Did you lose weight after having the Mirena taken out?



  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    So Sezxy Stef, you have no problem admitting that the Mirena causes all sorts of hormonal imbalances, makes your hair fall out, causes depression, bad skin problems, sore boobs, no sex drive...and on and on, but you have a problem with the weight gain??? Why exactly? You do realize that one of the ways that it works is that it tricks your body into thinking it's pregnant. When I was pregnant, I gained a lot of weight!

    I read on another post where you were exulting the wonders of Mirena that you don't even have one.... you had it removed because you had problems with it! Do you own shares in the company or what exactly is your end game in defending this thing?

    As for the majority/minority, I am going to disagree with you again, I have had no less than 9 private messages or friend requests from ladies that read my post and identified with my problems, none of them have commented on this post. Not everyone wants to put their problems out in public, especially when there are people like you that are judging and making them sound crazy for blaming this thing for their issues. There are more forums than Myfitnesspal on the internet, google "problem with Mirena" and see how many hundreds/thousands of posts are out there from other women, Sparkpeople has a really good discussion going on about it....but of course it isn't peer reviewed and can't be believed by ordinary people...right?

    Actually what I said was that yes it can have side effects I never mentioned which ones I believed were caused by the actual IUD.

    What I did say was that during clinical trials any unusal things that happen HAVE to be reported to the trial lead and then noted as a side effect

    And no it doesn't trick your body into believing it's pregnant it does the following:

    Thickens cervical mucus to prevent sperm from entering your uterus

    Inhibits sperm from reaching or fertilizing your egg

    Thins the lining of your uterus

    As for my Mirena I had it for 5 years and had another inserted due to the fact I loved it so much. I did not have it removed...it actually fell out and I would have another one now but the doctor wanted me on Depo for now.

    My end game is to educate. Why because apparently lots of women didn't read up on it prior to it's use. In the information it actually says not to use it if you have had issues with depression. And if you personally didn't know how it worked you didn't educate yourself either...and excuse me but if you are going to put something in your body you should educate yourself on it first.

    Again minority..there are over a million users on this site and you had maybe 10 send notes...sounds like a minority to me.

    I am not judging my statements are factual where as yours are not...ie thyroid issues caused by mirena, how it works and that fact I had mine removed...all false statements.

    As for blogs and other posts no they are not peer reviewed studies and correlation does not mean causation.

    I have agreed there are side effects, I have agreed it is not good for all women it was perfect for me and a lot of others, more than not actually....

    But what I wont agree with is that is causes 50lbs in weight gain...nor will I agree it causes thyroid issues. Nor will I agree that if you are logging accurately and consistently that you "CAN"T" lose weight on it, that is totally not true.

    It can cause some weight gain mainly due to water retention...hence the "bloat" lots of women report.

    But you hate it I get that...it wasn't for you...I feel bad...but what you can't see is the other side...the side where a lot of women have great experiences with it and it does good take me for example, it prevented my anemia, it saved my teeth and basically kept me from having a child I didn't want, prevented me from being bound to the house due to very heavy periods that left me weak and never mind the fact that my PMS has totally disappeared...oh and I lost 25lbs using it.

    That is the sad part here....you speak of judging...hmmm. At least I can admit it's not for some women all you want to do is bash and condem and not see the other side nor educate yourself.

    @angerosed actually no this is not a place for us that do have issues can vent and get help and support from each other, this is an open forum where a question was asked about if anyone lost weight after Mirena was taken out...if you want a place to vent and support each other without dissenting views create a private group and invite some women to it otherwise there will be opposing opinions and people telling those that think it causes 25+ weight gain it doesn't.
  • carmenstop1
    carmenstop1 Posts: 210 Member
    Sezxy Stef, you seem to like to be the mean girl on Myfitnesspal, maybe you need to read a post from one of my favorite bloggers.

    But then again, it's not peer reviewed...

  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Sezxy Stef, you seem to like to be the mean girl on Myfitnesspal, maybe you need to read a post from one of my favorite bloggers.

    But then again, it's not peer reviewed...


    Oh so I am a "Poopie Troll" because I disagreed with you and proved your information false through peer reviewed clinical studies...

    and mean...wow...maybe you need to start a mean people thread and site this as your example.

    Per your link
    “How can I dissect what she said and take **** out of context and write a mean and nasty comment? Maybe I can even attack her personally.”

    1. I did not take what you said out of context and write a mean nasty comment...if I had done that my post would have said something like "are you really that ignorant?" ...nor did I attack you personally. I believe that is what you just did to me by referencig me as a "Poopie Troll"
    But sometimes I think people like you don’t stop to think, “Would I say this to another person if they were standing right in front of me?”

    Yes I would say it to you in person, because what I said wasn't mean nor did it have a mean intent, more of an educational thing and hoping perhaps instead of insisting that you are right that there could be another side...but no you couldn't do that...
    I’m not naive. I know I put my words on the Internet and I should expect people to disagree with them sometimes. And you’re allowed to disagree. Disagree all you F'ing want. But it’s time for the trolls/bullies/high schoolers/middle schoolers/mean mommies/everyone to stop and think, “There is a person sitting on the other side of this screen. Would I say this to their face if they were standing right in front of me?”

    as for this part perhaps you need to take a step back and look at the advice...

    At no time did I resort to name calling or being mean and if you can show me the post where I did I will apologize profusely...but I can guarantee this...your last post is exactly what is above...would you call me a troll to my face or any other name??? probably not so that being said...

    Pot meet kettle...
  • carmenstop1
    carmenstop1 Posts: 210 Member
    Sezxy Stef, obviously you have your opinion, and I have mine. You are defending your opinion and I am defending mine. You seem determined to convince people there are no side effects. I disagree. Why, because I suffered through them!

    It would be like you saying you have never had cancer, but that I am crazy because I do and that I think my hair is falling out because of the chemo! You haven’t experienced it, you can’t judge it! You keep saying that there is no way this is causing problems…who isn’t trying to see the other side?

    I am not being judgmental, and I have not bashed anyone. I have been called a dummy and a flamer on this thread and I have not thrown any names out at anyone else! I posted a topic about name calling and bullying done behind a keyboard, I did not personally call you a name! If you take it personally, then maybe you have a guilty conscience?

    Kettle meet Pot!

    I’m done engaging with you, I have a happy life to live, I don’t enjoy cutting people down from behind a keyboard.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Sezxy Stef, obviously you have your opinion, and I have mine. You are defending your opinion and I am defending mine. You seem determined to convince people there are no side effects. I disagree. Why, because I suffered through them!

    It would be like you saying you have never had cancer, but that I am crazy because I do and that I think my hair is falling out because of the chemo! You haven’t experienced it, you can’t judge it! You keep saying that there is no way this is causing problems…who isn’t trying to see the other side?

    I am not being judgmental, and I have not bashed anyone. I have been called a dummy and a flamer on this thread and I have not thrown any names out at anyone else! I posted a topic about name calling and bullying done behind a keyboard, I did not personally call you a name! If you take it personally, then maybe you have a guilty conscience?

    Kettle meet Pot!

    I’m done engaging with you, I have a happy life to live, I don’t enjoy cutting people down from behind a keyboard.

    Really no name calling from you...again false information.
    Sezxy Stef, you seem to like to be the mean girl on Myfitnesspal, maybe you need to read a post from one of my favorite bloggers.

    wow...denial much...as for you being called a name wasn't by me otherwise you would have it quote so I would apologize.

    And again I am not determined to convince people that there are no side effects...holy moly woman

    a quote from me
    Actually what I said was that yes it can have side effects ....

    and I never said I didn't suffer from them ever...I had the bloat, the lactation and the hair falling out...but those are minor compare to what I was suffering from before...so they weren't a big deal to me...not enough to take it out or get all emotional with strangers who disagreed with me and call them names etc.

    You aren't trying to see the other side...that it does women good...you can't even accept that it did me good and prevented a lot of issues for me personally.

    And if you don't enjoy cutting people down then don't do it...don't call names, don't infer that they are a "Poopie Troll" don't spread misinformation on a public forum and expect people to not correct you...

    Go enjoy your "happy" life because apparently this particular topic gets you angry enough to call names etc..

    I do hope you eventually realize that your opinion isn't the end all to be all and can accept that...

    eta: *walks away smh*
  • angierosed
    angierosed Posts: 17 Member
    SezxyStef: I disagree with you 100%. I believe Mirena does cause weight gain in a good handful of women, even without changing diets. It messes with your hormones. It's like saying that a pregnant does not cause weight gain. When your hormones are off, this happens even when you try to tweak your diet. You're opinions were valued and eye opening. You have your opinion and we have ours. You can continue to debate but the fact is that we will continue to disagree, so we should just leave it at that. The end.
  • wonderish
    wonderish Posts: 89 Member
    I got the Meriana put in about 4 years ago, the first 6 months sucked. My first few periods I ended up in the ER with severe stomach cramps. I stuck with it and love it so far.. I did go for a pap last year and the OBGYN said mine is sitting a bit low and tried to move it. She sent me for an ultra sound to see if it was in the correct spot but it wasnt. Wanted me to get a new one but I didnt have benefits at the time. I now have benefits and i just had my pharmacist price out my cost and it'll be $78. I will be getting a new on inserted and hopefully it's inserted correctly this time!

    I gained weight, sure, but I also eat like crap. and I was on anti depressants at the time of insertion.


    My periods are pretty light, sometimes I spot for a few days and others I bleed a lot.
    I get more yeast infections since having it inserted, but that could be because of my weight as well.

    I know a lot of people want to blame something other than themselves for the reason why crap happens and an IUD seems to be a good excuse. Whenever I tell anyone that I have an IUD then then in turn tell me horror stories they've heard... and I always say "well everyone's body is different and how they react to it is different. I say give it a good shot, research, and figure out if its correct for you"
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    SezxyStef: I disagree with you 100%. I believe Mirena does cause weight gain in a good handful of women, even without changing diets. It messes with your hormones. It's like saying that a pregnant does not cause weight gain. When your hormones are off, this happens even when you try to tweak your diet. You're opinions were valued and eye opening. You have your opinion and we have ours. You can continue to debate but the fact is that we will continue to disagree, so we should just leave it at that. The end.
    unfortunately, as with most things, those who are unhappy for whatever reason tend to be more vocal. I for one havnt had any problems. Good luck.
  • heidispideymfp
    heidispideymfp Posts: 179 Member
  • I had my mirena over 7years ago, due to heavy bleeding and sorry to say I have had it removed 3 months ago. I went back after 5yeaRS for removal in case it went gammy in my womb. they said unless it is a problem they do not like to remove it. So I left it for 7 which honestly can say it was the best time as my bleeding a=had stopped. After the removal 4months ago my body has changed so much. good and bad.at 1st still not bleeding but still having cycles (mucus) this lasted 2 month, then the light period and now the 4th month back to normal. heavy clotted blood (almost looks lke liver), weight gain =3 stone in 7ears

    - very heavy liver clotty blood passing, this is why I had it in the 1st place.
    I have notice weight reducing as I am sure it used to make me binge eat all day, I don't think of food quite as much, lost 7lb 1 month without diet.
    I know this may have nothing to do with this but also my depression which I had worsened, I got snappier paranoid and felt suicidal at time. some days I was so lost with myself. I now have just gotta sort out what I can di with these horrendous bleeds any ideas ladies

  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I had my mirena over 7years ago, due to heavy bleeding and sorry to say I have had it removed 3 months ago. I went back after 5yeaRS for removal in case it went gammy in my womb. they said unless it is a problem they do not like to remove it. So I left it for 7 which honestly can say it was the best time as my bleeding a=had stopped. After the removal 4months ago my body has changed so much. good and bad.at 1st still not bleeding but still having cycles (mucus) this lasted 2 month, then the light period and now the 4th month back to normal. heavy clotted blood (almost looks lke liver), weight gain =3 stone in 7ears

    - very heavy liver clotty blood passing, this is why I had it in the 1st place.
    I have notice weight reducing as I am sure it used to make me binge eat all day, I don't think of food quite as much, lost 7lb 1 month without diet.
    I know this may have nothing to do with this but also my depression which I had worsened, I got snappier paranoid and felt suicidal at time. some days I was so lost with myself. I now have just gotta sort out what I can di with these horrendous bleeds any ideas ladies


    Sorry but this post makes no sense...Mirena is removed after 5 years as that is how long it lasts...for a doctor to leave it in for 7 years wouldn't happen. The hormones run out after 5 years per the package and any information on it and it is replaced.
  • wonderish
    wonderish Posts: 89 Member
    Sorry but this post makes no sense...Mirena is removed after 5 years as that is how long it lasts...for a doctor to leave it in for 7 years wouldn't happen. The hormones run out after 5 years per the package and any information on it and it is replaced.

    Actually, my OBGYN told me they are good for 5-7 years.
  • I have never had biological children but have slowly gained 15 lbs over the 2 1/2 yrs I had mirena. I work out FAITHFULLY 6days a week intensely with cardio and weight lifting. I eat 1500 calories a day. I've had my thyroid checked it it actually runs fast so that is not it. I finally had mirena removed 3 weeks ago and am really hoping I see results of my hard work soon! Please be very careful with your words around someone not being disciplined enough and this being the cause of weight gain. If you have not experienced this struggle you cannot fully understand the frustration. Thank goodness I have an amazingly supportive husband! I can say my sex drive has already increased since having it removed. Thankful!!!
  • awharton74
    awharton74 Posts: 2 Member
    Cannot believe all the negativity and people attacking women who have had issues with Mirena. Over the last year, I have probably gained 10 lbs while faithfully tracking my calories AND macros - I've gone as low as 1200 a day. And I weigh and measure EVERY bit of food that goes in my mouth. All other blood work turns out fine. I work out - lifting heavy 3x weekly and cardio 3x. I have been on my period more than off of it since getting the d@mned thing. In pain most of the time.

    And... I get to have surgery tomorrow! It has caused ovarian cysts that constantly rupture. So I get to have a cystectomy tomorrow and maybe have an ovary removed. My doctor didn't bat an eye when I told him I want to have it removed and have him do a tubal ligation while he's in there.

    If you think that something inserted in your uterus can't affect your body as a whole, you are ignorant. Why do you think people have hormone pellets inserted under their skin in the hip? Does it stay localized - to the hip? If you think CICO is the only thing that effects weight, you are also mistaken. I know hard-core fitness competitors who have had issues with the Mirena - while being super hard core with training and nutrition. Even the Mirena Pamphlet I received says it's not known HOW it works exactly - which is a bit disconcerting.

    Stop telling women they are wrong about what is happening to their bodies and just scroll on. Christ. Know it all(s).
  • I literally just took mine out 5 minutes ago. My clinic hasn't called me back after trying to set an appointment for 2 weeks and after reading a couple posts from other women that took theirs out without a medical professional, I figured it seemed simple enough. I had to dig around for a few minutes to find the strings and get a decent grip. i tugged lightly and could feel a little cramp as i continued pulling. It's out and I feel a wave of relief!
    I went from a size 4 to a size 8 (gained 25 lbs) since having Mirena put in 4 months ago. Regardless of the intense workouts and increase in water consumption. I haven't been able to control my sugar and carb cravings. They wouldn't go away no matter what I did!
    I already have a sleep disorder, so Mirena has caused me to be even less productive and energetic at work. I have felt more self conscious and depressed in the last 4 months than I have in my life. I experienced rapid facial and genital hair growth, odors that I don't recognize and completely lost interest in sex. I am hoping that by taking the wretched thing out, this nightmare will be over!! I can't stand feeling so uncomfortable in my own skin.
  • This is an update to my earlier post around 3 months ago. I had my Mirena taken out 4.5 weeks ago and this is my story so far.The week I had it removed I immediately lost a lot of fluid and my clothes were fitting much better than they have over the past couple of years. No actual weight loss though. The arthritis I thought I had in the joints of my fingers on both hands has completely disappeared. I have no swelling and no pain. I will have to now get all my rings re-sized again. I only got them increased in size late last year! They now twist around on my fingers and I am unable to wear them around the house as it is very annoying to have them turning all the time. The severe backaches I used to suffer most of the time has also gone. The pain I used to have was like a vice across my lower back and I would sometimes have difficulty in turning over in bed. I was always suspicious of the Mirena causing the joint and back pain, but was obviously never sure. I can now get up out of a chair after sitting for a period of time – pain free! Previously I would have to get up slowly and would take a minute or so for my legs and feet to get moving because of the pain. I also feel absolutely fantastic. I have a lot more energy that I have had for years. I went to my local GP this week and she could not believe how well I looked.Now for the most important part …. I have lost 1.6kg. Nothing in the first 4 weeks, but this week it has just dropped off! I feel great. I have been doing my cardio workouts, cycling and watching my food intake (same as what I was doing whilst I still had the Mirena), and the weight is actually coming off.Thought I would share this and will update again in about a month’s time on my weight.
  • SnowflakeVT
    SnowflakeVT Posts: 1 Member
    This is an interesting thread, as there appears to be controversy with symptoms after insertion of the Mirena IUD. Since this thread likely attracts those of us with suspected side effects, it makes sense that there are more stories here about negative side effects. I certainly wouldn't have found this site if I hadn't done a search on "side effects of Mirena".

    I have only had mine in less than two months, but the side effects I am experiencing make me want to take it out already. Fortunately I have a follow up appointment next week. I am 50, which seems strange to need an IUD, but it was recommended by my trusted doctor (who is also a close family friend) to help balance estrogen that has caused very difficult periods and polyps that were surgically removed 2 months ago during the same surgery where the Mirena was inserted. In my family, the females start puperty a little later than average and menopause also hits much later than average, so I still have regular periods every month.

    After having the Mirena put in, I kind of had a period two weeks later on schedule, but it was not the super heavy flow I was used to having (change tampons and pads every hour in first day otherwise risk major leakage). So, I was a bit surprised when 3 weeks later a real period started, but with full symptoms and then some of the worst period side effects ever (extreme headache, acne breakout, puffiness, hunger like I am pregnant, full flow, etc.). Then a few days ago I started to see more hair falling out than ever, so much that it tickles my back and shoulders as it keeps landing and I keep removing. I have short hair, and it is summer so I sleep in a camisole type shirt so more of my skin is bare, which is why I can feel the loose hair that lands. That is what finally drove me to do some online searches ... The headaches concerned me, but the hair loss reminded me of my late 20's when I tried to go on the pill.

    So, my conclusion is that the hormone in that IUD offends my body. Maybe I should wait a few cycles, but a I am dreading the 3-day headache that is finally subsiding.

    For the record, I am a fit and healthy 50-year-old. I run and cross country ski for fitness and I eat fairly well including organic veggies and grass fed meat when I can. In the last month I am hungrier than I've ever been, especially this last week, so I also am drawing a connection to hormones as I only felt this hungry when I was pregnant. I have gained a few pounds this past month, but I also am nursing a strained hip flexor from running, so can't conclude yet whether the weight gain is because I am not able to run as much this month due to injury or because I am eating for 2 even though I am not.

    Now off I go to take a shower and rinse this loose hair off my back.
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    I've had the Mirena for a few months now and haven't noticed any weight gain. Took some time to adjust with cycles and all that and now I have no periods but I've maintained weightloss just fine with it.

    The only negative side effects were within the first month and a half when I had heavy periods, long periods, and really bad cramps. I did a lot of research before getting an IUD and saw a lot of negative side effects and people complain about theirs that I was a bit worried. I'm just wondering if they didn't give it enough time.
  • awharton74
    awharton74 Posts: 2 Member
    Update- tomorrow will be 3 weeks since having surgery which included, amongst other things, having my Mirena removed and my tubes tied. I have eaten like crap and not worked out (walking slowly on the treadmill every couple of days is not working out!). I weighed the morning of my surgery and two days ago. Two days ago, I was 7lbs down. We went out last night and drank and ate waaaayyyy too much. Lots of "bad" foods too. Not dehydrated as I drink a ton of water. Ate more when I got home- including half a big bag of chips. I weighed myself this morning to assess the damage. Down an additional 1.5 lbs.

    Yeah- it was the Mirena. Even when I went to see my doctor for follow up, I asked if it was the fibroid and endometriosis that caused my pain. He said, and I quote, "I think the Mirena caused the majority of your symptoms." I wanted to love the Mirena. I stuck it out for a year telling myself it was all in my head. Note- if you feel like he mirena is causing issues for you, have it removed. Don't listen to people telling you that it just can't be. If it works for you, that's fantastic! Just don't discount other people's experiences.
  • Update- tomorrow will be 3 weeks since having surgery which included, amongst other things, having my Mirena removed and my tubes tied. I have eaten like crap and not worked out (walking slowly on the treadmill every couple of days is not working out!). I weighed the morning of my surgery and two days ago. Two days ago, I was 7lbs down. We went out last night and drank and ate waaaayyyy too much. Lots of "bad" foods too. Not dehydrated as I drink a ton of water. Ate more when I got home- including half a big bag of chips. I weighed myself this morning to assess the damage. Down an additional 1.5 lbs.

    Yeah- it was the Mirena. Even when I went to see my doctor for follow up, I asked if it was the fibroid and endometriosis that caused my pain. He said, and I quote, "I think the Mirena caused the majority of your symptoms." I wanted to love the Mirena. I stuck it out for a year telling myself it was all in my head. Note- if you feel like he mirena is causing issues for you, have it removed. Don't listen to people telling you that it just can't be. If it works for you, that's fantastic! Just don't discount other people's experiences.

    I'm really happy for you. My weight is still going down - rapidly - as I have been really pushing myself at the gym & walking a lot. I have so much energy. I feel like a new person. Good luck. I'm sure your weight will continue to drop off. Just imagine how much you could lose if you really tried!