3 weeks in & I need some on-line pals



  • Randonneur
    Randonneur Posts: 28 Member
    Are you counting everything, if yes then just keep on trucking....you'll get there:smooched:
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    Looks like you've gotten some good advice. A few things to add, it's not just lbs you're looking to lose, it's inches too. You'll see NSV on these boards. That's a 'Non Scale Victory,' meaning that you've gotten fitter in some way but haven't lost weight. Oh and muscle doesn't weigh more than fat. A pound is a pound. Muscle is more dense.
  • 1 week into this and I'm feeling more energy. I'm definetly feeling the inches much more than the weight loss.
  • lisamfick
    lisamfick Posts: 257 Member
    Your goals and mine are very close! I'm sending you a friend request. I also started on the first of the year but went in the opposite direction and focus on cardio and calorie burning. 5 lbs of my loss were back a few months ago so I don't count those but I've lost 14 this year so far. I'm sure I'm starting to plateau but my suggestion to you would be to switch up your routine a bit and add in various exercises. However 5 lbs in 3 weeks is pretty good. You're pretty much right on target for the rate in which you should be losing! Good luck
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    Sign me up as a pal!! I need some as well.
  • LindaReInDE
    LindaReInDE Posts: 13 Member
    I stand corrected. You're right!!!! (a pound is a pound! muscle and fat weigh the same...muscle is more dense). The point was, as you gain muscle, you may not see improvement on the scales, but you will see it in your figure, as you will be slimming out at the same time. You can't always go by the scale! thanks for the correction!
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