What do you weigh 5'9/ 5'10 guys ?



  • TonyStark30
    TonyStark30 Posts: 497 Member
    Great to see so many replies, thanks guys, and hopefully we'll get even more yet :)

    From what I'm seeing 180lbs seems to be a consistent and healthy top weight, excluding those of course who have packed on quite a bit of muscle to their frame. On the flipside, it seems depending on frame also, the bottom of that spectrum would seem to be somewhere around the 160lbs mark, excluding those of course with small frames, just to get an idea of the middle ground.

    The above would kinda gel with my own experiences, where as someone with a broad enough build and frame (broad shoulders, deep chest, muscular thighs and calves, yet narrower waist and thin enough wrists), my ideal weight in the past has been somewhere between 170- 175, although I could probably even drop to 165 with a low enough body fat percentage (if my muscularity didn't change).

    This is all quite useful to me, as when I started out to drop weight about 2/ 3 months ago, 175lbs, my previous lowest weight, was my target (and still is). Along the way I've had a sneaking suspicion that I may revise that to 170 when I approach my target of 175. Equally I may to aim for something a little higher than 170, but reach that first, then focus on packing on a little muscle to raise that a few pounds. Food for thought :)

    Also got to remember at our size what ever weight you shoot for you're gonna be 6-10 pounds over that the moment you stop dieting.
  • 5'11" currently at 80.3kg. Broad shoulder, large chest, smallish arms (working on it). Carry my weight in muscle and fat round my midriff. Trying to get to ~77kg for (hopefully) a 6-pack, have a 4 pack atm (lower abs visible). If you're 1.5" shorter, similar frame and slightly lighter then you're probably at the point where people say you look "good" (which I get atm). Like me though, you're unlikely to be "great" yet. You may find ~75kg to be a better weight for that. Good luck with whatever you decide!
  • algwynt
    algwynt Posts: 76 Member
    184 aiming for 175 by xmas.Then its maintaining that weight.FOR EVER
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    Also got to remember at our size what ever weight you shoot for you're gonna be 6-10 pounds over that the moment you stop dieting.

    I'm not sure I get you, but it could be that it's early in the morning yet, and the coffee is still filtering through to my brain, lol. Could you elaborate ? :)

    On a semi-related note, eating such a small amount of carbs (50- 80g) a day as I am right now, I know there'll be a couple of pounds to expect from water weight and my glycogen stores, should/ when I up the carbs in my daily intake when I stop losing and focus on maintaining or even building potentially.

    Hovering at 187 currently as I am gives me plenty of time for thought, especially about next steps and the transition to them. At 187, and somewhere around 20- 25% body fat, I can only estimate when I hit 175, I will probably be somewhere in the 18- 20% body fat range, so there shall still be a bit of work ahead to hit the 15% mark, something I would like to do. Curiously, after about 9- 10 weeks of losing, I feel quite on top of things, and as I get closer to my goal of 175, and more than weight loss, perhaps my mind might be shifting more subtly to the mindset of treating this as a cut more and more.

    One thing's for sure, I never feel I ever had as much control over my weight control as I do now, and with a lot more knowledge about macronutrients and my bodies metabolic processes, I can only see myself seeking to increase such mastery over my body, bodyweight and composition :)
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    5'11" currently at 80.3kg. Broad shoulder, large chest, smallish arms (working on it). Carry my weight in muscle and fat round my midriff. Trying to get to ~77kg for (hopefully) a 6-pack, have a 4 pack atm (lower abs visible). If you're 1.5" shorter, similar frame and slightly lighter then you're probably at the point where people say you look "good" (which I get atm). Like me though, you're unlikely to be "great" yet. You may find ~75kg to be a better weight for that. Good luck with whatever you decide!

    We actually sound remarkably similar in build, and its definitely interesting to get a viewpoint of someone a little further ahead in things too. I know what you mean about people telling me I look good, always nice to hear, although like you I have higher sights in mind, and definitely targetting "great' also :)
  • I'm 1.8m tall and weigh 76kg body fat 5%, I'm an athlete (duathlon) so need low body fat but need strength and endurance.
  • Ok I will join in, I'm 5'10" and currently 180lbs, I am a slim build and have a fair amount of muscle from years of strength training, cycling and martial arts, but I do tend to carry around the mid section, I am aiming for 168 as with my frame and musculature should be ripped and free from belly fat around that level, if not then I will keep going, also I want to be the right weight for my frame as the older I get the more I understand how important it is to minimize the stress on my joints, I want to have my original knees at 70+
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Also got to remember at our size what ever weight you shoot for you're gonna be 6-10 pounds over that the moment you stop dieting.
    Presume you are talking about a glycogen/water weight bounce?

    If so, that's far from universal. If you low carb or keep an aggressive deficit all the way to goal weight then there's a good chance you might get this bounce.
    If you don't low carb (or have carb refeeds), or taper off your rate of weight loss as you near goal I would think it's unlikely to happen for most people.
  • CLAkeeno
    CLAkeeno Posts: 8 Member
    5'9 teetering between 158-164lbs.
  • drepublic
    drepublic Posts: 180 Member
    I'm 5/10" and weight 189 lbs.
  • 5'11" and 203lbs but GW is 175
  • I am 6ft (180cm) and weigh 120.9kg. I was checking charts earlier and it looks like I should be 79kg max which is pretty daunting. I will try reach it. I would say I am a large build; my shoulders are pretty broad I guess.
    79 kg, yikes - hopefully though.
  • adam_2218
    adam_2218 Posts: 14 Member
    i weigh 100kg. But i hope its not all about weight. Fitness is important for me too
  • keenho
    keenho Posts: 72 Member
    5' 10" = 176 lbs.
  • linsdog
    linsdog Posts: 94 Member
    5'10" - Between 160-170 depending on where I am at in training.
  • ntdrive
    ntdrive Posts: 105 Member
    5'10" 190 14% bf
  • 5'9 and 170 here, at around 15% body fat. going for around 12%, but i'd like to say slim, rather than get huge. Started at 190ish and about 22%BF.
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    I am 6ft (180cm) and weigh 120.9kg. I was checking charts earlier and it looks like I should be 79kg max which is pretty daunting. I will try reach it. I would say I am a large build; my shoulders are pretty broad I guess.
    79 kg, yikes - hopefully though.

    Haha, if those are BMI charts, I wouldn't worry too much if you've a big build. 79kg is what I'm currently aiming for as someone 2 inches shorter than you, and although it puts me right on the cusp between overweight and obese on the BMI scale, I was quite happy at 79kg before. I would imagine at 6', you would probably still look quite good somewhere in the mid to high 80's probably, if thats any consolation :)
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    5'11" currently 220 - aiming for 180-190 range

    I'm quite broad
  • andrewptr1
    andrewptr1 Posts: 16 Member
    about 5' 10", was @ 187ish about 22%, now 3 months later @ 175 not sure about bf