Meal replacement shakes.



  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    No medical conditions here, I'm healthy, I have not been eating the healthiest lately, which I'm quite embarrassed at, so I won't open the diary for now. I just can't get back to healthy eating, I don't have much motivation for it. I know that I need to however.

    Oh, if you want you can look at my diary. I don't eat perfect either :P No one does:flowerforyou: I can understand the hesitation, I know it's not the easiest to be criticized but it's part of the learning process.
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    No medical conditions here, I'm healthy, I have not been eating the healthiest lately, which I'm quite embarrassed at, so I won't open the diary for now. I just can't get back to healthy eating, I don't have much motivation for it. I know that I need to however.

    Oh, if you want you can look at my diary. I don't eat perfect either :P No one does:flowerforyou: I can understand the hesitation, I know it's not the easiest to be criticized but it's part of the learning process.

    Her diary will blow your mind with how amazing it is. She's on inspiration I've had that taught me that I can eat "junk" and still lose weight and be healthy.

    As for the shakes, I used to drink Slim Fast when I had coupons and needed a quick breakfast. I've now replaced that with protein bars (Quest mainly) if I'm somewhere that I can't eat a meal (school, usually).
  • WGUgirl82
    Honestly, if you eat salt in your diet, it could cause you to retain water..... but you may just need to use the bathroom (sorry for the TMI). As previously stated, you are NEVER going to stay at the same weight, EXACTLY, every minute of every day. That's just how it is :)
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I tried the shakes and didn't like the ones I tried. Attempted to make one and it didn't come out well.

    If you like them, no reason to not drink them!!

    Rocky made a shake, didn't he? Maybe I'm remembering wrong. I dunno.
  • gabrielleelliott90
    Oh trust my diary is just full of junk. Hardly anything healthy. Lmao. Bowel habits are fine, but it doesn't seem to make a difference on the scale :( I always weigh on as empty as possible, sorry TMI.
  • independant2406
    independant2406 Posts: 447 Member
    I like the Advocare shakes. I used to drink rhe chocolate shake 2x daily with a healthy meal at night (lean protien and lots of green veggies). The chocolate shake is best if you mix with 1tablespoon of peanutbutter and 1/2 a banana and some ice cubes in the blender. :)

    Meal replacement shakes aren't a long term solution but they can help sometimes if you have just a few lbs to reach your goal.
  • folgers86
    folgers86 Posts: 84 Member
    I personally just drink the Kellogg ones but it's mostly because they're a great way to get SOME protein and nutrients when you either don't have time to fix or can't stomach a regular meal (my body says a big resounding NONONONO to breakfast). As other people have mentioned, they're not great for dieting since they don't teach you anything sustainable - though they do work, but as I just said, they can have their place in a meal plan. Unless you're doing the shakes like Medifast or something similar, they are NOT meant to be used exclusively. 1-2 meal replacements at most per day and even then you really should supplement with some veggies or fruit if at all possible :)
  • senusenu
    senusenu Posts: 6 Member
    I get the Equate (Walmart brand) weight loss shakes in milk chocolate or chocolate royale. They taste great to me, satisfy my chocolate craving, and are nice to have when I need something quick, often during lunch break at work and I don't have time to eat something else. I typically only have one a day, sometimes with a fiber bar.

    I don't eat remotely healthy- I work two jobs and just can't be bothered to actually cook (and weigh out every single thing, then calculate weights and etc). I can't eat raw fruits either, so even that's out. I stick to easy things, even though it's not ideal, that I can quickly scan and add to my diary, with a "treat" now and then of something really terrible (like Buffalo Wild Wings!).

    Last week was bad for me, didn't lose a pound, but didn't really gain either, so this week I will keep it under control again. I'm fine with it being slow, as it's easier to maintain a slow progress, and seems to be better for long term success.

    Might look into a gym though to supplement my walking with some weights and yoga.