Doing everything but not losing fat?!!!



  • Vermilliana
    Vermilliana Posts: 42 Member
    You need more muscle. Muscle burns fat. Sucky thing is that, yes, it will make you look bigger to begin with (more than likely) but it`ll take your body from requiring 1500-1800 a day to needing 2000+. Keep eating the way you have been, though maybe break down your macros and see about eating more protein than carbs (and making sure you are getting enough POSITIVE fats. I made this mistake. I cut my fat down really low and found I got stuck. I added avocados to my diet and BAM I was back to losing! I felt a lot better too!) and the extra lean muscle tissue will totally eat up the extra your body is storing as fat. Looking at your workout schedule, yes there is weight work involved..but try adding in a full body weights-only circuit and push your body past its current comfort zone. I`m almost willing to bet it will get your body out of its rut!
  • That's why I want to gain ,lean muscle so it helps me with burning the fat lol. It's not that I don't eat healthy fats because I don't want to but I can't seem to add them in anywhere. LOL. Is the IIFYM calculator reliable?

    Based on the numbers I put in it's telling me BMR 1518, TDEE 2154 for 4 times a week exercising (because I go the gym 4 times a week for an hour but only on Saturdays I do 2 hours, instead of an hour for 5 times a week) and for -15% for fat loss 1,831cals and macros are: 237g carbs, 117g protein and 53g fat. Isn't the carbs a bit too high and protein too low?

    What i'm doing now is more protein and less carbs than that. I'm trying to not go over 211g carbs and keeping protein consistent between 130-139g.

    I want my weightloss/fat loss to be a lifestyle change, not losing and gaining every month.
  • f0r54ken
    f0r54ken Posts: 21 Member
    Well...Knocking off all carbs entirely is one way, (an unhealthy way) but none the less a way to lose weight as well.
    But then again like you said, A dietary preference or medical condition could come into play.

    I don't know, I guess Site's like these exist because there's not a tried and true weight loss plan for everyone and it gives them a place to congregate and present reasonable ideas and Methods another may try.

    Unless you are considering my theories (for my physical results: facts) To be unreasonable It confuses me why you are protesting my methods and suggestions outloud in the first place when 1500c a day is completely reasonable for a woman of her size.

    do you find my logic unreasonable?
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    The usual protein recommendation is one gram per lean body mass, so you are probably eating more protein than you need, but no harm in that, many find it satiating. Carbs are a matter of personal preference. I vary mine depending on the amount of cardio I do, but generally have them at 40 percent or less. I'd say experiment with them, but generally no need to cut out healthy fats to fit in more carbs unless you find that works better for you.
  • the only way i got the scale to move in my favor was to watch portion size. seriously!
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    just surprised you waited 5 months before asking the question. If you read the forums then youll know the most common biy of advice is about the importnace of calorie deficit and peoples number one reason for mysterious non weight loss is because they arent measuring accurately and underestimating what they eat plus overestimating what they burn.

    If theres not enough resistance training then maybe do a few dedicated workouts of just weights.
  • I waited because I was giving it time, but the loss wasn't significant and I just feel like my body is tighter from bodypump. That's all.