Which machine to choose?



  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Where is it hurting when you use the elliptical?

    Very good question and I was astonished no one asked. So... what's the source of the pain? Joints? If so which? Is it chafing?

    I would disagree with the previous poster who said you should be running intervals on the treadmill. It's something I would not advocate even for a generic newbie runner from the outset, never mind someone addressing 300lb weight issue. The impact on the joints would be enormous and likely to lead to more pain than the elliptical ever could.

    Initially I would stick with non-impact exercises.

    Spin classes are great and generic exercise bikes also have their uses. Ellipticals make great fat burners in general. Another machine you may find comfortable is a Concept 2 rowing machine. The burn is similar to running and you have no impact on ankles and knees.
  • Awineburg
    Awineburg Posts: 196
    Where is it hurting when you use the elliptical?

    Very good question and I was astonished no one asked. So... what's the source of the pain? Joints? If so which? Is it chafing?

    I would disagree with the previous poster who said you should be running intervals on the treadmill. It's something I would not advocate even for a generic newbie runner from the outset, never mind someone addressing 300lb weight issue. The impact on the joints would be enormous and likely to lead to more pain than the elliptical ever could.

    Initially I would stick with non-impact exercises.

    Spin classes are great and generic exercise bikes also have their uses. Ellipticals make great fat burners in general. Another machine you may find comfortable is a Concept 2 rowing machine. The burn is similar to running and you have no impact on ankles and knees.

    The part that was hurting was my muscles in my legs, not just a little burn but a lot! Today the back of my knees are painful not just sore. I think I should have gone a bit slower, but the machine kept telling me to go faster :cry:
  • nokittyno
    nokittyno Posts: 293 Member
    I hate ellipticals!
    HATE them!!
    They make me feel all sloshy and motion sick.
    I don't really like bikes unless they have the upper body ergometer (meaning the bike thingy for the arms too.) I try to watch tv or do other things if my arms aren't busy too and then I find I have forgotten I am on a bike and just sit there...

    I really like the treadmill cause even when I am slowly jogging I can read while I am on it and I can't forget that I am on the treadmill cause it'll throw me if I do! :)

    Lol, I am reading your post and looking at your profile/avatar pic with the cat. So suiting for the despising of the Elliptical, like an outward facial express just toward the topic.. if that makes sense, made me LOL. 'Cause i'm weird like that,..

    ANYWAYYY, to the topic.

    I found for me the Elliptical always worsened my ability to workout, and the intermittent knee pain I have. I found all ellipticals run on a different stride length, (18, 22.. etc) and if your stride doesn't quite match it - it feels awkward, sloppy and PAINFUL. Usually the higher end models at gyms are better than the average home ones(i found if you spend under 2,000 on an elliptical.. you get junk for the most part; not always).

    I know a treadmill can wreak havoc on your knees, but for me when I try and counterbalance it with leg curls or squats it helps, and for me the Elliptical is based on a, |Put in= get out| factor, and if I slack - so will the movement, so with a treadmill it pushes me,.. Like, "OKAY, YOU SLOW DOWN AND SLACK - I'LL KEEP MOVING AND YOU CAN FALL ON YOUR FACE, K?" Lol, so a treadmill actually keeps me more consistent and I found my weight loss/maintaing has been achieved better with a treadmill than an Elliptical.
  • museonlife
    I love the elliptical. I find it easier and less boring than a treadmill. I like to pedal on it backwards!
  • katikati
    I like the bike..also not too big to have in the house.:flowerforyou:
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Where is it hurting when you use the elliptical?

    Very good question and I was astonished no one asked. So... what's the source of the pain? Joints? If so which? Is it chafing?

    I would disagree with the previous poster who said you should be running intervals on the treadmill. It's something I would not advocate even for a generic newbie runner from the outset, never mind someone addressing 300lb weight issue. The impact on the joints would be enormous and likely to lead to more pain than the elliptical ever could.

    Initially I would stick with non-impact exercises.

    Spin classes are great and generic exercise bikes also have their uses. Ellipticals make great fat burners in general. Another machine you may find comfortable is a Concept 2 rowing machine. The burn is similar to running and you have no impact on ankles and knees.

    The part that was hurting was my muscles in my legs, not just a little burn but a lot! Today the back of my knees are painful not just sore. I think I should have gone a bit slower, but the machine kept telling me to go faster :cry:

    Sorry you're hurting. :flowerforyou:

    The back of the knees can hurt when you lock out your knees on low resistance. Perhaps in your panic to keep up with the tempo dictated by the machine you kept the resistance low and then the legs can kind of "fall through the pedals" if you get my drift which can cause the knees to jarr a bit, and there are many sensitive little tendons at the back of the knee such as the popliteus, which are very easily annoyed.

    Next time you go why don't you start off, just the first few weeks, with something that's non-weight bearing such as the bike or the rower. It provides you with a good burn with no impact and you WILL lose pounds with those just as well!!!!

    And once you build a little bit of leg strength, go back on the elliptical and stick a bit of resistance on and go at a pace that allows you to concentrate on good form. It's not a race. :wink:
  • starkiss100
    starkiss100 Posts: 235 Member
    I like the Ellipical the best. I burn the most calories on it and I feel like I sweat the most on it, so it must be giving me the best workout. :wink: But it's good to switch it up some so your body doesn't get use to the same thing, you gotta keep your body guessing if you want to continue changing yourself!
  • judz46
    judz46 Posts: 359 Member
    I love the treadmill...listen to my walkman and 30 mins goes so fast and burn about 350 cals.