


  • shortnsassy1981
    shortnsassy1981 Posts: 154 Member
    As others have recommended, check out It's an entire blog with spiralized veggie recipes and tips. I am allergic to wheat and hate making my own bread from other options. I use her sprialized sweet potato bun recipe when I feel the need to have bun for my sandwiches.
  • Maymichelle
    Maymichelle Posts: 106 Member
    I just bought one & am going to use it for the first time tonight!! This thread has made my day because I'm so excited about trying it! ha ha!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Hmm...I want one.
  • meridianova
    meridianova Posts: 438 Member
    i'm in love with mine. so far i've only used it with zucchini and mexican gray squash, but i've found that the zoodles (stealing that term!) don't really need cooking. i throw them into the bowl raw and let whatever sauce i've made warm them up. last night i made chicken breasts with an indian curry-ish cream sauce, ran the zoodles on the larger side, and they held up really well in the sauce.
  • jessiej1980
    I used mine once. It was tedious, and even on the "thick" side it still turned mushy.....why????? Also it makes a point at the end of the veggie, like a pencil sharpener.... What kind of veggies can be used?
  • EMTFreakGirl
    EMTFreakGirl Posts: 597 Member
    I eat ZOODLES all the time. I have a spiralizer type contraption that I got off Amazon. My 4 yo granddaughter LOVES to make her own "spaghetti." First thing she does when she gets to my house, after a hug :bigsmile: for her Apples, is go to the fridge and look for a zucchini.
  • feydevilwoman
    feydevilwoman Posts: 49 Member
    I don't have one; but i found an awesome spaghetti squash recipe a few years back and i use that when I'm on a health kick and trying to not eat box pasta. Its on MPF on my recipes if ya want it :)
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I have one of those. I've had it for a while and don't remember the brand but I got it on Amazon. It was called a spiralizer. It's pretty cool, especially in summer when there are just SO many zucchini.
  • OKfarmgal
    OKfarmgal Posts: 160 Member
    I have the Spiralizer and I LOVE it!! I use it for carrots and cucumbers in salad. My kids think I'm magic!! I don't cook the zucchini or other squash when I make "pasta." I top it with a fresh tomato crushed in the food processor and lots of yummy spices!! I'm hungry now!! ????
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I used mine once. It was tedious, and even on the "thick" side it still turned mushy.....why????? Also it makes a point at the end of the veggie, like a pencil sharpener.... What kind of veggies can be used?

    When sliced very thin squash can become mushy very quickly. I usually just steam mine for 2-3 minutes, or sometimes just toss them raw with fresh tomatoes and garlic that have been sauteed in olive oil and let the hot oil soften them up.

    Zucchini and yellow summer squash are the only vegetables I've tried, but they both work pretty well. Zucchini is a little easier since it generally has less seeds.
  • tambam69
    tambam69 Posts: 270 Member
    ZOODLES! I love it. My recommendation for cooking is to spiralize, salt, wait 20 mins, rinse and wring out in a dish towel. You can even dry out in the oven for a few minutes. Cook in a saute pan for a few minutes, then sauce it up. The texture comes out much less mushy than cooking straight from cut since you are drawing out the water trapped internally.

    Good idea
  • tambam69
    tambam69 Posts: 270 Member
    I have a spiralizer - I love it and use it once a week or so. My suggestions and a recipe can be found here:

    Also, has really awesome recipes. :)

  • herbertwest7734
    herbertwest7734 Posts: 52 Member
    When I use mine for zucchini spaghetti I don't cook or steam the zucchini at all, the sauce does it for you when you add it. Then it isn't mushy at all unless you let it sit there for a while, and still then I wouldn't say mushy, just much softer.

    I really want to try the spaghetti squash though.
  • mxmkenney
    mxmkenney Posts: 486 Member
    Nature makes a mean spaghetti sqash that does not require a "gadget". Cut it in half, scrape out the seeds, put a couple tablespoons of water in one half and cover with the other. Place it in a dish and throw it in the microwave for 12-14 minutes (depending on the size of the squash). Stuff shredds apart like spaghetti with no effort. Viola! Veggie spaghetti. Your welcome. :bigsmile:
  • ipprincess46
    ipprincess46 Posts: 4 Member
    Please let us know if it works well. I want to buy one!
  • skylerblue4
    skylerblue4 Posts: 13 Member
    This sounds so cool and like a great way to avoid carbs. But no one has talked about how it tastes? I may be a dunce, but is it actually a good substitute for pasta when it comes to taste? :ohwell:
  • Boccellin
    Boccellin Posts: 137 Member
    This sounds so cool and like a great way to avoid carbs. But no one has talked about how it tastes? I may be a dunce, but is it actually a good substitute for pasta when it comes to taste? :ohwell:

    I only just got the Veggetti, but I have sliced zucchini lengthwise with my mandolin and used the strips as substitutes for lasagna noodles. It was a wonderful substitute, very delicate flavor and married nicely with the sauce. Thats why I want to try the zoodles :)
  • Boccellin
    Boccellin Posts: 137 Member
    Nature makes a mean spaghetti sqash that does not require a "gadget". Cut it in half, scrape out the seeds, put a couple tablespoons of water in one half and cover with the other. Place it in a dish and throw it in the microwave for 12-14 minutes (depending on the size of the squash). Stuff shredds apart like spaghetti with no effort. Viola! Veggie spaghetti. Your welcome. :bigsmile:

    I've never tried spaghetti squash before. How's the flavor? Is it similar to zucchini or summer squash?
  • herbertwest7734
    herbertwest7734 Posts: 52 Member
    This sounds so cool and like a great way to avoid carbs. But no one has talked about how it tastes? I may be a dunce, but is it actually a good substitute for pasta when it comes to taste? :ohwell:

    I actually like it more than the pasta. I think it has a better taste and texture.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    I love mine! Don't use it all the time, but zucchini makes a great pasta substitute.
    +1 I use mine all the time to make zucchini pasta. Would love some new ideas