Coffee lovers



  • I found this recipe on Pinterest. Haven't tried it yet, but once I finish up my creamer I plan to give this go!

    1 1/4 cup soy milk (or almond milk, or even milk I am guessing)
    3 tsp of pure vanilla extract
    1/2 tsp of extract of your choice (see note)
    2 tbsp of honey (I may do this a little less next time)
    1/2 tsp of xanthan gum (I actually left this out, it's to thicken it)

    Flavor options: extra vanilla extract, almond extract, orange extract or any other extract as long as it's clean.


    1) in a blender mix all ingredients until well blended.

    2) Pour in a container of choice (I found my italian dressing bottle fit it perfect, yes it was cleaned REALLY well) and keep it in the fridge.

  • KristinKory
    KristinKory Posts: 91 Member
    I love my morning coffee and I take it with milk and a little bit of International Delight Hazelnut creamer for a touch of flavour and sweetness. Enjoying it just like this at this very moment ;)

    When I go out, for coffee, I sometimes splurge and get cream and one half sugar in it. That is not very often, but I enjoy it.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    2 tsp sugar & 1 tbsp CoffeeMate flavored creamer in a large (16oz) coffee mug = 70cals, 13carb, 1 pro, 2 fat.

    If you are using LOTS of sugar and LOTS of creamer, don't go cold turkey. Slowly reduce the amount you use, week by week. If you dump 4 tsp of sugar in your coffee, tomorrow morning just use 3 tsp, or 3.5 tsp. When you get accustom to that taste, cut the amount down again.

    That's what I did (yes, I started out with 4 heaping tsp sugar!!) and I'm ready to cut my sugar again - Not because of the carbs, but because I want to taste my coffee, not the sweet.
  • afk1
    afk1 Posts: 88 Member
    I am a huge coffee fan.....I take cream only in it so I use fat free creamers which still add a sweetness, I have also used almond either chocolate or vanilla..........and have sometimes for a treat added some sugar free chocolate syrup to it when I have iced coffee...........just some thoughts........hope they help.
  • jsherrill0613
    jsherrill0613 Posts: 233 Member
    i drink Iced Coffee every day. I make 6oz of coffee (either espresso or strong) then add in 1/2c of either Almond or Coconut milk, 2 packs of sweet and low, and 1 tbs of ID cream (you could use sugar free/fat free for even less calories) into a cub of ice. I shake then add my coffee. It is less then 70 calories :smile:
  • Single Espresso without sugar or anything else, I love it :) it probably has zero calories too
  • I love my coffee, I switched to better quality coffee beans, now I wouldn't add anything to ruin the delicious flavor. Cheap coffee required cream and sweet n low.

    Exactly this!

    I love the taste, smell and texture of coffee. I used to drink it with flavored cream and other fufu stuff but now I just enjoy the bean for what its worth.

    Its like buying a premium cut of steak and smothering it with A-1 sauce. Why do that?
  • 84reasons2run
    84reasons2run Posts: 11 Member
    A coffee press makes a huge difference in the taste of the coffee. You can get one for around 20 bucks. I love adding just a splash of almond milk and pairing a morning cup with something like a quest bar. :smile:
  • I use 2% milk and splenda, I can't drink black coffee anymore, it makes my mouth taste like I'm smoking a cigarette wich I haven't done since 1987.
  • stackhsc
    stackhsc Posts: 439 Member
    Coffee, much like good scotch and rum, taste best straight :)

    It took me a while to adjust to no cream, but now that i have i cant drink it any other way.
  • mizroxy13
    mizroxy13 Posts: 466 Member
    I drink coffee all sorts of ways, but traditionally it's extra strong with a bit of half and half. I typically never like it sweet, however me telling you to just drink better coffee black is not going to help you because that's not what you're asking for!

    I always just include the cream in my coffee into my macros for the day because it's my coffee and it's how I like it and I can give some calories to it. I knew going into this journey that it wasn't something I was willing to part with and look forward to it every morning! That being said, you have a few different options for healthier adds. They make coconut creamer and soy creamer now if you don't want the dairy and the fat that comes with it. You can also try powdered milk which will still lighten your coffee with a lot less fat. As far as sweetness, you can try monkfruit sugar which is a new thing that is sweet and zero calorie or try sugar-free maple syrup. I hate the taste of anything sugar-free, but use it on my pancakes in the morning and it's actually really good. At 20 calories per 1/4 cup, it's pretty decent I'd say.

    Coffee lovers unite! :)
  • annette_15
    annette_15 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I use sugar free syrups and u/s almond milk + stevia if I want something other than black coffee. Very low in calories
  • triciacaron129
    triciacaron129 Posts: 1 Member
    I just went from two mugs each morning to one. Still love my coffee my way but replaced the 2nd mug with a glass of water instead. Win Win!
  • SlimMe37
    SlimMe37 Posts: 133 Member
    I drink 5-6 coffees a day. Skimmed milk and one sugar. I tried a week without sugar and hated it. Tried a sweetener and that was nasty too.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    I always looked forward to the pumpkin spice creamers in the fall.
    Over the past 6 months, I have gotten away from any type of creamer and have been drinking it black.
    However, I came across a sugar free syrup (pumpkin spice) and am now drinking my coffee with a teaspoon of the pumpkin spice syrup in it. It is amazing.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,744 Member
    I have a 16oz mug of coffee most every morning, made with the Keurig. 2tbsp half and half and about 5 drops liquid stevia. It's not sweet, but mediates the bitterness of so-so coffee.

    If I can be bothered to get fresh-roasted, fresh-ground beans and make it in the press, now that is good black and rich.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    I typically never like it sweet, however me telling you to just drink better coffee black is not going to help you because that's not what you're asking for!
    Coffee lovers unite! :)

    That was driving me bonkers. But then, I haven't finished my coffee yet, so bonkers is to be expected. :wink:
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    A splash of Davinci SF Syrup and HWC. Hot Coffee is typically a single decaf k cup or if i want a "frappi" then i use unsweetened starbucks concentrate.
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    Anyone else a huge fan of coffee? What do you put in it to make it low carb/cal and still tasty? Any suggestions?

    I love my coffee and can drink it black but I also love to have a little something-something in it too. I'll put a little Irish cream or Amaretto in it. and if it's a little high in carbs so be it! I like my little selfindulgances from time to time. Don't nobody judge me!
    Just make it in small volumes and you can make it up elsewhere or just work it off.
    Best of luck!
  • jessicalewis82
    jessicalewis82 Posts: 11 Member
    Coconut oil and heavy cream.