Women who are 5' 8", what is your weight goal?



  • tflannery1
    tflannery1 Posts: 3 Member
    Well, I am 5'8" and in high school I stayed about 125-135. After 2 children I got in the best shape of my life and weighed 150. My highest weight with my first child was 180 and with my second it was 197. Then I had a hysterectomy in 2007 at the age of 37 and I kept gaining on a regular basis. My highest was August 2013 in which I weighed 245! I now weigh 197 (the same weight as when I had my 2nd child) and have set myself a goal of 175 by December 2014. My short term goal is 185 and size 12. I am now in a size 14 according to the fit (some 16's). I know at the age of 44 I don't want to get to thin because then wrinkles start showing. I have always been a large boned gal and that will never change.
  • Kittymarie83
    Kittymarie83 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm 5'8" and my goal weight is 165 (to start), but I'd like to get down to 150-155 eventually.

    I would love to be 165.... I cant imagine myself being any smaller but I guess I will cross that bridge when I get there lol:ohwell:
  • astroophys
    astroophys Posts: 175 Member
    I'm 5'7, and at my lowest, I was 135. I looked a bit emaciated at that weight (I'm assuming I have a larger frame than average), but I remember looking and feeling better at around 141-145, so my goal is 140 in order to give myself some legroom for maintenance.
  • bradsbaby1996
    bradsbaby1996 Posts: 154 Member
    I'm 5'8 and 154 (from 264).. I wear a size 4 jeans and shorts, smallest I have ever been!! My only trouble area is my stomach.. I'm very bony everywhere else so I don't think I can go much lower..
  • BPhelps612
    I'm 5'8 with an athletic build, which i think makes a huge difference. But i am currently at 190lbs. (Was 220) and am trying to get down to about 165lbs. I carry my weight pretty evenly so i think that is why people think i weigh less than i actually do. In high school and beginning of college i weighed 170 and i actually liked it but this time i want to be more toned. At the end of the day i would say to hell with all the charts???? and do what fits you best. Good luck with your weight loss! ????☺ if you're looking for ways to stay motivated I did a fitness wall (thanks pinterest) and got a fitbit flex with some of my friends as a friendly competition- what can I say being an athlete competition is one thing I can't ignore. Hope this helps
  • angie007az
    angie007az Posts: 406 Member
    My daughter is 5'8" and she weighs 130# and is in great shape.
  • Brobi576
    I finally hit 130 at 5'8" I am doing cross fit three times a week for 75 min. My strength has increased dramatically , I can deadlift my weight in five sets of three. My body is still at about 25% fat. I have a very small frame so I would like to still lose body fat. I would be happy with this weight but I want my percentage of body fat to go down to 15%.
  • Brobi576
    I am considering the use of testosterone as an alternative to HRT. Has anyone here done that?
  • Brobi576
    I am 52 years old.
  • clare120
    clare120 Posts: 41 Member
    I am in between 5'8 and 5'9 and I haven't weighed myself in a month or so but my goal for now will be 130. Afterwards, the lower 120s will probably be less daunting, but that is my ultimate goal: lower 120s.
  • 1youngmommy
    I am 5"8.5 and my goal is 125 :)
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    I'm 5'8". I've been obese my entire life so I have no idea what weight I want to be until I get there. Right now I'm thinking 150-ish. My sister is 160 and 2 inches taller than me, and she's starting to develop some nice muscle definition. That is something I definitely want :] I lift light right now, kind of afraid to go heavy until I get a docs approval because of my back injury. I'm already seeing upper arm definition but not enough to take the attention away from my bat wings :laugh:
  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member
    Updates anyone?

    I am down 31 lbs and currently weigh 169, about 5 lbs less then when I got pregnant with my 3rd and last child. I'm comfortably wearing a size 10 pants and just yesterday got into my "goal" jeans. My ultimate weight goal has always been 165lbs and I'm looking forward to reaching that goal over the next month or so...then, maybe pushing a little harder and going for the 150's...which I haven't seen since my teen years.

  • Jalabrown76
    Jalabrown76 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 5'8 and am aiming for 164 initially. 155 will prob be my ultimate goal.
  • lyht1
    lyht1 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 5'8 and I was always 120 .. sounds low I suppose but I was always the willow-y type and I looked good but now I'm older and honestly being really skinny is not flattering to anyone at my age. I lift pretty heavy and I like looking muscular but if I'm over 125 or so I get a poochy tummy and love handles but my upper body looks super bony .. ugghh
  • Naughtlookin
    Naughtlookin Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 47 and I weight about 260 at the moment. I've never been thin or fit in my entire life. The least I remember weighing was 195 and I was size 11 so I would love to hit 194
  • Oliviapixie
    Oliviapixie Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'8" aiming for my weight from 2014-15, 140lbs, would love to get down to 135, but I'm not sure how realistic that is as I'm nearing my 30th bdaaayyy woo wooooo!
  • BananaJoanna
    BananaJoanna Posts: 25 Member
    My goal is 140. In my 20s, that was the heaviest I ever got and I had managed to get down to about 125 lbs with intense exercise regimen and healthy eating, but that's no longer realistic for me with my job and being a mom. I'm now 150 lbs and think 140 is achievable and healthy. I really love to eat good food and need to travel and eat out for work sometimes, so I can't really afford to be too strict or I would be miserable. 140 is about where I end up with working out 3-4 times per week and eating healthy foods in smaller portions with the occasional pizza night or special occasion.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    Oh wow @DAM5412 you're still here!

    I've been at 140-142 for a while. I could lose a couple more pounds - maybe five - but no more than that. I like 140 a lot.
  • beelzeboobs21
    beelzeboobs21 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 5'8" with a wide frame, big shoulders and hips. I looked bangin' at 175 in my late teens/early 20s so I am aiming to get back there.

    I also feel like the numbers on the scale are far less important than how I feel/look. If I get to 190 and like where I am, I'll stay there. The only reason I even pay any attention to the scale right now is to track my progress.