Snowflakes to Sunshine* Discussion Week 4 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    :heart: Good Afternoon Snowflakes! Hope everyone is having a great Monday! I think I started off pretty good this morning...I woke up and did Day 3 of Level 2...I swear if you take days off from that...when you get back to it, it kills!!! But I got through it! Ate a good breakfast and am currently eating my lunch at my dest at work lol..

    I am very happy about everyone's optimism this week! I see some of us are tweaking our plan in order to achieve results. That is so awesome! I know for a lot of us, in the past, we would have seen a gain and just given up! But we are not doing that! We are sticking with it and keeping each other strong! That is what this is ALL about!

    I am so proud of and happy for everyone! We are nearing the end of the first month...with almost everyone still in it for the long haul! I cannot thank you all enough for your dedication and motivation. KEEP IT UP! DO NOT STOP!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
  • MichelleOnTrack
    Good Evening, All! I have twice now allowed myself to have a "treat" like the reese's peanut butter cup last week and the cinnabon minibon today. I can't believe I will say this again, but I didn't really like them! They didn't taste the way I remember them tasting! So, I suppose that is a good thing. I was disappointed to see that I gained last week, but not discouraged. I will keep to my 4 times a week for exercise and watch the sodium--like so many others have stated.
  • Kaylasmom
    Kaylasmom Posts: 116 Member
    I am having trouble eating right today....I've been grazing, going from the fridge to the pantry....I feel like eating stuff that I shouldn't and I am thinking I might have to just go to bed to keep myself honest!! I guess theres always water, water, water! lol!:bigsmile:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Good job everyone with goals and for us who are getting back on track from a gain, Us Snowflakes are melting away! keep up the good work!

    So far this month I have lost 10 pounds total. I gained 2 pounds this last week which I have gotten back off over the weekend so I am back to 354 and keeping my 10 pounds loss for January. I am really pushing for 349 by February 1st.

    So the plan this week is to hit the gym at least 3 to 4 days and get in 50 to 60 min of cardio everyday. Here on out exercise everyday.

    Last week I went to the gym once and did Leslie Sansone DVD's 5 days. I racked up 323 min and burned 4,135 calories.

    Have a good week everyone and keep moving those bodies and keep melting away those pounds! The sunshine will be here before we can shake a leg!

    Thats great!!! 10lbs in a month is amazing!! keep up the hard work!!

    Thanks Amanda!

    I agree, Great job on the 10 lbs!!! :) You are doing great!

    Thanks Glitter!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
  • Rocking_Robin
    Rocking_Robin Posts: 238 Member
    Good job everyone with goals and for us who are getting back on track from a gain, Us Snowflakes are melting away! keep up the good work!

    So far this month I have lost 10 pounds total. I gained 2 pounds this last week which I have gotten back off over the weekend so I am back to 354 and keeping my 10 pounds loss for January. I am really pushing for 349 by February 1st.

    So the plan this week is to hit the gym at least 3 to 4 days and get in 50 to 60 min of cardio everyday. Here on out exercise everyday.

    Last week I went to the gym once and did Leslie Sansone DVD's 5 days. I racked up 323 min and burned 4,135 calories.

    Have a good week everyone and keep moving those bodies and keep melting away those pounds! The sunshine will be here before we can shake a leg!

    Mollie, I am so proud of you and happy for you with your ten pound weight loss this month! That is Amazing!! Keep up the hard work Girl!!
  • Rocking_Robin
    Rocking_Robin Posts: 238 Member
    Hey Snowflakes!!

    I wanted to share that I had my first good day in a few weeks! I am so empowered and I am excited to have tomorrow come. I am going through some extra stress right now and I am an emotional eater so I have to remind myself what to do instead of eat.

    I bought myself the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD today. I will start it tomorrow. I have seen alot of ppl use it on MFP so when I saw it at the store today.

    As far as my goals, my first goal is to work hard to get my calories back on track this week. Alot of ppl gave me some good ideas on how to stay on track so I will be trying some of them this week.

    I will be doing the 30 day shred the rest of this week. And also get back into my gym routine of everyday with at least an hour of cardio a day and lift every other day.

    Keep up the hard work, y'all.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Fall seven times. Stand up eight. -- Japanese Proverb

    Your goals – if worthwhile – will not come easy. There is no accomplishment without work, and no “win” without something to beat. It’s easy to get discouraged when roadblocks appear-it’s only natural. You’ve invested time and emotion into creating the perfect plan, and then something has to come along and muck it all up. Sometimes, though, all you have to do to beat that barrier is to get back up and move forward again. Goal obstacles are like the Wizard of Oz – they’re a lot less intimidating once you see them up close. Next time you take a step back, don’t let guilt pile it on top of your previous “stumbles”. Just take two steps forward and you’re still further along than you were before. It doesn’t matter how many walls you face. You only have to get the better of that last one. -- SparkPeople --
  • helengator1
    Thank you for the kind words Krys and Whitt!!!! I think i will take your advice!! I have been taking this whole "last chance workout, weigh in friday" thing to heart....i always work out more than usual on thursday as my LCW before the weigh in. I have read that a lot of people who have a big workout the day before they weigh usually see a gain so maybe that is it!!! I also dont give myself any rest days....I am thinking I might start giving myself "rest" days where I just play some Just Dance 2 and some pilates!!

    I actually just started trying to do some strength training this past week, I usually just do Zumba and Just Dance which is just all cardio. The Biggest Loser cardio max dvd actually combines some strength training with cardio so maybe i am starting to build some muscle i mean God knows my legs were hurting all week from that damn dvd!!! (so i am assuming it was building some muscle even if it is just a little) I also got Jillian Michaels No more Trouble Zones and I did core and abs (only 12 minutes total on friday and my abs are still hurting!!! I think I am just going to try and switch it up, I dont really think i can cut back on cardio---i was talking to my BF last night about it(which he is soooo sick of hearing about diets and losing weight and MFP LOL) and I told him i like working out now....which i honestly never thought it was something that would come out of my mouth :laugh: But i am proud of that...whether I am losing weight or not...I am changing my lifestyle, I am getting healthy, even if im not losing weight at the moment, I am just going to have to aim for that 1200 net cals daily that is the biggest problem---i have no problem getting there if i dont burn many calories but when i am having 800 cals burned everyday it is actually hard for me to eat that many calories unless i eat out...and if i eat out i am WAAAAY over on sodium, sugar, and everything else!!

    Ok so I need to learn some balance!!! :) I think that might be your problem too krys---we burn so many cals that we dont get our net to 1200!!! so I am thinking: I am going to have rest days on Sunday and Thursday---just to break my week up a little---and mostly because it is TOM and i feel awful and I dont really feel like doing a heavy workout right now---that might change later but right now ---it aint happenin:laugh:

    I am sorry snowflakes that I am ranting but you guys are my little snowflake family :heart: You guys are the only ones i have who can actually relate to what I am going through and actually support me and I really really appreciate it:bigsmile: I really have grown to love you all for all that you do for me:blushing:
    So thank you all so much and I will be very sad for June 1st to come and us to go our seperate ways----I definately would love to do another challenge with you all because I know I am not going to reach my goal by then!!!

    so I :heart: You Snowflakes!!!! Lets kill it this week ladies!!! We rock even if we arent losing weight!! We are changing our lives and that is all that matters :happy:

    Well said! So many of us feel the same. I have upped my calories and backed off the intense workouts a bit and am seeing/feeling more results. I :heart: the Snowflakes, too. Def up for the next challenge once we suceed in this one. Then, after that, we can all hit maintanence together and do a manintanence challange and then, go on a celebratory cruise after maintaining for 6 months, and then...just kidding! Seriously, guys help so much! Thanks and let's kick *kitten* together!:wink:
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    Happy Tuesday Snowflakes!!

    What are you going to do to help the scale on Friday?

    Today I am going to really focus on that water!!! Grr-it is getting the better of me! I have been staying on plan though, so that part is going well. JUST THE WATER!

    Hope everyone is having a great week so far. We can do this-and we are going to be so HOT for June!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Happy Tuesday Snowflakes!!! I hope everyone is having a good week so far and doing their very best to stay on track!! This morning has been a little out of whack for me. I overslept and didnt workout before i went to class. While i was in class i got a massive headache and i have no desire to workout right now so i may actually have my first day of no working out since we started the challenge!! That is crazy to say but I really have worked out every single day since we started so I am damn proud of myself even if that darn scale isnt changing :grumble: Maybe I will just do some pilates tonight (geez who am i!? a "rest" day of exercise for me is still working out just not as intense LOL!!!) I dont know where all this change is coming from but i like it!! I am really hoping for a loss this week but i am not expecting it. I have stayed on track so far and have been working out like normal but every week i get excited and i think i will see a loss and then i am so let down and depressed when i dont see a loss, so my new motto is to just do what i can!! i am doing all that i can for some reason my body likes having extra cushion :laugh: Sooooo I'm thinking some light pilates tonight, no cardio, and just see what happens. I know in the past i have only broke through a plateau when i take two days off from exercising and eat a crap load of calories and then get back on track.....two days of being naughty and see a slight gain but then i break maybe im gonna have to do that again!! Too bad the new me doesnt feel complete without a big workout now :laugh:

    Congrats to everyone who is staying on track, and for those of us who have slipped up, tomorrow is a new day!!1
    Biggest Loser tonight!!! Lets get our motivation on!!!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning everyone! I didn't wake up at 6am this morning to work out...but no worries! Just going to kick it into high gear when I get home tonight from work. On another note...

    I was planning on going to California at the end of February to visit all my family and friends. I have been really excited about this for months! However, in the past few days I have been thinking about waiting until my brother's graduation at the end of May. And I guess I am feeling this because since I have moved out to Atlanta, I have been focused on the weight loss. Although, I am not in love with this place...I think moving was the best thing that has ever happened to me! Sometimes you just need to be away from distractions and nay-sayers. And now that I have started this challege, I am even more focused. So I feel like in a month's time I won't be ready to stay completely focused on not wanting to eat the things that I miss from Cali (In N Out, Del Taco, Jamba Juice, Mexican Food, etc)

    I want to go back and my friends and family have the reaction of "WOW! She really worked for this!" I just need to concentrate on my goals right now and with working out and with looking for a better paying job. So I think I am going to hold off on the trip until May. I just feel like I am doing so well and I need to keep the momentum going. Thanks for letting me vent guys lol.

    Can't wait to go home and work out tonight...release some energy! Eveyone have a great day!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Happy Tuesday Snowflakes!!

    What are you going to do to help the scale on Friday?

    Today I am going to really focus on that water!!! Grr-it is getting the better of me! I have been staying on plan though, so that part is going well. JUST THE WATER!

    Hope everyone is having a great week so far. We can do this-and we are going to be so HOT for June!

    Watching the sodium and not overdoing the workouts. Also, just maintaining the healthy snacks and meals...
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Happy Tuesday Snowflakes!!! I hope everyone is having a good week so far and doing their very best to stay on track!! This morning has been a little out of whack for me. I overslept and didnt workout before i went to class. While i was in class i got a massive headache and i have no desire to workout right now so i may actually have my first day of no working out since we started the challenge!! That is crazy to say but I really have worked out every single day since we started so I am damn proud of myself even if that darn scale isnt changing :grumble: Maybe I will just do some pilates tonight (geez who am i!? a "rest" day of exercise for me is still working out just not as intense LOL!!!) I dont know where all this change is coming from but i like it!! I am really hoping for a loss this week but i am not expecting it. I have stayed on track so far and have been working out like normal but every week i get excited and i think i will see a loss and then i am so let down and depressed when i dont see a loss, so my new motto is to just do what i can!! i am doing all that i can for some reason my body likes having extra cushion :laugh: Sooooo I'm thinking some light pilates tonight, no cardio, and just see what happens. I know in the past i have only broke through a plateau when i take two days off from exercising and eat a crap load of calories and then get back on track.....two days of being naughty and see a slight gain but then i break maybe im gonna have to do that again!! Too bad the new me doesnt feel complete without a big workout now :laugh:

    Congrats to everyone who is staying on track, and for those of us who have slipped up, tomorrow is a new day!!1
    Biggest Loser tonight!!! Lets get our motivation on!!!

    This is so me! Everytime I say I am going to rest...I still end up exercising...because I feel like I HAVE to do it, in order not to lose sight of what I need to do and to not mess up my routine. body just loves it! LOL
  • FluffyMamaNeeds2Lose
    Hello everyone. I'm so proud to be in such a strong group of ladies who are working to change their lives. Got to sleep in this morning for the first time for a long time.. I think the hubby realized I was getting run down and he decided to take care of the baby until 11am!! I feel refreshed and energized. Already did 37 minutes of cardio dancing today and hopefully I'll be able to get in even more exercise. I feel so much better as I didn't get to work out for the past few days because of my back being out. Woo hoo for healing sleep!!

    Have a great day everyone and work it out!
  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm so proud to be in such a strong group of ladies who are working to change their lives. Got to sleep in this morning for the first time for a long time.. I think the hubby realized I was getting run down and he decided to take care of the baby until 11am!! I feel refreshed and energized. Already did 37 minutes of cardio dancing today and hopefully I'll be able to get in even more exercise. I feel so much better as I didn't get to work out for the past few days because of my back being out. Woo hoo for healing sleep!!

    Have a great day everyone and work it out!

    It's amazing what a good night's sleep can do! I'm glad that your back is feeling better! Isn't it great that we're at the point now that we can take a day or two off and get right back at it full force? I think exercising is becoming a very good habit for me. :smile:
  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    Happy Tuesday Snowflakes!!! I hope everyone is having a good week so far and doing their very best to stay on track!! This morning has been a little out of whack for me. I overslept and didnt workout before i went to class. While i was in class i got a massive headache and i have no desire to workout right now so i may actually have my first day of no working out since we started the challenge!! That is crazy to say but I really have worked out every single day since we started so I am damn proud of myself even if that darn scale isnt changing :grumble: Maybe I will just do some pilates tonight (geez who am i!? a "rest" day of exercise for me is still working out just not as intense LOL!!!) I dont know where all this change is coming from but i like it!! I am really hoping for a loss this week but i am not expecting it. I have stayed on track so far and have been working out like normal but every week i get excited and i think i will see a loss and then i am so let down and depressed when i dont see a loss, so my new motto is to just do what i can!! i am doing all that i can for some reason my body likes having extra cushion :laugh: Sooooo I'm thinking some light pilates tonight, no cardio, and just see what happens. I know in the past i have only broke through a plateau when i take two days off from exercising and eat a crap load of calories and then get back on track.....two days of being naughty and see a slight gain but then i break maybe im gonna have to do that again!! Too bad the new me doesnt feel complete without a big workout now :laugh:

    Congrats to everyone who is staying on track, and for those of us who have slipped up, tomorrow is a new day!!1
    Biggest Loser tonight!!! Lets get our motivation on!!!

    This is so me! Everytime I say I am going to rest...I still end up exercising...because I feel like I HAVE to do it, in order not to lose sight of what I need to do and to not mess up my routine. body just loves it! LOL

    I am right there with you ladies! My idea of a rest day is just doing 30 Day Shred and a little Wii Zumba. Exercise has become an addiction, I think. I feel cranky when I haven't worked out yet for the day. :laugh:

    Well, it's Day 4 without stepping on the scale! Hoping not to peek until Friday, but I'm really nervous. Food choices have been good, I'm under my cals, I'm exercising.... I've still been bad about my water intake, though! Ugh!! Got to get better with that!

    Good luck, everyone! Hoping we all have great results Friday, whether it's on the scale or some great non-scale victories. :flowerforyou:
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
  • healthydoseofglitter
    Hey is there a link to see the result of the spreadsheet?? I wanna make sure my weight went in for sure.

    thanks :)