This is MFP not Facebook



  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    That being said, if you posted this message without thinking and realize that it's a little silly, then we'll totally support you in your efforts to defriend as many people as you feel you need to. I sense maybe that you might have expected a different response to your original post than you wound up with. We're still here for you if you need any support, but rest assured, we will tell you if we're being silly (as others tell us!).
  • Fabnover40Kat
    Fabnover40Kat Posts: 300 Member
    Wow! Didnt think a simple little rant about someone not using this site for dieting would cause me to be a the Wicked Witch of MFP! :frown: !
  • kRpRpLgRl
    kRpRpLgRl Posts: 59 Member
    Then defriend the people who do this all the time. YOUR MFP is where you choose to do as you wish. MY MFP is where I choose to do what I wish. If I feel like talking about a migraine, then I will. If I feel like talking about my life, then I will. You certainly don't have to read it, if you really don't want to.

    Some of us don't use facebook. I don't. I don't tend to post every minute of every day, but if I wanted to, that is my perogative.

    I understand your point... but I don't see that there's much you can do about it, aside from either ignoring what you're not interested in, or defriending the serial updaters.


    DITTO to this^
    I'm not a big "poster" but I feel like if I wanted or needed to say something, all of my MFP friends would read it if they wanted to and ignore if they didn't.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Wow! Didnt think a simple little rant about someone not using this site for dieting would cause me to be a the Wicked Witch of MFP! :frown: !

    Like I said before, we're not here to deter you from using the site or slow down your progress at all, but I think everyone's just calling it as they see it. When you put something out to such a large group of folks, you're gonna get a big response.

    Hope you're happier without that person in your news feed and best of luck to you.
  • ginnyroxx
    ginnyroxx Posts: 763
    Wow! Didnt think a simple little rant about someone not using this site for dieting would cause me to be a the Wicked Witch of MFP! :frown: !
    i don't think you're the WWofMFP

    I just think you probably wouldn't want to friend me :laugh:

    it's all good though. we all have different was of being motivated and encouraged. Do you! :) That's the great thing about this place. you can get all the support YOU want :)

  • BrattyLori
    BrattyLori Posts: 101 Member
    You guys all seem to be missing the point. And that is that NO ONE EVER sends me email telling me I look YUMMY. WTH? Get to emailing people. I need this.

    ;D Looooove MFP for the social stuuuuuuuff!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    ...Also...there are quite a few people on MFP who've just signed up or have been on and off and while they don't necessarily track their cals, exercise or otherwise they are here thinking about doing it. And that in my opinion is a step in the right direction at the very least. So I support them.
    And while I totally understand where you are coming from OP, I've learned that for myself at least the more I interact on this site the better I am at keeping up with my goals. Even if that means I posted something about what I'm listening to on today.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    i don't think you're the WWofMFP

    I just think you probably wouldn't want to friend me :laugh:


    :laugh: What she said! :laugh:
  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
    Then defriend the people who do this all the time. YOUR MFP is where you choose to do as you wish. MY MFP is where I choose to do what I wish. If I feel like talking about a migraine, then I will. If I feel like talking about my life, then I will. You certainly don't have to read it, if you really don't want to.

    Some of us don't use facebook. I don't. I don't tend to post every minute of every day, but if I wanted to, that is my perogative.

    I understand your point... but I don't see that there's much you can do about it, aside from either ignoring what you're not interested in, or defriending the serial updaters.

  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
    If you defriended them, then let it go. Don't worry about it. Because that person is still a member of the community, and your passive-aggressive post will probably make them feel bad if they see it and think, "Huh, is she talking about me?" That's not cool. This is not only a weight-loss community -- it's also a community of support.

    On Facebook, someone I know is always posting negative stuff. She never posts anything positive. But you know what? I just hid her from my news feed. I didn't go passive-aggressively blasting her on FB about it to try to make her feel bad. It's her page. She can do what she likes, and I just chose not to read it. It's not that big of a deal, and it's certainly not worth trying to make her feel like crap over.
  • spunky_spit_fire
    spunky_spit_fire Posts: 103 Member
    You guys all seem to be missing the point. And that is that NO ONE EVER sends me email telling me I look YUMMY. WTH? Get to emailing people. I need this.

    ;D Looooove MFP for the social stuuuuuuuff!

    LMAO it didn't say who posted it but now that gave me a great big laugh out loud from the bottom of my big fat belly
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    This is laughable.

    haha. This was my favorite comment on this post. And made me laugh a little more. hah. Srsly, chuckled a little when I read it.
  • NanBar
    NanBar Posts: 283 Member
    Maybe this isn't related to anything...however, this is "my fitness pal" and not "my weight loss pal". People are here for ALL kinds of reasons and goals...losing weight, gaining weight and muscle, staying healthy, getting in better shape physically...

    However many people ARE here for losing weight, and some of them may be living very solitary lives- not talking about their weight loss to others for fear of failure, or maybe they have pulled away from others because of their weight,and they are looking for someplace just to be themselves and feel comfortable... finding support and acceptance is important to most here I am sure, therefore it IS a social community. I am sorry you are annoyed with someone and I hope that you can find a way to understand and accept the different personalities of the people on MFP.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    You're not the wicked witch of MFP. Don't worry about it. I think a lot of us (myself included) are not always as mindful of other people's feelings as we should be, especially online. It's so easy to just blurt out what's bothering us because we're just talking to a computer screen, but we don't always remember that the people we're talking about can read it too. No worries.

    And BrattyLori -- that literally made me giggle out loud. Hilarious!
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    I did delete this person. This particualr person never posted anything about weight problems, diet etc.... I really think the person was only using it as a SOCIAL NETWORK. and Im not stressing about it I just dont understand why you would join MFP if you dont want to lose weight! Just sayin!

    In all actuality this is a SOCIAL NETWORK! .... We come here to gain support, motiviation, inspiration and so much more from this site... along that way we realize we have made FRIENDS.... and throughout that, we learn to rely on our friends through all aspects of our lives... Stress is a big factor in weigh loss.. as is your every day life!

    I agree if you don't like it.. maybe your friends list should consist of one person.. YOURSELF.

    I agree. This IS a social network!!
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    I think its says on the share area "WHATS ON YOUR MIND?" Im sorry but if my weight is on my mind all the time I would have NO LIFE. JMO

    I agree with everyone else dont read or defreind to each their own.
  • tuduis
    tuduis Posts: 67
    OMG... I just read this post about this not being FB but MFP and I'm like soooo OMG
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    Defreind them. Now if you will excuse me I need to go to the bathroom. Problems with the in-laws gives me diarehha(spelling).

  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    I think the reason a lot of people post about what is going on in their lives is because making the switch to a healthier lifestyle is a MAJOR step, and does ultimately affect every single thing that is going on in their lives. With technology and social media these days, it seems that every intimate detail is posted for everyone to see. This goes for status updates on FB, or on messenger programs, Twitter, etc. It's just a sign of the times that sometimes people want to share everything that is going on.
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    OMG... I just read this post about this not being FB but MFP and I'm like soooo OMG

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