    Less than a month ago, I was eating literally half the calories I do today. What did my daily beverages consist of? Multiple cups of coffee with copious amounts of sugar and cream, along with at least two liberal-sized Cokes throughout the day. No point in even mentioning the food.

    What do I drink now? Well, if I'm in the mood, I may flavor my water (10 cals per .5 liter). Coffee? Not drinking it now. Previously, I switched to having it black, but I decided that the taste wasn't worth it this time.

    Right there, we're talking about hundreds of calories. Granted, I was a bit immoderate in my usage (but I suspect I'm not the only one out there, either).

    It's all about choices.

    And on the converse you get people saying "it's not how much you eat, it's what you eat". And you'll "never lose weight eating that processed garbage."

    I can tell you that I'm going to eat McDonald's this week, Chickfila, I had pizza for lunch. I'm going to eat chocolate and ice cream and maybe some chips. Probably lunch meat.

    I'll meet my micro nutrient goals and be under my calorie allotment and lose weight.

    And there's going to be somebody on this website who is going to fall off the wagon over a 2" x 2" piece of cake that they just know is "bad" for them.
  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member
    I love this line of thought - you can eat Twinkies and drink Coke all day as long as you are in a calorie deficit.

    One package of Twinkies (two cakes) = 270 calories

    One can of Coke = 140 calories.

    Total = 410 calories

    So if you are on a 1,650 calorie daily limit you can have four packages of Twinkies (1,080 calories) and 4 Cokes (560 calories) during the course of a day.

    Nobody would make it through more than a couple of days (you could substitute Twinkies with any equivalent pastry, and Coke with fruit juice). So why does anyone even bring up these ridiculous hypotheticals? And if you are limiting calories, why would you want to fill your daily intake with this junk, which does nothing to fill you up?
    My point I made a few post ago ^^^^^

    You are the one arguing extremes and creating the all or nothing hypothetical situations. You've been asked many times before and I'll ask again, link us to the posts or a post where someone is telling people to have nothing twinkies and/or coke all day.

    Scroll up on this page. That's as far as you have to go! "Purely for a weight loss purpose alone, yes you can eat only soda, cake and French fries and still lose weight if you're within your calorie allowance."
    Nice try so you try and quote a post made after you posted your original claim.

    That poster is talking about calories and deficit. You claim people tell members to eat nothing but twinkies and Coke. When? Where did a member advocate that diet? The person who posted above was in no way telling people to eat nothing but french fries.

    I don't care. Just let's stop talking about that you "could" just eat garbage the rest of your life and lose weight.

    Why even bring this up? We should be telling people to avoid, as much as possible, high calorie foods that tend to nothing for satiety. This is not rocket science. If you are trying to lose weight, don't drink Coke or any sugary soda; drink water or diet soda. Don't eat Twinkies because one package could represent 15% of your daily limit.

    Instead of "could," how about "don't?"
    Why do you care so much about how people "spend" their daily calories?

    You can do whatever you like. But many people fail at dieting because they are hungry all the time. So let's say you come to this sight and start counting calories to lose weight. Maybe you were averaging 2,300 calories/day, and you are dropping to 1,500 calories/day. That's not easy. And it's even harder if you waste some of those 1,500 calories on sugary soda and junk food, which does nothing to fill you up. Again, this is not rocket science.

    I'm a good example of the scenario you mention.

    Less than a month ago, I was eating literally half the calories I do today. What did my daily beverages consist of? Multiple cups of coffee with copious amounts of sugar and cream, along with at least two liberal-sized Cokes throughout the day. No point in even mentioning the food.

    What do I drink now? Well, if I'm in the mood, I may flavor my water (10 cals per .5 liter). Coffee? Not drinking it now. Previously, I switched to having it black, but I decided that the taste wasn't worth it this time.

    Right there, we're talking about hundreds of calories. Granted, I was a bit immoderate in my usage (but I suspect I'm not the only one out there, either).

    It's all about choices.

    And on the converse you get people saying "it's not how much you eat, it's what you eat". And you'll "never lose weight eating that processed garbage."

    I can tell you that I'm going to eat McDonald's this week, Chickfila, I had pizza for lunch. I'm going to eat chocolate and ice cream and maybe some chips. Probably lunch meat.

    Yeah, I eat all that stuff too. But not when I'm running a deficit.

    Is it because I think there's some magical property in those types of foods that hinder weight loss? No, it's an issue of satiety.

    And honestly, as much as I like Chik-Fil-A, I could go the rest of my life without eating there again (although their grilled chicken sandwich is surprisingly tasty, although not as good as its fried counterpart).
    And there's going to be somebody on this website who is going to fall off the wagon over a 2" x 2" piece of cake that they just know is "bad" for them.

    And this is a good reason to advocate moderation. It's just not necessary for some, that's all.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    You know, I'm starting to see the point of dismissing individuals that don't have a profile pic (such as yours truly).

    However, I have a question:

    If I place a pic showing washboard abs (for instance), would I have to suffer through individuals who seem to know everything, but apparently can't figure out how to lose weight themselves?

    Now, if it would shut those types up, it would be well worth it.

    You would obviously be an uncompassionate meanie that happens to be genetically gifted and can't understand mere mortals...like USMCMP.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I love this line of thought - you can eat Twinkies and drink Coke all day as long as you are in a calorie deficit.

    One package of Twinkies (two cakes) = 270 calories

    One can of Coke = 140 calories.

    Total = 410 calories

    So if you are on a 1,650 calorie daily limit you can have four packages of Twinkies (1,080 calories) and 4 Cokes (560 calories) during the course of a day.

    Nobody would make it through more than a couple of days (you could substitute Twinkies with any equivalent pastry, and Coke with fruit juice). So why does anyone even bring up these ridiculous hypotheticals? And if you are limiting calories, why would you want to fill your daily intake with this junk, which does nothing to fill you up?
    My point I made a few post ago ^^^^^

    You are the one arguing extremes and creating the all or nothing hypothetical situations. You've been asked many times before and I'll ask again, link us to the posts or a post where someone is telling people to have nothing twinkies and/or coke all day.

    Scroll up on this page. That's as far as you have to go! "Purely for a weight loss purpose alone, yes you can eat only soda, cake and French fries and still lose weight if you're within your calorie allowance."
    Nice try so you try and quote a post made after you posted your original claim.

    That poster is talking about calories and deficit. You claim people tell members to eat nothing but twinkies and Coke. When? Where did a member advocate that diet? The person who posted above was in no way telling people to eat nothing but french fries.

    I don't care. Just let's stop talking about that you "could" just eat garbage the rest of your life and lose weight.

    Why even bring this up? We should be telling people to avoid, as much as possible, high calorie foods that tend to nothing for satiety. This is not rocket science. If you are trying to lose weight, don't drink Coke or any sugary soda; drink water or diet soda. Don't eat Twinkies because one package could represent 15% of your daily limit.

    Instead of "could," how about "don't?"
    Why do you care so much about how people "spend" their daily calories?

    You can do whatever you like. But many people fail at dieting because they are hungry all the time. So let's say you come to this sight and start counting calories to lose weight. Maybe you were averaging 2,300 calories/day, and you are dropping to 1,500 calories/day. That's not easy. And it's even harder if you waste some of those 1,500 calories on sugary soda and junk food, which does nothing to fill you up. Again, this is not rocket science.

    I'm a good example of the scenario you mention.

    Less than a month ago, I was eating literally half the calories I do today. What did my daily beverages consist of? Multiple cups of coffee with copious amounts of sugar and cream, along with at least two liberal-sized Cokes throughout the day. No point in even mentioning the food.

    What do I drink now? Well, if I'm in the mood, I may flavor my water (10 cals per .5 liter). Coffee? Not drinking it now. Previously, I switched to having it black, but I decided that the taste wasn't worth it this time.

    Right there, we're talking about hundreds of calories. Granted, I was a bit immoderate in my usage (but I suspect I'm not the only one out there, either).

    It's all about choices.

    And on the converse you get people saying "it's not how much you eat, it's what you eat". And you'll "never lose weight eating that processed garbage."

    I can tell you that I'm going to eat McDonald's this week, Chickfila, I had pizza for lunch. I'm going to eat chocolate and ice cream and maybe some chips. Probably lunch meat.

    Yeah, I eat all that stuff too. But not when I'm running a deficit.

    Is it because I think there's some magical property in those types of foods that hinder weight loss? No, it's an issue of satiety.

    And honestly, as much as I like Chik-Fil-A, I could go the rest of my life without eating there again (although their grilled chicken sandwich is surprisingly tasty, although not as good as its fried counterpart).
    And there's going to be somebody on this website who is going to fall off the wagon over a 2" x 2" piece of cake that they just know is "bad" for them.

    And this is a good reason to advocate moderation. It's just not necessary for some, that's all.

    And I agree with this. As I've said, there is no magic diet. It's cico, with variations based on personal experience with satiety and goals.