Cutting Sugar for Fast Weight Loss



  • This whole low sugar thing reminds me of the low glycemic diet I fell for about 8 years ago - lost a ton of weight by limiting things like corn starch, ketchup etc - why because sugar and insulin spike of course. I lost a ton of weight!

    Horse hockey - totally unsustainable in the long run and it all came back. Eat at a calorie defecit and if you want to maintain muscle mass up your protein and practice resistance training as well as cardio.

    Nothing simpler and nothing to give up.

    Definitely. You can't just eliminate one thing and think that it's all there is too it for the rest of your life. Your body will eventually adjust to that one thing and you will need to maintain in another way. This is just what is working and allowing me to breath life to that new lifestyle for the first time in my life.

    Ahhh I get you now. The problem is interpretation - and there are many 1000s reading this who will stop at "no sugar" - hence why people are asking for "clarification" or just plain disagreeing.

    HAHA. Hence the statement " BEAR WITH ME HERE." I know how I felt the first time it was presented to me on the YT video. I was literally about to click out and I happened to listen a little longer.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,144 Member
    If the OP wasn't looking to lose weight I would imagine she would be adding 2 tsps of sugar to her latte. :bigsmile:
  • dcristo213
    dcristo213 Posts: 117 Member
    Congrats on your success!!! I can identify with you. I have cut all sugars and simple carbs out of my diet and I have never felt better. I am in total control of my eating now. I never feel hungry like I used to, and I have tons of energy. It hard to believe that I have more energy from not eating carbs, totally the opposite of what I had learned my whole life. For some of us who may have metabolic syndrome and/or insulin resistance, cutting carbs and sugars is the only way to good health.

    I wish you continued success!!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    For some of us who may have metabolic syndrome and/or insulin resistance, cutting carbs and sugars is the only way to good health.
    The main causes for the above are usually:

    Being overweight or obese
    Being physically inactive

    The first 2 can be controlled which is the majority of people suffering from metabolic syndrome. I only mention this because there may be some that have metabolic syndrome who read this and may interpret that by ONLY cutting carbs and sugars, can they alleviate themselves from it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • There's sugar in meat now?

    I guess I'd better tell my in laws not to go hunting for venison this year then.

    And we'd better call off the broiled halibut for Christmas.

    Man, my husband is going to be upset by the absence of Thanksgiving turkey.

    There isn't sugar in meat. Where did you get that? My diet primarily consists on meat. Maybe meet batters and meat sauces but there isn't any in animal protein in general.

    You were the one who said sugar was in basically everything.

    I was just reading a eulogy for our holiday meals.

    Edited for wrong word. ("meat" instead of "sugar")

    I was also referring to processed and refined foods. So if you are speaking of beef jerky, then yes, I assume sugar can be there, too. Don't put words in my mouth. Try reading the post. Nice Day.
  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    Excess sugar causes excess calories. Excess fats and proteins do too. There are people who eat "clean" and never touch processed foods and are overweight. That's because sugar isn't the only thing you can eat excess of. 10,000 calories of sugar and 10,000 calories of protein is still 10,000 calories.

    PRECISELY. But most Americans do not struggle with eating excess proteins and fats, unless they excessively eat over all. I challenge you. Check your labels more often and you will be shocked how much sugar you take in on this American diet. I am not talking baked goods and poptarts here. I'm speaking of foods you would never even expect.

    But they do. Americans in general take in way too much of everything, not just sugar. That's the main problem - portion sizes are totally out of control here. Order a large fries/coke at a McDonald's in Tokyo for example, and you'll wonder what happened to the rest of it.

    Cutting sugar (or carbs or fat or whatever you choose) is the "thing" here because we are used to eating so much at every meal, it's the only way many people can reduce calorie intake while still feeling satisfied with the amount of food they just ate. Which is what you are saying I think. People are taking issue with you saying sugar is the direct cause of obesity and heart disease because it isn't. Too many calories is the cause.
  • If the OP wasn't looking to lose weight I would imagine she would be adding 2 tsps of sugar to her latte. :bigsmile:

    Acutally I add 2 packets of sugar to my coffee every morning. Again, reducing not eliminating entirely. Tha small amount has not affected my progress. That translates to roughly 6 grams.
  • Excess sugar causes excess calories. Excess fats and proteins do too. There are people who eat "clean" and never touch processed foods and are overweight. That's because sugar isn't the only thing you can eat excess of. 10,000 calories of sugar and 10,000 calories of protein is still 10,000 calories.

    PRECISELY. But most Americans do not struggle with eating excess proteins and fats, unless they excessively eat over all. I challenge you. Check your labels more often and you will be shocked how much sugar you take in on this American diet. I am not talking baked goods and poptarts here. I'm speaking of foods you would never even expect.

    But they do. Americans in general take in way too much of everything, not just sugar. That's the main problem - portion sizes are totally out of control here. Order a large fries/coke at a McDonald's in Tokyo for example, and you'll wonder what happened to the rest of it.

    Cutting sugar (or carbs or fat or whatever you choose) is the "thing" here because we are used to eating so much at every meal, it's the only way many people can reduce calorie intake while still feeling satisfied with the amount of food they just ate. Which is what you are saying I think. People are taking issue with you saying sugar is the direct cause of obesity and heart disease because it isn't. Too many calories is the cause.

    "Direct" would be the problem here. I never said sugar was the direct cause. In fact i stated "excess sugar=excess calories=weight gain=obesity= predispoition to diabetes mellitus and heart disease" and that my friend is fact. However, I will state this.

    I realize that most of the posters on MFP are so used to attacking people they rarely actually READ what was written. I directly stated that I did not eliminate sugar entirely> then somewhat tried to bark down my throat about moderation. I directly stated that excess was the problem> again moderation. I was then talked in certain ways because "noone can go without sugar completely" and I'm like listen, this is just a round and round conversation.

    The point of the post was reduce your sugar intake, which will likely cause you to reduce your calorie intake while ridding yourself of junk food and relying on wholesome foods and exercise and you just might lose the weight you have been trying to lose all along without feeling extremely deprived. BTW, if you think my meals are boring, you got another thing coming. I been cooking my heart away on this regime. So no matter what I say, someone will try to poke a hole in it. Even though what I just said is almost the entire point behind mfp, but hey, too each it's own.
  • There's sugar in meat now?

    I guess I'd better tell my in laws not to go hunting for venison this year then.

    And we'd better call off the broiled halibut for Christmas.

    Man, my husband is going to be upset by the absence of Thanksgiving turkey.

    There isn't sugar in meat. Where did you get that? My diet primarily consists on meat. Maybe meet batters and meat sauces but there isn't any in animal protein in general.

    You were the one who said sugar was in basically everything.

    I was just reading a eulogy for our holiday meals.

    Edited for wrong word. ("meat" instead of "sugar")

    I was also referring to processed and refined foods. So if you are speaking of beef jerky, then yes, I assume sugar can be there, too. Don't put words in my mouth. Try reading the post. Nice Day.

    Maybe if your posts were worth reading, I'd actually read them and comment seriously.

    It's way more fun to skim them and watch you seethe though.

    Please, continue to regale us with your YouTube "research".

    It's really quite interesting and totally legitimate.

    Do you cite YouTube as a reliable source when you write your papers?

    Not going to lie, that would be absolutely priceless.

    Here's a pro tip, from me to you, since I'm feeling generous tonight...

    Be clear when you write.

    Did they not teach you that in college?

    You got hosed if they neglected that.

    Maybe you should have a cup of sugary coffee while you sit there and feel undeservedly superior.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,144 Member
    If the OP wasn't looking to lose weight I would imagine she would be adding 2 tsps of sugar to her latte. :bigsmile:

    Acutally I add 2 packets of sugar to my coffee every morning. Again, reducing not eliminating entirely. Tha small amount has not affected my progress. That translates to roughly 6 grams.
    That equates to 24 calories, how many extra grams of sugar do you feel would start to add fat to your weight?