Week fail :( Did I blow it?



  • Cortelli
    Cortelli Posts: 1,369 Member
    Good advice so far. I'll comment on a different aspect.
    [. . .]

    So my question is - will my epic fail yesterday make an impact on my weigh in this Friday?

    If you're only weighing in once per week, you should expect to see some swings that don't necessarily reflect your true trends (good and bad). Heck, you should expect to see some swings in weight on a daily basis. I weigh in pretty much every day, and my weight can swing by several pounds, and sometimes 5 pounds. I believe it can be even more volatile for women depending on their cycle. In no circumstance am I actually gaining or losing several pounds of *fat* in any given day. Water weight is a huge variable.

    One Friday you might wake up with a lot of extra water weight due to any number of factors. Another Friday the weight may have seemed to have melted away unreasonably quickly.

    So, try not to let that one point in time - your weigh-in - be the end-all barometer of how your efforts are progressing.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    Good advice so far. I'll comment on a different aspect.
    [. . .]

    So my question is - will my epic fail yesterday make an impact on my weigh in this Friday?

    If you're only weighing in once per week, you should expect to see some swings that don't necessarily reflect your true trends (good and bad). Heck, you should expect to see some swings in weight on a daily basis. I weigh in pretty much every day, and my weight can swing by several pounds, and sometimes 5 pounds. I believe it can be even more volatile for women depending on their cycle. In no circumstance am I actually gaining or losing several pounds of *fat* in any given day. Water weight is a huge variable.

    One Friday you might wake up with a lot of extra water weight due to any number of factors. Another Friday the weight may have seemed to have melted away unreasonably quickly.

    So, try not to let that one point in time - your weigh-in - be the end-all barometer of how your efforts are progressing.


    Taking measurements and logging those could help calm those nerves if you do a weekly weigh-in approach.
  • Sarra33
    One unhealthy meal won't make you fat any more than one healthy meal will make you skinny.

    Everyone has moments/days/weeks when they lose control. It's okay. The best part is that every morning you get to wake up to a new day and start fresh.

    Everyone has a plan that works for them. I have an end goal of 135 pounds. I am 156 right now. I do my absolute best to stay on track and hit my 500-750 calorie deficit every day. When I've lost 5 pounds I adjust the settings on my Fitbit and MFP to go on maintenance calories for a week. My reward for losing that 5 pounds is one week with some extra calories and also some practice at eating at a maintenance level. I find this reduces the urge to binge and prevents me from getting frustrated and burning out. It took me 2 years to gain the 30 pounds I am trying to lose, I am not going to lose it all in a month. I'll be happy if it is off in a year.
  • stacyjh1979
    stacyjh1979 Posts: 188 Member
    Failure is not a single, cataclysmic event.
    You don't fail overnight.
    Instead, failure is a few errors in judgement, repeated every day.--Jim Rohn

    Get back on track. You Can Do This!

    I love this!
  • mj_mowrey
    mj_mowrey Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks! One of my favorites. :bigsmile: