I can't do it...I dont have it in me



  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Of course you're failing. When you tell yourself you "can't" have this or that, you are setting yourself up for epic failure. Learn moderation, it's the only sustainable approach to healthy and permanent weight loss.
  • Fsunami
    Fsunami Posts: 241 Member
    I have tried so hard. I tried to cut out soda and snacks...and it only gets worse/...I crave it and want it... I am almost 30 pounds higher than when I started a year ago....do..Do I just accept the fact that I am going to be fat... that I am not going to be attractive to people... that I am going to feel like this forever.

    Only you know the answer to that.

    We are the sum of the choices we make. Good, bad or indifferent.

    Yesterday is done. Tomorrow aint here yet. And forever is a long time

    You got this. Just give yourself a break, take a long hard look at what others have posted & you will start to find solutions to what is getting in your way. Apply what works for you as necessary. And then? It builds on itself. It really does.. I promise.

    Focus on today.

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    You, have to want this and it comes from within you. You can drink sparkling water or replace with diet soda. Snacks should be used in moderation and IF you have room in your calories. This are all choices only you can make and you're not going to get there by starting off with "I can't".
  • ZenPeace2014
    ZenPeace2014 Posts: 7 Member
    Great response! Really hit home with me.:ohwell:
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    No -- instead, accept the fact that this is going to take effort and time.

    What you're going to do, is make a commitment to yourself and those important to you to get healthy.

    You're going to calculate your BMR and your TDEE, and create a weight loss plan that has you eating at least to your BMR if not slightly higher.

    You're going to weigh/measure your food as accurately as you can (for most, this means a scale) and record it every single day, and work hard to stay within your calories/macros, while allowing yourself to eat foods you love. This literally means anything, including the odd soda.

    Weight loss really, barring a significant medical condition, is about calories in and calories out. If you've put on weight, it's because you've been eating/drinking more calories that your body needs. It's time to be conscious of that.

    Want to eat more? Then you'll have to exercise.

    You can do this and will do this if you want to. The onus is on you. You can continue to eat more than you need, or you can develop a healthy relationship with food. It's your choice.

    ^This. You don't have to give up your favorite foods to lose weight. You just can't eat all of them all the time. What helped me with that was this idea:

    They are making more food every day. I have a car, money, and a grocery store nearby. I don't need to eat half this cheesecake now, because I can get another one on a different day. Cheesecake will always be available, so 1 slice is enough.

    Then, add whatever you're eating to your calories for the day and move on. If you make the effort to eat as many *healthy* foods as possible (veggies, fruit, lean protein, etc), you'll have calories left for snacks.

    But it's your choice. No one can make you do it, just like no one made you gain weight. You have to decide you are willing to work hard and then put in the effort.
  • Two things..... weight loss is about your health.... nothing more.... parents have to take it very seriously for their families, because it guarantees they will model good habits, and be around longer!! Secondly, the minutes of a life are going to tick by, regardless of your size... so how do you choose to experience them --- active and healthy or unhappy and unhealthy. Anything you do well each day is better than the day before..... just one day at a time, baby!!! Rooting for you !!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • B0rnC0nfus3d
    B0rnC0nfus3d Posts: 422 Member
    I don't believe in "can't". Accept that this is going to take effort and time and you will succeed.
  • jillian_fan2425
    jillian_fan2425 Posts: 167 Member
    I have tried so hard. I tried to cut out soda and snacks...and it only gets worse/...I crave it and want it... I am almost 30 pounds higher than when I started a year ago....do..Do I just accept the fact that I am going to be fat... that I am not going to be attractive to people... that I am going to feel like this forever.

    So much good advice in this thread! OP, you have a lot of options now to try. I'm going to echo that (a) treats are good, make them part of your calories and stop trying to restrict yourself unnecessarily and (b) use exercise to give yourself more wiggle room in your calories. It used to be that I had to exercise to feel like I had enough calories for the day. It's not like that anymore, but I still work out because I love how it makes me feel and I know it's going to help me develop a strong body, not just a slender one.

    Oh, and exercise is great for reducing these feelings of anxiety and sadness that are coming through in your post.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    No -- instead, accept the fact that this is going to take effort and time.

    this posters response was spot on- but this needs to be emphasized.

    Seriously- it's work.

    You have to do the work.

    And keep doing the work- day in and day out- regardless of if you want to or not. That's how you succeed- by continuing to do the things- even when you don't want to.
  • I have never had this kind of support in my life about my weight, I always got " you only live once eat as much as you want." You guys are all amazing..and I will be trying quite a few of these techniques...and I will let you guys know how I am going.
  • TLB86
    TLB86 Posts: 275 Member
    No -- instead, accept the fact that this is going to take effort and time.

    What you're going to do, is make a commitment to yourself and those important to you to get healthy.

    You're going to calculate your BMR and your TDEE, and create a weight loss plan that has you eating at least to your BMR if not slightly higher.

    You're going to weigh/measure your food as accurately as you can (for most, this means a scale) and record it every single day, and work hard to stay within your calories/macros, while allowing yourself to eat foods you love. This literally means anything, including the odd soda.

    Weight loss really, barring a significant medical condition, is about calories in and calories out. If you've put on weight, it's because you've been eating/drinking more calories that your body needs. It's time to be conscious of that.

    Want to eat more? Then you'll have to exercise.

    You can do this and will do this if you want to. The onus is on you. You can continue to eat more than you need, or you can develop a healthy relationship with food. It's your choice.

    I love you!!! I needed to hear this too.

    I've been shoddy at eating/drinking and logging for a while now but kind of back on it the past 2 weeks. Not weighed myself though yet and I slipped up by having heavy drinking sessions both Saturdays!! Damn Alcohol! I love it so much lol

    Takes the piddle when some people can eat anything and still be thin!! :explode: