Over eat one day, Under eat the next?



  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    It can be done, to be sure.... but considering your calorie goal is already set in a deficit to lose as is, by the end of the week, odds are you'll still be in the deficit..
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    It takes 40 to 50 hours for food to be digested. I would think that following a heavy day with a light day is exactly right since you're still digesting yesterday's heavy food. Spreading it out over several light-ish days, not so much. But I think if I ate 3000 calories in one day I would just fast the next day and let my intestines work on the gut bomb I already gave 'em.
  • Schmidty102
    Schmidty102 Posts: 168 Member
    It can be done, to be sure.... but considering your calorie goal is already set in a deficit to lose as is, by the end of the week, odds are you'll still be in the deficit..

    Correct, I was just wondering about keeping the deficit at the fixed number it's set at.
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    It can be done, to be sure.... but considering your calorie goal is already set in a deficit to lose as is, by the end of the week, odds are you'll still be in the deficit..

    Correct, I was just wondering about keeping the deficit at the fixed number it's set at.

    Then yes, it can be done.

    When I cook up a big batch of nacho mix, I log half the ingredients for today and the next. It doesn't really matter.
  • karmahunger
    karmahunger Posts: 373 Member
    What I meant by the body doesn't know, I meant if the calories are worked off it doesn't matter. Personally if I eat too much one day IdIdont eat less than I should the next day to make up fir utilities because I work out any way. The body just wants fuel, it's forgiving if you overeat one day.
  • Schmidty102
    Schmidty102 Posts: 168 Member
    Alright. Looks like exercise and logging food on multiple days is the way to go. Obviously I am already exercising, but an extra 10 minutes a day for 5 days wouldn't be too bad to get that special meal in.
  • Kimberleebennett
    Kimberleebennett Posts: 21 Member
    And remember it's about achieving your overall goal whether that's to lose weight or just have a healthier lifestyle, not making it look good on your food log. You still have to live life and enjoy it. Worst case scenario if you have a bad day and you're otherwise eating well is you don't lose that week or maybe you just don't lose as much. You'll carry on and continue to do well in following weeks. :smile:
  • symonspatrick
    symonspatrick Posts: 213 Member
    It has worked well for me for the last six months. My daily calories are from 0 to 3500 per day. I average my calories by the week and by the month. Sometimes I know that there is a celebration with extra calories involved so I may eat a little less before it or after it to keep my calories where I want them to be.
  • Pamko57
    Pamko57 Posts: 182
    If I know I'm going to dinner or having a special meal, I'll try to save calories. I'll eat 200 fewer a few days before the big day, so I can indulge a little without stressing.
  • poponastick302
    poponastick302 Posts: 77 Member
    Always start with a clean slate! Today, I overate by a lot, but tomorrow I am not going to eat less. That's not a healthy way to lose weight. Plus, your body doesn't know the difference so it doesn't work anyway.

    I'm confused. What do you mean your body doesn't know the difference? A caloric surplus is a caloric surplus, and your body will store the extra energy as such. It's smart and does know when extra energy has been consumed. Reducing the next day's calorie goal by a small amount will help it to balance out, although I think it's a bad idea if there's a chance that it'll cause that person to overeat again or cause a cycle of overeating/reducing calories the next day. However, reducing the calorie goal by a SMALL amount (say, 100-200 per day) for a week won't hurt anything and your weekly average will not be affected.

    It's a matter of preference really. What works for some obviously won't work for others. It works for me and I've been quite successful losing weight and maintaining my loss thus far.

    I think what was meant is that your body won't go "oh, you ate heaps yesterday, so let's not be as hungry today!"
    Well, my body doesn't, anyway. Regardless of how much I eat today, I'm still going to essentially be just as hungry tomorrow (unless I eat WAY under).
  • Anayalata
    Anayalata Posts: 391 Member
    Scientifically, your body doesn't function on a day-by-day basis. It's more of a weekly and even monthly average calorie consumption.

    Your body won't know the difference if you eat 1500 one day and 3000 the next. I do this all the time as a matter of fact and have lost/gained/maintained weight just fine.

    If you have the willpower/self-control to stick to your calories then yes, IT'S PERFECTLY OK.
  • hahaha I love your response. "Chubers."