Wanted - Fat, Female, Fifty (or thereabouts) Friends!



  • judeveg
    judeveg Posts: 22 Member
    I'm 45 please tell me I'm too young :tongue:
  • knechm1
    knechm1 Posts: 1 Member
    This is Fabulous group! I'm excited to be part of it. Thank you for reaching out!:bigsmile:
  • PhoebeGrey
    Hi, I'm Phoebe. I have about 100 pounds to lose and have been stuck this past month. I started off strong but can't seem to budge these last few weeks. I REALLY want this but I need some kick-*kitten* friends, people who are really motivational behind me. I want friends who will look at my food diary and really give an honest review. If you can be that kind of friend, please do, I could really use your help. I feel that I have a good diet, I eat healthy most of the time and I am a firm believer in calorie counting. I am on a 1200 calorie a day plan (give or take 100 calories) and I feel this is right for me, for the time, at least until I get my weight down to under 200 pounds. I too will offer the same motivation that I'm looking for. Losing a hundred pounds requires a lot of work and patience. It's not an easy task and so good friends are essential.
    I am 57 (58 in February - can't believe that's happening!), I'm 5'3" tall and currently weight 233. I have not weighed under 130 since I was 25 years old. I'm not big boned but have always been shapely which adds to some of the weight, no excuses, just a fact. I'd like this all to come off in a year but I am realistic and if I could lose just 1 pound a week I would be extremely happy happy
  • ggeise14
    ggeise14 Posts: 386 Member
    I lost 30 lbs five years ago and it didn't take long for me to gain back 12, lose 2.... you get the picture. It seems like I ALWAYS need to lose 10-15 lbs because of the darn yo-yoing! I'm 50 (51 in Jan), had my thyroid removed in Feb and I would really prefer to reach my goal of losing 10 lbs than to give up on it.
  • TheBlizz35
    TheBlizz35 Posts: 142 Member
    Love this post! I will be fifty in January and my mantra is now "50 before 50". I have yo-yo'd up and down the scale swinging as much as 70 to 80 pounds always wondering why I didn't keep a good thing going. Would love to have more friends on this site to help motivate me, and would love to be able to encourage others as well. Please feel freel to add me as a friend.

    Fell in love with the movie "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" on Netflix a few years back and know that juicing (and blending) are both things that work for me and have helped me these past two weeks get into an healthier eating pattern. The challenge is to keep it going and if/when I reach goal, not to abandon what has worked. Would love to meet others on the same journey towards healthy living and a lower BMI. :smile:
  • reba524
    reba524 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello, I am 51, I need to drop 50 pounds, and I TOTALLY understand the pitfalls. I would welcome new friends to help me along my journey.:
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,159 Member
    Lots of my people here! :flowerforyou: I'm fat, female and fifty and would love more friends. My time here is working, sometimes slowly, but it's working and I'm thrilled.

    I just got a tshirt that says "Made in 1964. Fifty years of being incredible!"
  • CariDee13
    CariDee13 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi - I'm 49 - about to turn 50 in less than 2 months (eep!), and I completely understand your title. It is amazing how the perimenopausal period suddenly hits you and man, does it make a huge difference to how one's body responds to each morsel which goes in the mouth. So depressing. My weight has started rocketing up over the past year, despite an even healthier diet (fully vegan now for past year, after a transition period of being vegetarian), and my exercise regime has increased slightly. Its nuts.

    But as of this week's hormone tests...yes, I discover my oestrogen has plummeted and so according to my lovely lady doctor (she's almost 60, so she gets it), my body is packing on the fat, as it creates the hormone oestrogen from this store - all in an effort to rebalance to former levels. This is what happens to pretty much every woman as she moves into the perimenopause phase but some drop quickly, and others drop very slowly. Hopefully this will mean that I'll come out of it faster!!

    Anyway - it would be wonderful to communicate with other women of the same age group. All of my friends are 10 years younger - or 10 years older...so the support, both giving and receiving, would be lovely.

    Looking forward to chatting with you and the other ladies in the future.


    Auckland, NZ
  • dinaesia
    dinaesia Posts: 54 Member
    Hi ladies! There's a group called Women 50+ September 2014. Come on in! We don't discriminate about the 50 mark. Look under groups. Or check the Recent Posts list. You'll see us. Click on the name to enter the group. Just hit reply, introduce yourself or " bump" to mark your spot. then it will show in your MyTopics list. See you there!
  • vette49
    vette49 Posts: 96 Member
    I turn 53 on 9/11, feel free to add me as a friend.
  • juliegee61
    I'm 53 and been trying to lose weight for 17 years...discovered this application...and its great network of fellow sufferers...fancy being friends and supporting each other x
  • Loubowman67
    Loubowman67 Posts: 3 Member
    Sent u a friend request.

    I m also on a mission to lose 100 r more lbs. ...
  • yvonnemitchell4
    I'm 56 and want to lose about 20lb
  • free2beany12
    Hi .. I feel your pain..

    I am 56 (nearly 57) don't feel it and told don't look it but I have a long way to go... my downfall is that although I try very hard my weight just won't shift and I get disheartened and give up.. I walk every day in my lunchbreak with my overweight dog :) Together we're trying very hard but not shifting much and he doesn't eat that much either... maybe I'm looking at it through different eyes but I've maintained an honest diary on here and that too tells me that I "don't eat that much" so I'm now downing the water and sloshing around all day ... At the moment I have broken out in cold sores, my head hurts through giving up on my beloved coffee that I know I drink way too much of but I've cut down to 2 a day... I do have a sit down office job but that's no excuse so as my bum spreads over my chair I need friends to give me the encouragement to keep going... I am a chocoholic but can't even have 1 piece as a treat as I know I'll go ahead and eat the whole bar or slab :)

    In other words I would love to be your friend..
  • LisBetta
    LisBetta Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, all. I'm eight years over fifty and working on fitness as much as pounds. I came here to the message boards hoping to find a bit of support and here's the perfect thread.

    I try to keep positive and realistic about the weight. It's been a part of me for most of my life! Still, as I've been walking and even running (at my age!) and doing lots of exercise, I'm not only getting stronger, I've lost about twenty pounds. I can't deny that I like getting into my favorite clothes from a few years ago.

    Most of all, I am thrilled to be keeping up with my friends (I was starting to pant and drag).

    Please send a friend request if you'd like to exchange support. I need some accountability about doing the walk every morning and especially doing those darn situps. Courage to all the FFF ladies!
  • MyTurn2BHappy
    MyTurn2BHappy Posts: 475 Member
    47 here... Feel free to add me! I'm always looking for motivational, fun friends. And you can message me anytime if you need to talk :)
  • Aldabra2009
    Aldabra2009 Posts: 6 Member
    I hear you - i feel the same and am loving all the posts
  • Mjones23456
    Mjones23456 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi I'm 60 and on the same journey! Of course I will be your friend!
  • wjrapp
    wjrapp Posts: 56 Member
    There should be a group, just for those of us that fit this description! ;) (Maybe there is and I just haven't found it yet!) It is so much harder at this age than it was when I was younger!

    Okay Ladies...let's see who will take the bait....I am part of a group on mfp and have been for 12 weeks...problem for me is they are all younger than me...some by 15-20 yrs. I have kids this age..and frankly, they can't keep up. They are busy mom's with small kids and for whatever reason I don't feel challenged enough.

    So...wondering if any of you ladies would like to be part of a group? I'll start it up if I can get at least 5 others...we can have a spreadsheet to track weight, have weekly weigh ins, weekly challenges...keeping a running tab on a point system and have a winner at the end of each week. The winner of each week gets to post the next weeks challenge.

    No bashing or blasting each other, just some healthy competition, group support, motivational support, etc. The same reasons that brought us to mfp.

    It's been really fun and motivational with this other group...and the ladies are awesome...but I would like to branch out and try a new group with gals closer to my own age...I'm not a huge workout person and super, super dedicated. BUT I am consistent, here every day, at the gym at least 4 days a week....totally committed to keeping this going. In almost 3 years I've lost 45 lbs (some before mfp), gotten so healthy my Dr took me off all my meds (3 day for hbp, 1 for high chol, 1 for arthritis) over 2 years ago. I'm dedicated to my health...but I enjoy my life and few rum drinks over the weekend, struggle with my husband the football fanatic...anyway...

    If any one is interested, let me know..send me a message and let's get this thing started!

    Thanks! Hope I get a few nibbles!
  • Tpugh75016
    Tpugh75016 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi ladies. Just started mfp and loving it. I have about two stone to shift. I lost one and a half stone on cambridge shakes but I think such low calories impacted my metabolism. So hard now to loose an ounce. Started jogging 8 weeks ago and go three times a week for about thirty mins. Nearly kills me as I have never been a runner but onwards and upwards folks. Weight loss certainly slows down post fifty but absolutely determined. I am planning to join gym this week and embark on some core strength exercise and swimming. I would love to hear from you guys xx Tracey