Losing weight without the GYM?



  • lillyrose2020
    lillyrose2020 Posts: 178 Member
    I haven't, n look at my results. ..when it comes to weight loss, 90% of it is diet
    Well done on your weight loss! Please take this as a compliment, your butt looks amazing in your profile pic!! #ButtEnvy
  • garnerish
    garnerish Posts: 67 Member
    Down 50lb without stepping foot in a gym.
  • jamesdavidy
    Hey not everyone likes the Gym, I echo many comments and say, Move your body, find something you like be it walking, gardening, swimming, cycling, workout vides, you tube free workouts or a mix of all, just move because you can! For me exercise is a habit, It has become who I am, but I grew up in a family with severe disabilities so I have a first hand lesson of how precious a fit and healthy body is, I realise everyday how lucky I am.

    Good luck
  • Jazz_2014
    Jazz_2014 Posts: 142 Member
    No gym for me. BUT I do love taking a class. I do instructional dvd's (including utube) daily. But I enjoy taking an afternoon of yoga to get instruction. It helps with proper positioning I can't get with videos. Not to mention it's a treat for me. Good for the mind and helps me carry a mindfulness about caring for me all week. Yoga helps me listen to my body.

    I also take a Zumba class once a week. It is a golden zumba class for older people. This class I was originally hesitant to take but it was the best thing as it got me moving again. Now I somewhat increase the activity more then instructor does.

    In our area a lot of community centers, the college, and even churches offer some form of exercise. Just suggesting, there are other options then a gym and home.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    you do not need to pay to lose weight. nature is free. the calorie deficit is the key to weight loss. exercise is the key to being fit. strength training is good for bone density and building muscles but it doesn't have to be done in a gym. you can do things like push ups and dips, yoga, pilates, get some resistance bands, do full body exercise such as swimming, do walking or jogging or biking that uses your big muscle groups. The videos on youtube are wonderful too. I love walking, swimming and biking for my exercises. No need to pay anyone to get in shape and lose weight at all.
  • Tisiwa
    Tisiwa Posts: 46 Member
    No gym membership, I've learned to eat better, and walk about three days a week, but the result came from my diet changes, and it's a good balance of all food, I save room for my sweets too.. it's been the best results I ever experienced simply changing my eating habits and moving more.

    Good Luck with your WL
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    Weight loss comes mostly from eating less calories than you burn. You burn calories just by living.
    I lost 90 pounds before I began to even walk more. My knees were bad from carrying around so much excess weight. Losing weight made it possible for me to be more comfortable to move more. You do not need a gym membership to exercise. You can walk or run, use exercise dvds, or utube videos.
  • kmsnyg
    kmsnyg Posts: 100 Member
    I just joined a gym this week, because I wanted to spice up my workouts. But I lost 60 lbs without it.
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    I am not a member of a gym. I lost 30lb without it.
    I don't know where you live so its hard for me to advise but for me I go walking/cycling in the country. I bought a set of hand weights and I use them.
  • Notreadytoquit
    Notreadytoquit Posts: 235 Member
    There are benefits to joining a gym. Newest fitness classes, companionship of friends & teachers, all the toys and hot showers. Logged 25 years as gym rat. However wasted 1 hour driving + cost of gas. When kids were young the gym gave me a welcome break from nonstop demands and kid care.

    I no longer belong to a gym ... Lyme disease from years of hiking & outdoor work became chronic Lyme and extreme pain when walking changed all my priorities in regard to exercise.

    My exercise now consists out caring for my old house & farm compound. You'd be amazed how many calories you can burn vacuuming, mopping floors, hauling laundry up and down 4 flights of steps, weeding the gardens, etc. Whatever you do remember to squat in perfect form instead of bending at waist. Tighten your core and hold tight every time you lift from squat position and you'll have tighter abs, too.

    It's really hard to lose just by diet if you can only eat 1200 calories per day. I have to keep moving to eat enough to satisfy.
  • harktosh
    harktosh Posts: 25 Member
    Altogether I have lost close to 40lbs now and I haven't used the gym. I would love to get a membership for rock climbing and weight lifting since I just don't have room in my house for a rock wall or a bunch of weight machines, but it's not in my budget as of yet. The track at the highschool is free, the parks are free. A lot of my loss has just been from just watching how much food I'm putting on my plate.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    You can lose weight without the gym - Just eat less, and move around a lot more!!!

    The things I do like about the gym is:

    Latest machines
    I feel really motivated when I work out, seeing others working hard too... Pushes me!
    Nutrition, weight loss & diet advice from the PT walking around
    Meeting new friends - The social side
    I love my spin classes ... Love, Love, Spinning!!!!!!!!

    But I must admit a while ago I was thinking about making my 'home gym' .... This may all change when the winter sets in and I lose my motivation.... Arghhhhh!!
  • LessHeavyVeggie
    LessHeavyVeggie Posts: 208 Member
    I have never been to a gym in my life.

    I lost my first stone/15lbs or so without exercise, but now I use a stationary bike and rowing machine which I am lucky enough to have in the house/garage and I also go jogging (started out with c25k).

    Also walking is a great free exercise! - I now walk to most places and have saved a lot on bus tickets! Thinking about getting into cycling for longer journeys and to be quicker. Also I live near the country/sea so there are a lot of nice places to walk/cycle nearby. If you are able to walk/cycle to work everyday then that would be a good twice daily exercise.

    Also have a look on youtube - there are tons of free workout videos on there of basically every type.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Interesting to see the people who have lost weight without the gym or exercise which is the way to do it. For me, I have goals that can only be accomplish in the gym.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    You don't need to join a gym in order to lose weight. All you have to do is eat at a calorie deficiency. Adequate sleep/rest and hydration are also important components to weight loss. Nonetheless, as you lose weight, you will lose muscle and fat. It is highly recommended that you do some form of resistance or weight training in order to strengthen and preserve your remaining muscles. You could use your own body weight. Look up something like bodyweight exercises.
  • kade_cando
    I've managed to lose weight despite not being able to work out. My back is bad enough it takes 5 minutes to get out of bed. I do my PT exercise and that's it. I think working out just helps to be able to eat more. In order for me to lose weight, I've had to be well under 1000 calories a day. It's working but I wish I could get in 500 calories worth of exercise.
  • dazwan
    dazwan Posts: 81 Member
    I found it was cheaper and a lot more fun to buy a bike. I cycle to work & back everyday bought a really nice bike. I have already paid for it. I save $40 a week in gas and have road my bike for 6 months now. I have already paid for the bike by all the savings in gas, and ride 12 miles to work & 12 miles home for a total of 24 miles a day. I have currently been riding for 6 months now and have lost of total of 45 pounds. Biking slims you down and it's fun your outdoors everyday & it beats the gym.
    Pretty much the same, being cycling to work and back since June. Also 12+12 miles, saving £40 (I guess gas/petrol is more expensive in the UK). As of today, lost 17lbs (lowest I've been since I had a dodgy thyroid).

    Not only is it cheaper and more fun (apart from dodging the occasional idiot driver in their 2 ton killing machines on busy stretches of road) but consider the time saved. By car my commute is 40 minutes, by cycle - 45 minutes so not a huge difference, but I don't need to then spend an additional 2 hours of my life in the gym when I get home.
  • GeeWillickers
    GeeWillickers Posts: 85 Member
    I've lost all of my weight without a gym. Started by walking then progressed to body weight exercises then to dumbbells. You do not need a gym to lose weight or gain strength at all.

    Edit: Overall I have lost 100 pounds prior to joining MFP.
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,268 Member
    I know you've gotten a lot of responses but running, biking and general body weight exercises are all you need to lose weight. Gyms are great and I belong to one, mainly for accountability and friendships, but overall, there is no need to use one when you have everything you need on hand...your body!!! Good luck
  • MN4US
    MN4US Posts: 78 Member
    I've lost 40 pounds through just calorie control alone.

    I went from BMI 32 to 24..

    But I am much happier with the way my body looks and feels since joining the gym (when I hit a normal BMI).. Fitter, firmer, happier! :heart: