Getting sick after eating sweets/sugar?



  • I have the same problem...I just had two pieces of Dove chocolates and no more then 15 minutes later I feel light headed and nauseous. Sometimes it's accompanied with stomach pain. I get so tired of feeling sick all the time.
  • MissJenniLee
    MissJenniLee Posts: 108 Member
    I have the same problem. I get such digestive distress in the mornings after having sugar at night. I don't think it's diabetes or just the sugar, but what that sugar is feeding--Candida (a natural occurring bacteria in our bodies). It's considered a BAD bacteria and when it's overgrown can cause all kinds of symptoms (*such as IBS, fatigue, low libido, etc etc etc). Try some probiotics. I'm trying them ASAP because I just figured all of this out.
  • MissJenniLee
    MissJenniLee Posts: 108 Member
    I'm also sick all the time... did you know that refined sugar is actually toxic to us?
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    If I overeat on sweets, I get a stomach ache and a headache.

    If I eat one serving, I'm fine. I tend to see it if I go back for seconds or eat a too big piece of cake. This rarely happened to me before MFP. I must be eating a lot less sugar than I used to.
  • stacyjh1979
    stacyjh1979 Posts: 188 Member
    I was told I am carb sensitive, meaning the refined, simple carbs like sweets, are rapidly digested, lifting your blood sugar quickly but then rapidly "dropping" you back down. )

    ^^^^this...what this is describing is what is referred to as "dumping" in the gastric bypass world but it can happen to people who have not had the surgery as well. It's just VERY common for those of us who have had it, my surgery was over 9yrs ago and this still happens to me with ice cream being the worst culprit but even a carb heavy meal can bring it on. In addition my heart will race, I'll get sweaty, shaky, sucks! You would think that would deter me huh?! ;)
  • NatalieLJ
    NatalieLJ Posts: 158 Member
    I'm similar in that I have an intolerance to sugar - including fructose (fruit), lactose (dairy), along with a few other foods. But only since hitting 30. Cake with icing is particularly bad, probably because it has a very high sugar content. I also can't have sweetener. I've cut down massively on my sugars in the last 3 weeks as part of the diet I'm following, and have noticed I feel so much better - no stomach pains or bloating and I have more energy. Only problem is that now if I do have any sugar, it hurts.
    Anyway, I'd definitely recommend visiting your doctor for food intolerance testing and/or diabetes testing. In the meantime, there are plenty of healthier alternatives to your favourite treats, and maybe swap sugar for Stevia if you really can't bear to go without a bit of added sweetness.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I'm also sick all the time... did you know that refined sugar is actually toxic to us?

    No, it's not. If you're sick, see a doctor.
  • nhinkelmgt
    nhinkelmgt Posts: 1 Member
    Sorry for coming in late to this discussion. I was recently diagnosed diabetic and started reading A LOT. I came across this article and it reminded me of one of my coworkers. She seems to know quite a bit about it.

    Sugars, sweets, fruits, make her sick. It's happened since she has been a child and has learned to live with it. What is happening is glucose intolerance. It is a lack of enzymes that break down the sugars glucose, sucrose, and fructose. The body is treating it like a poison causing sickness and vomiting. She has Congenital Sucrose/Isomaltase Deficiency. It can also be called Sucrose/Fructose Intolerance. She said some cannot even have lactose, which she is happy she does not have as she likes to drink milk. She is careful what she eats. She can have breads but not raisin or banana bread because of the fruit. She can't have pizza with tomato sauce but can have a white-sauce pizza. There are enzyme supplements that doctors can prescribe but it doesn't work for everyone, she doesn't take them.

    I hope this helps someone.
  • kimama1970
    kimama1970 Posts: 1 Member
    A lot of interesting thoughts, it's good to know I'm not alone, but sorry others have the same issue at the same time. And I agree, the "it's a mental issue" isn't helpful, there's a clear and determinable trigger for this condition.
  • hrwnketo
    hrwnketo Posts: 4 Member
    I am doubt anyone may see this as it is such an old thread but I have for years and years dealt with stomach pain and nausea after sugar consumption. I always just dealt with it and avoided sugar first thing in the morning and the like to help reduce the symptoms. Then when my daughter, who is now 16 was born, we noticed that she was even worse than me. She could have a small bowl of ice cream or a brownie and she had to run to the bathroom and throw up. She is also a sugar addict and would sneak candy whenever she could as a toddler and she would spend weeks where she would throw up every day. As she has gotten older she is much better and self control and it has gotten better. I always thought it was just us but now I feel like I have a direction to head in and maybe we can finally get some answers. Thank you to everyone who commented and added to this post and especially to the original poster.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,853 Member
    Have you ever considered going to a doctor, also for the sake of your kid? I don't mean an alternative medicine doctor but possibly a gastroenterologist or one dealing with allergies. I'm thinking sugar as reflux trigger, there are allergies to sugar, too many bacteria that thrive on sugar, etc.