Fed up with the whole weight loss thing



  • fatBgone80
    1900 for a sandwich???????? :noway:


    HA HA HA HA. sorry, i couldnt help but to laugh at the quote above.

    but I'm feeling the way you feel right now plus add depression to it. but when I see my profile pic, it help me to remember why I'm doing all this crap. Its ok to go out & dine once in a while, the zig zag I heard is a great method for some. take a nude pic of your body (without face) & keep it in your purse, it helps me A LOT.
  • maryellengallagher
    You should go back and review your profile. I found it pretty inspiring and maybe you will, too. If you only think about weight in terms of looks, you might be setting yourself up. How about health? Even though you're young, these are the years that you are setting your health up for what your later years will be.
  • Kevalyn34
    We all get like that. And I applaud you for saying it aloud. Many times, we hold in how we feel and hide in the room eating that 1900 calorie sandwich. I understand everyone has their own opinion, but those who are calling you negative or that you're not ready for this piss me off. No one said this journey was going to be easy and yes, it's for a lifetime. So when you want to vent, do it!! I need to do that more instead of getting down in a slump and eating all the wrong things. You can and you will do this. Don't lose hope or faith. Keep a journal and look back at in a month to see how far you've come. Set a goal & a reward system. Something that you want, even if it's a favorite food. Work hard to meet all your benchmarks, then reward yourself. But then go right back into your program. It's hard to be completely restrictive all the time.
  • eamartin
    eamartin Posts: 216 Member
    It says your SW is 247, can I ask why you decided to go with the surgery? When I first started this journey I was 243. Ive lost alot of it by just slowly cutting out bad things. I still go out to eat and I still indulge once in awhile. You have to otherwise you will just give up. I would suggest going and eating that piece of cake or even some dark chocolate and then take a walk and clear your mind. I know how you feel about wanting to just give up.. Its easier to just give in and eat because that is what you are use to and that is what your brain is telling you to do but you are the only one in control, you control what you eat and what you do. Take it one day at a time, try not to just dive right into it with your eyes closed!! We are here for you hun!!!! STAY STRONG!!!

    Also, have you tried to make that yummy sandwich at home? A lot of times that can cut calories in 1/2!!
  • MalTru
    MalTru Posts: 37

    I know EXACTLY how you feel. I often stop and think, "If I'm already this tired of counting calories and watching what I eat and saying no to foods I love because they're high in calories/fat/cholesterol/whatever, how in the world can I keep this up for the rest of my life?" And it really is something that has to be done for the rest of your life, because even if you get down to your goal weight, you still have to be vigilant, or else you'll find that number of the scale getting bigger again.

    But, then I remember that, really, this is the hard part. Teaching myself to eat right, teaching myself to make the healthy choices, teaching myself to work exercise into my life, teaching myself to re-prioritize- to make my life and my health important to me- this is the hard part. Eventually, my habits will change. Every time I force myself now to choose the broccoli over mashed potatoes is setting up an easier future, where I don't have to force myself, where I don't think twice about grabbing an apple instead of chips or going for a walk instead of taking a nap!
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    While it's counter productive, I totally understand the "Heck with it, I'm havin' a double cheeseburger" impulse.... (Homer Simpson drool). And it was particularly difficult to resist during the holiday season. It's easier for me now that the daylight hours are starting to lengthen again.
  • jennifer3998
    jennifer3998 Posts: 144 Member
    I'm no doctor, but you kind of sound clinically depressed. Again, I don't have enough info, but I tend to agree with Edorice that maybe this surgery is not a good time for you. Are you getting a lot of pre-surgery counseling? Is there a good system afterwards?

    Happiness can only come from within. We are all accountable in many many aspects of life. Our bodies is just one thing. Try to take comfort in that everyone who is striving for a healthy life must focus on making good choices - forever. And that one Cheesecake Factory sandwich isn't the end of the world. Eat it. Just don't eat the cake too. Then exercise a bit more than usual for a few days.

    i for one am finding a natural high in feeling healthier. Did I have a few beers on Sunday while watching football? Yup. But I got back on track yesterday. Do your best to adopt a more positive attitude!! It will take you a lot farther!

    (Disclaimer: I have a lot less weight I want to lose so I won't pretend to understand a lot of how you're feeling)

    I am wishing you nothing but future success...
  • badbradclark
    badbradclark Posts: 47 Member
    You HAVE to give yourself off days. If you don't you will go crazy and end up...just like you are - burned out from dieting. Number one, you can't think of it as dieting, you just have to think of it as a life change. You aren't a teenager any more and your body no longer has a high metabolism.

    I took both Saturday and Sunday off - we had a football party were I ate and ate and ate. I had a full rack of ribs for dinner last night. And yes, I'm up weight-wise from where I was last week. But today, I'm back on it. And I'll go two weeks eating as best as I can until our super bowl party where I know I'll eat a ton of food. And then, after the day is over, I'll get back on it.

    "Dieting" is a short-term goal that will always fail. Eating responsibly and healthy is a long-term goal that will succeed. Make that your goal - to eat responsibly. At that might just mean eating a 2500 calorie lunch every so often just because it keeps you sane. Do not think of them as stumbling blocks, or road blocks to your goal, do not feel guilty about letting yourself go once and a while. Think of them as a reward for all the hard work that you do to eat healthy and exercise.
  • MalTru
    MalTru Posts: 37
    Can I please point out to a lot of people that ONE bad day, ONE day of lacking motivation and feeling down doesn't mean that someone isn't ready to have a surgery like this or is clinically depressed- it means they're having a bad day! How about showing some support instead of being so judgmental! Usually on boards on this site, I've seen nothing but support for the OP, but I feel like some people are being really rude to Shanny! One day of wanting to say "Forget it, I'm eating the crap burger" isn't the end of the world. She's not saying she went out and ate the 1900 calorie sandwich and cheesecake; she's saying she's tempted! How about offer some motivation rather than chastise someone when they're already having a hard time staying motviated!!!
  • lizzie4015
    borrowed this hope you don't mind! Very very well sd thanks for posting! Good luck to ya!
  • lizzie4015
    Losing weight is hard. Being overweight is hard. Choose your hard!

    well see post below, still new at this lol
  • jennifer3998
    jennifer3998 Posts: 144 Member
    Can I please point out to a lot of people that ONE bad day, ONE day of lacking motivation and feeling down doesn't mean that someone isn't ready to have a surgery like this or is clinically depressed- it means they're having a bad day! How about showing some support instead of being so judgmental! Usually on boards on this site, I've seen nothing but support for the OP, but I feel like some people are being really rude to Shanny! One day of wanting to say "Forget it, I'm eating the crap burger" isn't the end of the world. She's not saying she went out and ate the 1900 calorie sandwich and cheesecake; she's saying she's tempted! How about offer some motivation rather than chastise someone when they're already having a hard time staying motviated!!!

    If you're talking to me I thought I was pretty supportive! I'm asking smart questions about before and after counseling! And offered some motivation. I fail to see what is so negative about what I wrote.
  • lizzie4015
    borrowed this hope you don't mind! very well said, I hate shopping for clothes more than trying to eat right. good luck to ya!
  • Fgillies
    Fgillies Posts: 194
    It's okay to have those bad days, those days you just want to stay in your PJ's and eat everything in sight, and it's even okay to feel like you want to give up...but it's what you do with those thoughts that can really make an impact. I had a TERRIBLE day the other day, gained back the 3 lbs i lost my first week, and said screw it, i'm eating what i want...this mental block ruined my day..But thankfully, I had MFP. I know it sounds dumb, but there are so many *strangers* here ready to support you, who have/had experiences JUST LIKE YOU, that it really did save my week. Normally i probably would have tumbled and had an awful time pulling myself back up, but my new found support system was here. I got up the next day and got back on track. You CAN do it, and you WILL do it. Someone else mentioned, you must want the success if you posted, and i know we dont know eachother, but i have felt your same pain for years. It's a daily struggle,and will continue to be. I have lost 113 lbs over the last 5 years, and it has been a tough, rewarding, lesson learned, crying fest of emotions...I am not at my goal yet, but i see in YOU, what i see in myself. YOU CAN DO THIS!!! You have an unlimited resource of support right here on MFP....

    Get you that sandwhich...take a few bites, and put it in the fridge, you need to live your life while "dieting" or changing your lifestyle as you would normally...if you deprive yourself, your going to end up binging, and mentally (possibly physically) feeling worse than you started.

    :) ~ YOU GOT THIS!
  • vanillasugar
    vanillasugar Posts: 246 Member
    I think we all have days when we get fed up with dieting/exercise/eating right/watching calories. It IS hard. But like someone else said, being overweight is hard too and you do have to pick which "hard" you can live with. You DO have choices. Someone mentioned having half the sandwich or half the sandwich and half the cheesecake and the other half another day. I would go so far as to say (and some may disagree) take a day off. I do this every once in a while and others do as well. But plan for it. Eat light for breakfast, light lunch, put in a vigorous workout. Have the whole sandwich and the slice of cheesecake. Enjoy it and do not feel guilty. Will you go over your cals for the day? Most assuredly. Will it be the end of the world? No. Get back on track the next day. Maybe even try to then stay under your cals a few days to make up for the overage.

    The key in my opinion is always always getting back on track. I don't believe everyone eats exactly the way they should every. single. day. But the ones who are successful get back on track after indulging. Don't deny yourself the things you love. Just don't indulge yourself every day or even every week.

    You've already taken steps and looks like you've already had some success. You can have many more successes if you want them. :flowerforyou:
  • Silky815
    Silky815 Posts: 367 Member
    I agree with O-malley. I have a very good friend that had the gastric bypass. She had to lose quite a bit of weight, even before she could have it done. She had that surgery and a gallbladder surgery done at the same time. She is doing wonderful, and with learning everything she has learned, she is now going to school to learn extra to help others out in the weight loss area. Don't get yourself down. Remember why you are doing this, and that all you are doing, will definitely pay off in the end. You are doing this, so you like how you feel and how you look. Keep your chin up. There are so many people here to support you. It is tough, but you shouldn't give up. Good luck to you.
  • MalTru
    MalTru Posts: 37
    Jennifer, no it wasn't directed at you. Well, the clinically depressed thing- I think that's a very big snap judgment based on this post, but you did continue on with good, helpful questions/comments. There are a handful of posts that don't really offer motivation or help, but just seem harsh towards the OP, IMO.
  • jennifer3998
    jennifer3998 Posts: 144 Member
    Jennifer, no it wasn't directed at you. Well, the clinically depressed thing- I think that's a very big snap judgment based on this post, but you did continue on with good, helpful questions/comments. There are a handful of posts that don't really offer motivation or help, but just seem harsh towards the OP, IMO.

    Thanks. I only wrote that about being depressed because it was an overall feeling I got reading the entire post. I didn't mean to make a judgment. I just hope the poster is emotionally ready for surgery. I can only imagine how trying that journey will be. And of course satisfying at the end.

    I would never intentionally write anything negative without good intent.

    Shanny - if you live in a cold climate like me, I bet this freezing weather is also not helping!!!!!
  • DoubleO7
    We ALL get into a “Slump” like that once in a while, but you have to give yourself a chance girl. Think deep down “WHY” you started this program in the first place. Was it because you were happy with your weight issues (of course not) so you started doing something about!!… And what a reward it is… Think about it, you’re loosing weight, you have to be feeling better inside, and your energy has to be better so “LOOK AT THE REWARD IT’S GIVING YOU” :bigsmile:

    If you want to deviate just once in a while, well DO IT!! But please remember don’t stress over some small deviation as this build up on cortisol. Cortisol and stress don’t go hand in hand. Eating healthy 80% of the time is recommended by most dieticians and nutritionist as myself. I allow myself a treat (or cheat meal not cheat day) once in a while but I get back right on track THE SAME DAY (not the day after).

    Taking good care of our health is our priority if we want to live a long and healthy life.
    With all of this said…..Go out with your friends and enjoy LIFE. :flowerforyou:

    To YOUR health

  • jennifer3998
    jennifer3998 Posts: 144 Member
    Jennifer, no it wasn't directed at you. Well, the clinically depressed thing- I think that's a very big snap judgment based on this post, but you did continue on with good, helpful questions/comments. There are a handful of posts that don't really offer motivation or help, but just seem harsh towards the OP, IMO.

    Thanks. I only wrote that about being depressed because it was an overall feeling I got reading the entire post. I didn't mean to make a judgment. I just hope the poster is emotionally ready for surgery. I can only imagine how trying that journey will be. And of course satisfying at the end.

    I would never intentionally write anything negative without good intent.

    Shanny - if you live in a cold climate like me, I bet this freezing weather is also not helping!!!!!