

  • mrsanderson404
    Pmjsmom....that's encouraging...I'm going to hope that I have a similar experience....my doctor recommended an over-th-counter supplement and it does help. That and a good B complex vitamin!

    dear hubby smoked a turkey last night and we enjoyed it for lunch...yummmmm....will throw some of that on a salad for lunch this week. We just got a new smoker and this is the first turkey we've done...soooo juicy

    Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday....I'm going to plant a bareroot blackberry and take a catnap.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    My ticker finally moved!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    no real tme to post. I have been reading all the posts but I am trying to pack and get things ready for the wedding along with figuring out how to be ready to leave for work with DH at 4:30 in the morning so we can carpool. I will have to kill some time at the office when I get there but not having to drive and park will be great. His office is about a 1/2 mile from mine so I will get a lot of walking in but at least if it is raining I can walki inside the plant.

    Mimi - glad the ticker moved.
    Mac - glad you have been cleared to exercise.
    Mrs. Anderson - smoked turkey sounds great.
    kathy - I think you are very lucky not to have to deal with the hot flashes. they can really suck.
    to everyone else. I love you all and I hhope you are doing well. I probably won't post much until I get back from vegas and share pics of the wedding (especially the flowers:flowerforyou: )
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    It is true, some of us are lucky and don't really even notice menopause. I started my first period on my 13th birthday, and thought "what a birthday present!" Coincidentally, I started my last period on my 50th birthday, and once I finally decided that they must be done, thought "what a birthday present!" Funny how much happier I was about it at 50. Anyway, that was 6 years ago, and I've never had a hot flash or any other symptom. However, I now get colder than I used to, and my husband teases me, saying that I got cold flashes instead of hot flashes!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,004 Member
    :heart: :heart: :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    just a quick hello so nobody sends out a search party looking for me :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: I weathered the event yesterday but did a terrible job with lunch
    fabulous salad with only a tiny bit of Italian dressing, a sane portion of veggie lasagne, and then at garlic bread with butter :sad: but I did stay away from the cheesecake :smile: even with time on the exercise bike and walking and jogging in the house in the evening I was over my calories.....fortunately today is Isagenix cleanse day so that evened things up a bit.:smile::smile:

    :flowerforyou: Robin, I'm glad things look good for you on your new job and I hope it lasts as long as you want/need it :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: :drinker: Mimi, congrats on your ticker moving

    :flowerforyou: Macmadame, glad you got to ride your bike again
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • valerian101
    valerian101 Posts: 29 Member
    I joined MFP yesterday and am looking for friends. This thread seems to be exactly what I am looking for! So pleased that everyone has put a photo or something as their avatar image. Nothing is more off putting when you join than seeing a load of blank faces and 'I haven't filled this in yet'.

    You can check out my profile if you want to see who I am and what my aims are.

    I think it is wonderful to find a website that offers so much for free.

    :heart: to you all
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,
    " We're caught in a heat wave... a tropical heat wave...."
    IT"S ABOVE 0!!!!!! we should be slowly getting out of the freezer and by Friday we are predicted to be 29. :drinker:
    However on the minus side we should be getting snow today :sad:

    I am off today so what amI doing? I am up at 5:00 doing laundry and drinking coffee :noway:
    I will putz about this morning then wonder back north (68 miles) to my dads where I have been staying for the past year. Dad is so much better but now that he has gotten use to me being around moving will be hard on him. I will stay until winter is over then transisition to being around in the mornings to help him and the afternoons to help my brother before going to be with DF. At least that is how it will work in my brain. :bigsmile:

    This week end went well although all of our plans went right out the window.... I was to cold to do anything more then the basics (grocery shopping) I get cold easier but I think that is more because of the weight loss.

    As for menopause.... I don't notice it much. I get warm at night and ditch the covers but then I get cold right away and bundle back up. I just haven't had TOM since last January so I am happilyfiguring I am done!!!!!!!

    I made a lovely Wild Rice soup last night and even though it has LOTS of stuff that isn't good I was able to keep it to 319 calories per serving !!! DF loves it so I will now research what I can use to substitute to make it more body friendly. :happy:

    I am thinking of you all and praying for you as you go about your day.

  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    I see everyone being successful and I am so ashamed. I once again gained back what I lost during the week over the weekend. I may need to go to work 7 days at week!!!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Mimi - Gratz on the weight loss

    Chicklet – Maybe we should take Mimi's suggestion and put our Moms together somewhere and just take turns watching them both? Lol. They do both sound like "pistols".

    Robin – That is so cool that you can car pool even though it is so early. I miss not being able to take the train and walk from the station.

    Mary, Mrs Anderson & others – I thought I didn't have any menopause issues either, but some of the things we don't think relate actually are, so I've decided for 2011 to find a obgyn again.

    Valerian – welcome!

    Peggy – Good luck with all you do for your Dad. It seems like there are a lot of us who care for our parents in this group. Let me know when the new soup recipe is perfected.

    Big news flash – DD and I watched Julia & Julia and now we have set the goal of cooking 10 new recipes a month for one year. We have started February now as it is a short month and we made Italian green beans with cheese last night. It has 157 calories per serving, but absolutely wonderful. DS and Hubby each had more than one serving. Mom and Dad loved it too.

    Happy Monday all!

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good morning, Ladies!

    Welcome to Valerian! You have found a great place here...good luck on your journey and we look forward to getting to know you!

    The SUN IS OUT!!! Yeah! It isn't very cold here on the mountain, compared to some parts of the country, but it has been snowing, snowing and there has been very little sun. I NEED the sun. One of the reasons we love to be out here in the winter is the SUN, which is the norm here in Big Sky Country. Just not this year.

    Regarding new house here: Mary, we will continue to spend a couple of months here in the winter and a couple at the end of the summer into September when it is so hot and humid in SC. Home will always be SC though, so not getting rid of that house. ... we do LOVE Montana and my husband is always looking at investment-type opportunities. I'm not sure this new house will be that but we both love it and it will give us more room for our growing family, and it is a good time to buy. So....off we go. I have found enough furniture here (also some good buys!) to have a bed to sleep on and a place to sit. It will be very empty for a while but I can just picture granddaughter, Lyla, running all over the empty rooms! She will love it!

    Menopause: I feel for those of you who struggle with hot flashes and the like. Yuk! I suffered from horrid menstral cramps all of my live UNTIL menopause, so I guess we ladies get it one way or another.

    Lynn: Don't beat yourself up! You are not alone. :flowerforyou:

    MacMadame: Glad you and your bike are back together. ENJOY!

    Take care all. I need to get out in that sunshine! I have meetings with plumbers, builder, etc. the rest of the day then back to SC in the morning. Kackie:heart::heart: :heart:
  • juliectr
    juliectr Posts: 7 Member
    Hi. Can I join you ladies? This looks like a wonderfully supportive and fun group:smile:
    I am feeling like I may never STAY motivated. I start out each day like gangbusters, then become discouraged and eat cake...or whatever is nearby...to make myself feel better. Unfortunately, when I finish, I feel so much worse. :cry:
    This has become a cycle that I would like to break! I want to see a new me this year.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Really irritated that I can't get online at home - just in the coffee shop at present.

    Hoping to get it fixed in the next day or two and will be able to catch up with everyone then.

    Until then.


    Amanda x
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,004 Member
    I joined MFP yesterday and am looking for friends. This thread seems to be exactly what I am looking for! So pleased that everyone has put a photo or something as their avatar image. Nothing is more off putting when you join than seeing a load of blank faces and 'I haven't filled this in yet'.

    You can check out my profile if you want to see who I am and what my aims are.

    I think it is wonderful to find a website that offers so much for free.

    :heart: to you all

    Welcome, you are right about this thread :bigsmile: this is a very supportive group and it is supportive because we check in with each other almost every day.....even if we don't post every day we read the other posts and gradually become friends with each other in a way that is unique and priceless........this is where I learned to share with others and learned great new eating and exercising practices that changed my life.
    :bigsmile: :heart:
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Congratulations to those who were able to move their tickers!

    Smwert- week-ends can be tough. Even though I work on the week-ends, it really doesn't seen to help.

    Peggy- I think we are riding the heat wave too. It is now up to 9 degrees. It was -6 when I left for work this morning. My poor dog isn't going toget a walk again today.

    I weighed in at exactly the same thing as last week. I will work extra hard at zumba tonight and hopefully will try to be extra good this week so that my ticker moves next Monday.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I finished rearranging my room and then did the BL Power Walk--4 miles. Lots more intense than the LS walks but also not for every day (yet!).

    Welcome Valerian and Julie :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: This is a great place to be!

    I have a question for those of you who know about these things:

    The company I work for (seasonal job) has decided that this year we have to wear shirts that have their logo on them. They want us to pay for them but from what I have been told and from what I can find out by searching, in WA state the employer has to pay for things like that. Do any of you know about this? It's not a lot of money but I have never had to pay for a uniform shirt before and I just don't think this is right! (It's not like they pay us a whole lot, either! Just over minimum wage.)

    Anyway--other that that, today is a pretty good day. I think I have all I need to file my taxes so plan on getting that done.

    Amanda--I hope you get your internet fixed soon. We were having problems too, but my son bought some network adapters that plug into the wall outlets and things seem to be better now. I'm not sure how they work.
    He also put a data plan on our phones so we can use that but MFP doesn't have an app for Windows Mobile (yet--it seems they are working on it.) so I can't use my phone for logging foods--well, I CAN but it is very hard because I have to use the actual webpage--not fun on a phone's screen!

    Almost time for a conference call with my supervisor so gotta go!
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    I just spent the last half hour or so catching up on posts. i may comment on some but will probably not mention names because too hard to remember. First werlcome to all new people. I started here in Feb 2009 and by Non 09 had lost 50 pounds. winter of 09-10 really got me down and i gained about 20 back. I got on track again and lost some but have never really gained back my original momentum. I gave away all my FAT clothes and refuse to buy more so now that I am sqeezing into my clothes I need to get serious again. that is my plan. I would like to thank all of u who sent me messages in my abscence. i really appreciated them. excuse my typing. i am typing with 1 hand, holding byron while he sleeps with other one. byron is my 8 month old grandson. i care for him and rhea (my 4 yr old granddaughter) while there moms work. 3 of my other gr4andchildren get off of the bus at my house. i have them about an hour each day.
    unlike barbie and my husband i dont weigh often. it is discouraging to me. i will weigh in morning forgot today.
    i have cleared the house of the sweets that have been haunting me and stocked up on fruits veggies and chicken.
    doobiedoo sorry for loss of your dad especially so close to christmas. bard 95 for your mom wow. barbie and jake congrats on anniversary mine is tomorrow 36 years with same wonderful man.
    viyamin d is helping this winter but still cant warm up.
    had a nice fall last week. dad was here and i had the 5 grandchildren. was right after school. i got up to fix their after school snack and dad says (blur to me) byron decided to move in his walker at same time. i jumped trying to avoid falling on him and fell on floor on my right knee. the pain was horrific. i could not move. i really have a very high tolerance for pain usually but this was painful. dad helped me up and told me to ice it. luckily i landed on side rather than kneecap. my entire knee and halfway down leg is swollen and black and blue. did not afect walking, just very tender to touch. just made me realize how quickly we can go from healthy to hurt. scary but glad not too bad. i make a promise to myself and all of u to keep reading and posting. i am thankful for all of you. sorry for length.
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Greetings all and Happy New Year! I have been crazy busy and totally out of the loop. And yes, my weight loss is registering less than it was prior to my absenteeism. I am up about 8 pounds from my lowest point in November (9 pounds from my very lowest back in July of last year). I have been sporadic on keeping up on exercise, though I have been trying to get to water aerobics twice a week. So, it's back to the grindstone for me!! I am committed to drop these next 18 pounds, and to do it fairly quickly. Basically last year was a maintenance year for me as my number on the scale wound up at the end of the year at right about where I was at the start of the year. So, I'll take that as somewhat of a success. At least I didn't wind up weighing more!!

    We were in California for almost three weeks (12/17-1/4/11) and are returning there for another 2 weeks (1/26-2/9) as our brother-in-law passed away from his mesothelioma. Blessedly, we got to see him over Christmas and New Year's. The saddest thing was watching him deteriorate daily before our very eyes...each day he was a little, or a lot, worse than the day before. He passed two weeks after we returned.

    Well, folks...I won't even pretend to have tried to catch up on the posts. I just thought I'd pop in to let people know I'm still alive and kicking and haven't given up the fight yet...just took a little hiatus from it, I guess.

    My January goals are: 1) get back to logging my daily food/calories; 2) keep daily intake right at or just above 1200; 3) get back into the move it and lose it groove...exercise 30 minutes at least 5x/week.

    That's about it...hope everyone is doing well. I'll get back into posting on MFP after we return on 2/9. Sooner, if I have computer access!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,004 Member
    Hi. Can I join you ladies? This looks like a wonderfully supportive and fun group:smile:
    I am feeling like I may never STAY motivated. I start out each day like gangbusters, then become discouraged and eat cake...or whatever is nearby...to make myself feel better. Unfortunately, when I finish, I feel so much worse. :cry:
    This has become a cycle that I would like to break! I want to see a new me this year.

    Hi Julie,
    Welcome to a great group........here are some things that helped me stay motivated:
    :flowerforyou: I log my food plan on MFP every day including snacks during the day and then I eat only what I have planned no matter what (I don't accept food offered by loving friend or spouse or eat any benign snacks no matter what)
    :flowerforyou: I connect with the women on this thread every day (sometimes I just read for inspiration and don't post but I post often enough so others can get to know me)
    :flowerforyou: I do some exercise every day even if it is only walking up and down the hall or jogging in front of the TV for 10 minutes
    :flowerforyou: I don't sit at the computer or in front of the TV for more than 30 minutes

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Vicki, it was good to read your post. Since I haven't posted for awhile I don't know alot of the members. I like your Christmas family picture. What a wonderful bunch!
    I find myself being pretty grumpy as I get back to my weight loss journey. I have been doing fine with eating the right things, but I guess I resent not being able to eat whatever I want. That's a conundrum though because when I eat whatever I want, I gain unwanted pounds and then feel even worse. Makes alot of sense doesn't it? I think when I get my exercise routine back in line I will see some pounds start coming off.
    Greetings to all of you. Keep on keeping on!!:flowerforyou:
  • mrsanderson404
    jam0525...that is one of my favorite movies!! I remember Julia being on PBS but other than a funny skit by Dan Akroyd, didn't really know much of her life. After seeing the movie I read Julia's memoir "My Life in France".....such an amazing woman and married to a wonderfully supportive and loving man. The book goes much beyond the movie and is an excellent read!