TMZ Ray Rice video



  • cj778449
    cj778449 Posts: 49 Member
    Obviously domestic violence isn't ok no matter the situation. If you have functioning legs then nothing is holding you back from walking away. He wasn't defending his life, it's about a man with no self control. Unless your life is in danger and she was yielding a life threatening weapon then there's no reason to put your hands on someone. Period.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Justifiable hitting in my book would be If I see a man hit a woman. I will hit that man.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    Okay, for the sake of argument, lets say a 5 foot, 100#-something "person" is attacking a 6 foot 300#- something "person"
    and the latter, in claims of "defense", punches that first person several times.
    Is that defense or an attack?
    And realistically, couldn't the latter easily "escape" the first?
  • bugaha1
    bugaha1 Posts: 602 Member
    I think once there is video evidence that it becomes a police matter and you can be fired by your employer.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Okay, for the sake of argument, lets say a 5 foot, 100#-something "person" is attacking a 6 foot 300#- something "person"
    and the latter, in claims of "defense", punches that first person several times.
    Is that defense or an attack?
    And realistically, couldn't the latter easily "escape" the first?

    Im not getting this example. Well 5 ft person can chase 6 ft person. You know any 6 ft 300 something pound people who are quick besides for football lineman?
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    Okay, for the sake of argument, lets say a 5 foot, 100#-something "person" is attacking a 6 foot 300#- something "person"
    and the latter, in claims of "defense", punches that first person several times.
    Is that defense or an attack?
    And realistically, couldn't the latter easily "escape" the first?

    Im not getting this example. Well 5 ft person can chase 6 ft person. You know any 6 ft 300 something pound people who are quick besides for football lineman?

    Um, okay, no chasing...
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    what (if any) weapons does the smaller person posses? Because something as simple as a Maglite DRASTICALLY changes the dynamic of the situation in what I would view as "allowed" as "acceptable defense".
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    what (if any) weapons does the smaller person posses? Because something as simple as a Maglite DRASTICALLY changes the dynamic of the situation in what I would view as "allowed" as "acceptable defense".

    Hey, if the smaller person were, say, Jet Li or Jackie Chan...
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    what (if any) weapons does the smaller person posses? Because something as simple as a Maglite DRASTICALLY changes the dynamic of the situation in what I would view as "allowed" as "acceptable defense".

    Let's say no weapons, just their own (non-martial arts trained) body.
  • Pupslice
    Pupslice Posts: 213 Member
    It's not hard to NOT hit someone, even if they are screaming abuse in your face, you can still turn your back or walk away.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    You have to bring physicality into play. Why else do some people including me say "real men never hit women." So did Mr. Obama. We don't need to.
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    "I'm disappointed. This is personal for me," Ray Lewis said on-air. "I'm torn because this is a guy, a young man, I really took up under my wing and tried to mentor to make sure he had a successful career and stayed away from things like this."

    Ok, so accused murderer Ray Lewis mentored Rice, now it all makes sense...
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    So it would have to be on a case to case basis as to what amount of force, if any, is acceptable in "defending" yourself against a smaller person. Clearly the video shows no weapons and unreasonable force being used. I would barely call the tap she gave him on the way into the elevator a hit. He could have killed her with a punch like that. Then he proceeded to drag her around like a rag doll. It was disgusting and inexcusable to pretty much everyone. Well, I guess she thought it wasn't that bad.
  • BuddhaMom74
    His argument being that the guy shouldn't necessarily be charged with assault in this type of case because the woman pushed the guy into it.

    The the dumb woman married him, and is now ticked off at the Ravens for firing him. Guess she's just another gold digger.

    Really? Is this for real? Like, seriously for real?
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    How is this even a discussion? Can anyone answer the when it IS appropriate to hit your spouse, which struck me as a pretty odd question.

    How about this: if they're mentally gone (on acid, hallucinating, severely ill, turned into a brain-eating zombie, etc.) and being dangerous to themselves or others AND your big boy words aren't working, you may physically detain them / defend yourself.

    I don't believe there are any other reasons to hit a spouse. Also, not to sound old school, but guys don't get to hit girls. I don't care if that girl is actually a woman, five times my size, and can bench press me, it's just something I was raised to believe. Sorry if that makes anyone without a Y chromosome feel marginalized or inferior. I don't think you are. It's just the way I (and many others) were raised.
  • write2nicole
    write2nicole Posts: 12 Member

    His side of the debate was that sometimes, women can really push things by just constantly get into a guy's face, and yell and say horrible things to the point where he loses control and hits her. His argument being that the guy shouldn't necessarily be charged with assault in this type of case because the woman pushed the guy into it.

    The the dumb woman married him, and is now ticked off at the Ravens for firing him. Guess she's just another gold digger.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Haa! Now his wife is mad at the media for "ruining" their marriage...or maybe she meant their income. He's clearly hit her in the head one too many times. I wish them well but I don't believe that's the first nor the last hit. Its wrong in my eyes. He should know to walk away rather then take it to the physical extreme and that goes for a woman as well.


    Janay Rice then defiantly claimed her marriage would "continue to grow and show the world what real love is" ....if that's real thanks.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    I'm a survivor of domestic abuse, and never at any point in time is any form of abuse acceptable. While my ex never actually laid a finger on me in anger I had things thrown at me or broken around my feet while he screamed at me. The psychological abuse and economic abuse still impact me even now, just over 9 years later.

    Please please please don't assume you understand what is going on in her mind and why she is still with him and defending him. It took me two years to get out of my abusive relationship, and during the relationship he spent so much time knocking me down and making me feel unworthy that I on some levels believed it. Abusers are manipulative, and they use it to their advantage at every turn. I had always said that I would never let a guy do that to me, and then it happened to me.

    Pointing fingers, or saying you have no sympathy for her does not help, it only makes the abuser more powerful. The amount of shame you feel is staggering. I still feel shame that I let it happen, that I didn't do a better job of standing up for myself. Shame for living that way for any length of time with a child involved. Shame because when I finally got the nerve up to get the hell out I knew I was breaking up my daughters family. The fear of what would happen after I left was almost paralyzing, but I was lucky and had amazing support from family and friends.
  • Cookieman123
    Cookieman123 Posts: 26 Member
    What Ray Rice did was wrong. He deserved a longer suspension especially since players are getting suspended for much longer periods of time for WEED of all things.

    What the media and what the feminist movement is doing, is in my estimation far worse. This is public shaming gone to a higher level. The man made a mistake in his personal life. What happened to the land of 2nd chances? Isn't forgiveness and acceptance suppose to be a huge part of a democracy? The ban was unnecessary. The shaming of the commissioner(who already admitted he was wrong) is stupid.

    Ray Rice is not a victim but boy after seeing all this nonsense from the media and from specific groups of people I can't help but feel sympathy towards the man and his family. Even if he gets help it won't make a bit of difference and that's a real shame.
  • write2nicole
    write2nicole Posts: 12 Member

    Please please please don't assume you understand what is going on in her mind and why she is still with him and defending him.
    Abusers are manipulative, and they use it to their advantage at every turn. I had always said that I would never let a guy do that to me, and then it happened to me.

    Pointing fingers, or saying you have no sympathy for her does not help, it only makes the abuser more powerful. The amount of shame you feel is staggering.
    So much ^this. So much. This is a man who knocked her unconscious and then tried to drag her body out. Without remorse. Do you think any other person wouldn't be terrified to leave? And then she was surrounded by "his people" - manager, agent, lawyers - all probably pushing her to act in HIS interest. And who knows how he may have threatened her financially, physically, emotionally. I cannot judge her. Only all the people who conspired to protect her abuser.