How can I loose 50lbs in 3 months, has anyone done it?



  • You guys are incredibly amazing and informative, I honestly appreciate all the advice. I promise not to rush into things. Thanks for all the advice I wish you all the best of luck with whatever goals you're trying to reach. :D
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    You guys are incredibly amazing and informative, I honestly appreciate all the advice. I promise not to rush into things. Thanks for all the advice I wish you all the best of luck with whatever goals you're trying to reach. :D

    This place can be amazingly supportive and the good folks will welcome you into the community.

    Cudos to you, Sounds like you have made up your mind to do this so pull a chair and stay awhile. It's a journey.

    Step one, fill out your profile, introduce yourself in the Intro forum, and spend some time reading up here and a few other places you will see referred to in threads.

    Step two, talk to your doctor about your new life changes including your diet plan and exercise goals.

    Step three. make some new MFP friends, learn to accurately log, educate yourself on the whole calories in calories out , macros , tips and advise from other who are on the same life changing fat loss journey.

    First tip: be sure to read the success storiy forums for true life changing inspiration

    Welcome to MFP
  • kuranda10
    kuranda10 Posts: 593 Member
    To lose 1 pound of fat you need to have a calorie deficit of 3500 calories.
    To lose 50 pounds you need a deficit of 175,000 calories.
    To do that in 3 months you would need a calorie deficit of 175000/92 = 1900+ calories a day. That's extremely hard to do unless you are incredibly obese to start with.

    Depending on what the original diet looks like, cutting 1900 calories a day could be as simple as skipping one Big Mac or one Big Mac value meal a day.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    I wouldn't really put a time limit on it to be honest. Its great that you have a goal in mind - 50lbs!!!

    That is awesome!

    If I was you, I would just keep logging on here, Try & get as much exercise in as you can, and pick healthy options.

    You should see the weight melt off.

    The gym do some really good fun classes that keep you motivated. I do a lot of spinning classes & enjoy them.

    Have a look at your local leisure centre/gym for activities you can get involved in - You also make lots of friends too

    : )
  • lemonsurprise
    lemonsurprise Posts: 255 Member
    I know people won't like this, but I was loosing 4lb+ a week, the key word being WAS.
    Actually it was more like 6lb a week for the first month. I ate (and still am) on 1,200 but believe me, I didn't and don't starve myself. I eat either 3 big meals a day, or 2 with plenty of snacks. I'm also a veggie going on vegan so living on 1,200 a day is far easier for me than someone who is used to consuming red meats and dairy.
    After 4 weeks I joined the gym and my weight has been coming off much more steadily now. About 2-3lb a week, but I'm still over 200lb. I won't be on 1,200 forever (although it easily seems like I could). The only reason I'll be upping is because of hitting macros and micros far more easily.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    You didn't gain it in 3 months, so why would you expect to lose it in 3 months? If it were that simple, everyone would be at their goal weight. This is about a lifestyle change and learning a new way of eating with moderation.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Thanks for the advice, you guys completely changed my mind set.
    I will aim for 1-2 pounds a week.
    Fortunately, i'm still young and have years and years
    ahead of me. I should learn to be patient and take it
    step by step on a daily basis. I am barely beginning
    to intake chicken and veggies. It's crazy I used to eat
    fast food 3-4 times a week. It's so hard
    but I will stick to it and succeed.

    Thanks guys!!
    4 lbs/week is too aggressive but 1 is too conservative at your size. You need the weight off sooner not later. The rush is your health. Aim for 2 and be happy with what YOU accomplish as the inputs (meeting calorie and workout goals), not what the scale gives as outputs.

    It doesn't have to be 'so hard'. You can still eat fast food, just do it less and pick smaller portions and skip the sugary drink. If you try to live off chicken and veggies, you will give up in a month.

    Good luck!
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    At 310 pounds now, you can probably lose weight more aggressively (yet still safely) than the person who needs to lose 20-50 pounds. But 50 in 3 months may be unrealistic.

    You could aim for a deficit for 2 pounds, and then choose whether or not to eat back your exercise calories based on how you feel. Every 4-6 weeks, re-evaluate.

    Its great that you're doing 30 minutes cardio a day now. Increasing to 1 hour may seem like a big jump - so keep it simple. Add a 10-15 minute casual neighborhood walk in the evening. Or break it up into 2 sessions of 20 minutes a day, and then 2 x 25 and so on. Find things you enjoy doing.
  • shortntall1
    shortntall1 Posts: 333 Member
    I did in about 3 months..maybe 3 1/2 but Im a fast loser. I started in mid march. I didnt starve myself or anything.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Loads of common sense already posted. Why not just aim for the 2lb a week, which is the safe maximum, leep your calories based on that and then if you lose more each week keep that as a bonus.

    Take notice of the people who are pointing out the need to lose wight in a healthy and sustainable way otherwise you could give up due to unrealistic targets or not stick with it in the long run. As you intend to lose a large amiunt then you have the benefit of seeing large amounts in the early stages as opposed to someone who is closer to target weight.
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    I lost 45 in 3 months. I walked every day 3-6 miles and ate 1400-1500 calories a day. Drink plenty of water

  • DerekVTX
    DerekVTX Posts: 287 Member
    Hey Bud, welcome to MFP. Its is not a advice to you:

    1. Commit 1 year of your life to lose your goal of 100 Lbs. Any faster will be unhealthy, you will lose muscle mass, you may end up with very lose skin, and possibly fail. The slower weight loss will ensure that you teach yourself to take control of your body so that when you reach your goal weight you will be better prepared to stay there without yo-yoing.

    2. Exercise as much as possible. Do some weights and do lots of cardio. I would also recomment core exercies.

    3. Eat back your cardio calories, this will enable to you enjoy food and get lots of nutrients. Remember, you want to control your weight loss to 2lbs a week max.

    4. Buy a food scale, measure and weigh everything you eat. Refrain from eating out, the calories in restaurant food is sometimes hard to be accurate.

    5. Take your adivce from the people that have been the most sucessful and look the healthiest in their profile pics. Without the advice and motivation to get going I never would of gotten as far as I have so far.

    6. If you are not hungry in the mornings, do not eat based on the myth that your metabolism will shut down or slow down. If it did slow down the amount would be negligable. I personally eat very lean until dinner time. Main thing is that you try to keep under your goal calories each day.

    7. Strive to meet your goals every day, but if you have a bad day dont worry and dont try to make up for it the next day.....just start fresh in the morning.

    Thats all I have. Best of luck, if you stick with it your gonna live 20 years longer, live better now and in your older years, and be a much happier person........1 year......just commit one year.
  • Whalers81
    Whalers81 Posts: 14 Member
    Several years ago, I lost close to 60 lbs in 12 weeks on a medically supervised diet. My starting weight was 290 lbs.

    I was on a very high protein/low everything else (calorie/carb/fat) plan. I was eating about 130 grams of protein a day (mostly in the form of shakes), 1,000 calories/day, and 10-15 g of fat. And drinkin 150 oz of water a day.

    I DO NOT RECOMMEND DOING THIS ON YOUR OWN. I had to visit the doctor weekly, constantly getting blood work and other tests done, and took tons of vitamins and supplements.

    The truth was I followed the plan perfectly for 12 weeks. I was very motivated and I was incredibly disciplined in that time. But it is not sustainable weight loss. At least for me. When I was transitioning back into "normal" eating habits for the phase where you lose weight at a more normal pace (1-2 lbs a week), it went okay to a while and then some of those old eating habits snuck back in. I gained a lot of that weight back over time, because I never took the time to really learn how to implement the long term changes.
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    I lost 39.8lbs in 3 months but it was just how the chips fell. I started at 337lbs so it came off pretty fast, I ate between 1800-2200 calories and exercised hard (cardio mostly) at least 6 days a week.
    My advice is just work towards your ultimate goal and don't set yourself up for failure trying to hit an unattainable number.
  • EmotionalEater84
    EmotionalEater84 Posts: 311 Member
    Possible, but only if you have a large amount to lose and if you eat a deficit.

    On a go forward basis aim for 1-2lbs a week, so 8lbs a month approximately and be pleasantly surprised if you lose more.

    You said lifestyle - this means everything you do has to be sustainable in the future. Best of luck :)
  • I've literally read all of your replies at least 3 times lol,

    Thanks guys!!

    Please feel free to add me as I am not too familiar with the website.

    In the past I would've given up if I had seen that I only dropped 1 pound per week,
    but it's ok now because that's the way to go about things.

    You guys rock!! Thank you all for your time!!
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    Welcome. Take it one day at a time. best wishes on your woe.
  • I have not, but when you find out, will you please let me know?

    Thank you!
  • alexandrazzzz
    alexandrazzzz Posts: 49 Member
    I did it. I lost 55 pounds in 14 weeks. I worked my BUTT off..I worked out 1-2 hours, 3 x a day..6 times a week. I ate 1450 calories, kept my carbs at 30% or less, and had ONE high calorie day a week-at about 2500 calories. I didn't drink, I didn't eat out, my high calorie day was ALL home made food-but stuff I wouldn't eat during the week. I drank a gallon of water a day.

    I was 250..5'8. You CAN lose that especially since you are heavier.
    People will tell you NOO thats unhealthy or you can't. You CAN.

    You have to be mentally prepared for the work that goes into it.
    You have to be prepared to keep it off. I fluctuate 5-10 lbs these days.

    After I lost i started weight training...that REALLY helps keep off the weight big time.

    Its hard-but if CAN BE DONE! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

    Be prepared.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    You can healthily lose 1% of your body weight per week until you're at your goal weight. That is a quite fast, especially in the beginning, and you shouldn't aim for a more aggressive rate than that.