Tanning help for a bonehead please!!



  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,134 Member

    ^Use until your burn goes away. Don't stay in the tanning bed for so long. I just go outside and deal with what the sun gives me in the 1 week of summer Newfoundland is graced with.
  • sarajenivieve
    sarajenivieve Posts: 303 Member
    depends if its a stand up or not, if its a stand up start with 5min and move up by 2 mins if your not read dont go any more often then every other day. if its lay down start with 12min if your ok or see no change then do 15 do that 2 or 3 times then up to 20 for 2 or 3 and back to 15 also no more then every other day. Make sure your lotion is made for beds and not outdoors
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    Oh crap - I forgot about her. She actually doesn't look as bad as she did at first. She was scary!


    they made some sort of doll after her- it was hysterical!

    she got roasted (pun totally intended) for taking her kid in there. "or in the same area"
  • enzosmama
    enzosmama Posts: 134 Member
    embrace the pasty.

    skin cancer isn't worth it.

    This 100%
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I say don't tan. But that's me. Wear sunscreen before you go in. Anyway, silly, it's going to turn tan in a day or so.

    But, don't tan. It's gonna enlarge your pores and make your skin look bumpy later. It's horrible and it ages you prematurely.

    And don't tell him it doesn't becasue it does. I only use the sun to tan and I use sunscreen and I barely have any face wrinkles.
  • amazin71
    amazin71 Posts: 28 Member
    I tan and used to work out in the sun and looked a lot worse than I do with tanning and I burnt more as its hard to keep stopping to put on sunscreen when your working...now I don't overtan and I always use an approved good tanning lotion...just be smart about it because tanning bed or sunlight as with anything if you abuse it then there is consequences :) years ago I was getting heat treatments at the chiropractor but a friend got me to tanning it was less expensive and did the same thing..people can be awfully judgemental and as everyone has a right to their own opinion they all don't do exactly what is not good for them or we all wouldn't be on an app for keeping track of what we eat :)
  • hunterdave1217
    Wow! I did not expect this kind of response...thank you all for your input. (Even the ones that were sarcastic, I especially liked the "redskins" one.
  • hunterdave1217
    First of all 12 minutes your first go is too much. You need to start with 5 minutes and after a couple of visits increase by 2 minutes each time. I know 12 minutes seems like nothing but believe me it is.

    Yep...found this out the hard way. As my title said "help for a bonehead"
  • lizzybathory
    I stay far away from intentionally tanning. It's not worth the skin cancer, and I know that tastes differ, but to me, it doesn't make people more appealing. Worse, once that sun damage starts to set in, things just get worse.

    I am not even 30 yet, but I have a high school classmate who already looks about 40. You guessed it - likes her tanning beds.
  • hunterdave1217
    I stay far away from intentionally tanning. It's not worth the skin cancer, and I know that tastes differ, but to me, it doesn't make people more appealing. Worse, once that sun damage starts to set in, things just get worse.

    I am not even 30 yet, but I have a high school classmate who already looks about 40. You guessed it - likes her tanning beds.

    I really am not looking to jerky up. Just add a little color. It's been a long time since I felt good about removing my shirt..
  • tabicatinthehat
    tabicatinthehat Posts: 329 Member
    I started tanning at the beginning of summer this year so I could go outside and not burn every time. It worked. I don't tan dark and I don't attempt to, but I've kept a glow and haven't had a single sunburn since I started. When I tell you I burned every time I was outside more than 5 or 10 minutes, I'm not exaggerating. Something feels safer about that. But mostly, it's more comfortable. I think this is the first summer of my life I haven't gotten a sunburn.
    And yes, I know I could wear sunscreen, but it makes me break out really badly.

    Def don't start with 12 minutes though. Do 5 minutes, then 5.5, then 6 etc. Most tanning beds actually have a guide on them somewhere that is pretty accurate.
  • lizzybathory
    I stay far away from intentionally tanning. It's not worth the skin cancer, and I know that tastes differ, but to me, it doesn't make people more appealing. Worse, once that sun damage starts to set in, things just get worse.

    I am not even 30 yet, but I have a high school classmate who already looks about 40. You guessed it - likes her tanning beds.

    I really am not looking to jerky up. Just add a little color. It's been a long time since I felt good about removing my shirt..
    Fair enough, but I also don't know anyone else who was looking to "jerky up". It just happens.

    Congrats on your progress, either way. Way to go.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    the only way to do it and not damage your skin is the spray on.

    it will damage it a lot faster then you think especially if you are older

    and spraying chemicals all over your body is so much better for you....
  • Miss_1999
    Miss_1999 Posts: 747 Member
    I stay far away from intentionally tanning. It's not worth the skin cancer, and I know that tastes differ, but to me, it doesn't make people more appealing. Worse, once that sun damage starts to set in, things just get worse.

    I am not even 30 yet, but I have a high school classmate who already looks about 40. You guessed it - likes her tanning beds.

    I really am not looking to jerky up. Just add a little color. It's been a long time since I felt good about removing my shirt..

    I can understand that. I used to be a tanning bed goddess. LOVED them. Absolutely LOVED them. Despite being pale as a ghost, I don't burn easily in a tanning bed, and it takes me awhile to get color in one as well. I start off at a higher time that most people, but for someone who's never been in a bed before, has fair skin, or is prone to burning, don't lay for over 5 minutes the first time/first week. After that, increase your time to 7 minutes, then 10, 12, 15, and maxing out at 20. It's going to depend upon what type of bed you're laying in. Some beds are only 12 minute beds (those are turbo beds, which I doubt this is), I'd say this is a basic 20 minute bed.

    I started back up tanning again, about 4 years ago when my doctors kept telling me my Vitamin D was low, and were going to put me on another *prescription* medication. I thought, I'll kill two birds with one stone. I'll go to the tanning bed. That should raise my Vitamin D pretty quickly, plus, provide some pain relief (I was having absolutely horrible back pain.) So, I went about 3 or 4 mornings a week after yoga. I'd lay in the bed, get toasty warm, and my back would feel wonderful. My vitamin D levels were fine, and I was happy. I kept it up for awhile, but let my membership lapse last year.

    Honestly, I enjoyed tanning. I would get warm, relax, it took away aches and pains for me, and I did like the way I looked tanned. I kept my skin well moisturized after tanning and bathing, and always kept a watch on my skin for any possible changes in moles or to see if anything looked suspicious. Am I going to tell you laying in a tanning bed is the best thing in this world for your health? I'm sure you already know the answer to this. I'm 36 years old, I knew it the first time I shut the lid on the ancient tanning bed I put my big butt into back in 1997. Just weigh the risks and decide what you want to do.
  • fasyle
    Well congrats on getting to a spot you're comfortable with! That's really awesome.
    Like the other poster said, you really shouldn't start with more than 5 minutes or so to kick things off. Like your fitness took weeks/months/years to achieve, tanning can take several weeks as well. Definitely not an overnight process.

    A word of unsolicited advice on the side - I wouldn't recommend a tanning bed. I'm more of a naturalist when it comes exposing my skin to ultraviolate radioation. take your shirt off and go for a run or go wash your car in the early afternoon (or really whenever the sun is still fully and plainly visible) and your body will tan the good old fasion way.

    You realize you can burn under clouds right? usually worse b/c you aren't aware you're burning and either aren't pro-active or just don't deal with it fast enough- i.e. getting out of the sun.

    Sure, if you're an idiot... or in Honduras where you will turn lobster red in 30 minutes flat.
    And I'm not sure if you read my post? I never even talked about clouds. I specifically said do it when the sun is fully visible.
    Anyways, if you go for a 20 minute jog or wash down your car for half an hour when the sun is visible (afternoon, perhaps) you can tan safely and naturally. I don't (and didn't) recommend roasting outside for 3 hours - intentional use of the sun to give your skin a pleasant tone isn't going to give you skin cancer or cause you to burn.
  • ell_23
    ell_23 Posts: 103
    First of all 12 minutes your first go is too much. You need to start with 5 minutes and after a couple of visits increase by 2 minutes each time. I know 12 minutes seems like nothing but believe me it is.

    Agreed. I use a standing sun bed and the bulbs have recently been changed so are quite strong. I go on for 7 or 8 minutes at a time - or up to 10 if I'm feeling like it occasionally. And that's me being an experienced tanner with naturally olive skin anyway! 12 minutes was just too much.

    Tanning on sun beds is no worse than sunbathing in the real sun - but that's why people who live in foreign countries tend to have wrinklier skin - so they're not great for you. I plan to switch to fake tans more often. The only time I think I'll use sun beds again is around my wedding day.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    12 minutes is way too much for your first time.

    I would only go a couple times a week. 3-4 days maybe.

    Honestly, it's not worth the risk. I was only 15 years old when I was diagnosed with skin cancer due to tanning beds. I had to have surgery to have three cancerous spots removed on my back. I now have three hideous scars.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    I tan and used to work out in the sun and looked a lot worse than I do with tanning and I burnt more as its hard to keep stopping to put on sunscreen when your working...now I don't overtan and I always use an approved good tanning lotion...just be smart about it because tanning bed or sunlight as with anything if you abuse it then there is consequences :) years ago I was getting heat treatments at the chiropractor but a friend got me to tanning it was less expensive and did the same thing..people can be awfully judgemental and as everyone has a right to their own opinion they all don't do exactly what is not good for them or we all wouldn't be on an app for keeping track of what we eat :)

    Even if you don't abuse tanning, there can still be consequences.

    And unfortunately, a good tanning lotion doesn't protect you from skin cancer.
  • tabicatinthehat
    tabicatinthehat Posts: 329 Member
    intentional use of the sun to give your skin a pleasant tone isn't going to give you skin cancer or cause you to burn.

    That really depends on the person.