OCD Quirks and Irks



  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Quirks: I can't go to bed without loading all dirty dishes into the dishwasher and hand-washing those that can't go into it; even if I'm not going to run the dishwasher. Can't stand coconut - it's like little pieces of paper in my mouth!! Hate olives - got a rancid one as a kid and almost hurl every time I smell them! Funny though.......I CAN cook with olive oil :huh:

    Irks: chairs not pushed back up to the table and coats left on the back of chairs instead of being put away where they belong!
  • Jaypea15
    Jaypea15 Posts: 71 Member
    What an interesting post...... lovely to see other people have their little quirks too.

    Mine are, I hate feet, (except babies feet), cant stand the idea of long fingernails incase they bend backwards, hate feet rubbing on carpet, I need to have all cushions standing up, curtains in the proper place, and straightened bed spreads / duvets, I hate the labels in clothes sticking out (a lady at the bus stop in front of me had one sticking out, and I needed to ask her if I could poke it back in again, luckily she did it herself, and need everything in its place before bed! I also must be the only person who scrubs the house before she goes on holiday / vacation, probably because I dont like returning to a dirty house.

    My new obsession is this site, and tracking everything that passes my lips, which is not such a bad thing. Thanks all for the wonderful support by the way, all you guys are awsome :)
  • Jaedynmoon
    Jaedynmoon Posts: 280 Member
    Haha...I do the SAME thing as the car lock clicker person :) I have to check all the doors and stove knobs before leaving/bed time too. I do have a slight case of OCD with hand washing though. I'm a tad germaphobic and I am really bad if anything raw is involved. I was my hands a million times. My hands are so cracked and hurting so I've been piling lotion on them! I also am the only one who can load the dishwasher...I have a system and if my husband does it it just drives me nuts and I have to fix it lol!
  • katebjones
    katebjones Posts: 32 Member
    OMG I am queen of OCD... my house being perfect pillows fluffed, cushions in on my sofa fluffed pushed in, chairs pushed in shutting doors... omg i can go on and on.. dishes left in the sink. My husband not making the bed if hes the last one out.. i have to make my bed every day.. or i make it before i get into it at night..

    crap laying around.. omg.. i can go on and on.. i prob drive my husband nuts... but he drives me nuts.. think he doesnt follow my instructions just to get me mad. hahah.. i need to learn to let go... lol

    good to see im not the only one.

    like the gal above.. i also have to clean my house before i leave for vacation.. change my sheets etc..i can tell if somone has been in my house.. its nuts. i know.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    MY husband is not the neatest person in the world and that is okay. However I have to have an area in my house that can be completely clean all of the time. Even if it's just a closet! I love seeing everything arranged and in it's spot.

    I'm also a huge list person. I love checking things off of my list and writing things down to get them out of my mind. I keep a pen and paper by my bed and in my purse so that if I think of something, I can write it down. It's a good feeling!
  • changling82
    changling82 Posts: 137 Member

    My boyfriend can't touch wooden spoons.

    OMG, i'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one. Mine goes beyond that, to all wooden products, and my friends constantly make fun of me!
  • shastacrystal
    I have to set my alarm to :03 :06 :08 :33 :46 or :58. Weird I know.

    I also have to have my pillows in the same arrangement on my bed before I go to sleep.

    I cant stand when people touch their feet or their belly buttons. It totally grosses me out.

    Those are the ones coming to mind right now.

    Oh and I hate hearing people crunch their food or slirp their cereal milk. ACKKKK!!!
  • jtgill
    jtgill Posts: 48
    I hate hate HATE when someone says they are going to show up at a certain time and don't or even worse don't come at all!

    OCD wise: I cannot watch someone else do any housework or cooking at my house, I like wanna tell them to do it the way I am used to!
  • dandynick
    I count stairs. Up and down. Comes in handy when I'm navigating stairs in the dark. When I turn around part-way, I have to turn back the opposite direction, I can't just complete the circle. I'm not big-time OCD but I do have the finger twitches associated with it.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    With me it's mostly numbers.

    The people that mentioned their alarm clocks: you guys are CRAZY!:laugh: Everyone knows your time HAS to end with a 5 or 0!:tongue:

    I HATE HATE HATE odd numbers, except 5, because it's halfway between tens.

    So basically, I can't STAND to look at any number that ends with a 1,3,7,or 9.
    Like the TV volume. I have to have it on 12, 15, or 18, but can NOT watch TV if it is at 11, 13, 17, etc.

    Same thing with the car radio volume numbers.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member

    My boyfriend can't touch wooden spoons.

    OMG, i'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one. Mine goes beyond that, to all wooden products, and my friends constantly make fun of me!

    I chase him around the house with them.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    ~My books must be organized by genre, then author/series, in written order. It drives most people nuts when they look at my shelves trying to figure out how I have it filed.
    ~People who leave their blinker on even after they have made the turn.
    ~My closet is organized by color and then by items. Shoes are all lined up in a row.
    ~Bed must be made on a daily basis. That way at least one part of my life looks neat....even if nothing else does, lol.
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    - Clothes have to be folded and facing the same way in my cupboard.
    - Towels must be exactly aligned.
    - Toilet roll has to have the paper falling from the BACK. If the paper rolls from the front, I switch it round.
    - I check I have everything in my bag before I leave the house at LEAST 3 times. And sometimes I check again whilst walking to the train station.
    - Uni books are organised according to height and colour gradient.
    - The volume on my computer has to end in a 0 or 5 and in quarters. So 100, 125, 150, 175....

    There are probably a lot more... didn't realise how insane I can be!
  • dilemmadale86
    - Everything in my house is in alphabetical order, DVDs, Games, Books, anything we have more than one of really!
    - Wardrobe is organised by colour
    - Pictures and posters have to be exactly straight - I've been known to go round hotels correcting their wall decorations. Haha.

    My irk is that I can't stand the sound of metal on metal. It mostly bothers me with cutlery. If I'm doing the dishes it takes me ages, cos I can't let the cutlery bash together. The same problem when I'm putting it all back in the drawer - they get placed really carefully and not dropped! There are some people I have to avoid eating with cos I know they scrape their knives and forks together.

  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I always count stairs. \
    I won't step on the grates or coverings on the sidewalk. I'll walk around them or hop over them.
  • midits
    midits Posts: 49
    I hate the feeling of rubbing your fingertips really hard agianst upposltry* ( not sure if its spelled right) the sound and feeling makes me sick to my stomach.
  • bobbijomil
    I hate cotton balls too! The feeling sends shivers up my spine.
  • IzLuMomma
    IzLuMomma Posts: 88 Member
    I never take the first item off the shelf at the grocery store.
    The toilet paper must fall from the back.
    I cant walk on my garage floor with bare feet.
    It pains me to watch my husband use the computer!
    When getting ready in the morning, I always do things in the same order (from the shower to finishing my hair.)
    I use pencil a lot because I dont like scribble marks or mistakes on paper!

    *geesh, maybe I need meds! LOL*

    My boss has to have everything on 90 degree angles. ;P
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Used tape and bandaids make my skin crawl. Omg. Just thinking about it making me sick.

    My whole family seems to be allergic to the trashcans and the dish washer. They leave things right NEXT to it. Pisses me off.

    Don't even get me started on my weird number fetish. Things must add up to odd numbers and if it adds up to 7, 9, 11, or 27 or any number divisible by 3, I'm golden. Bizarre.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    I hate cotton balls too! The feeling sends shivers up my spine.

    OMG! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I feel weird with someone now! :o)