What do you do with your "fat" clothes?



  • msmichelelynn
    Some of them... turn into pajamas. I have always loved oversized clothing for cleaning around the house and sleeping. Otherwise, there are some great groups locally that I could sell them on. Whatever wouldn't sell I would donate to Goodwill or perhaps the local DV shelter...
  • lewispwest
    lewispwest Posts: 498 Member
    Kept a couple to scare any future kids from repeating their father's mistakes, gave the rest away to the Salvation Army!

    If I don't have them to grow back in to then I guess I'll have to stay slim!
  • yellowlemoned
    yellowlemoned Posts: 335 Member
    I donated most of mine to goodwill and the salvation army..

    Some of the things I really liked that might have been stained or had holes in them I turned into pillow covers for my couch. It's a good way to remind myself where I came from, plus they just look pretty.

    I also sold some of the really nice/expensive things on craigslist/ebay or gave them away to people I knew could use them.

    I also turned one bra into a makeup pouch lol.
  • Yourkindagirl
    Yourkindagirl Posts: 100 Member
    Sell them on E bay. That way you make money to buy more clothes. I sell some of mine, but I also keep some of mine. That may be pessimistic, but I have been losing and gaining my entire life. I've given away all of my clothes and then had to go buy more. I promised myself if there were no more clothes, then I would really get serious because I would not buy anymore fat clothes. So, what happened is I looked really boogie for a few months until my mama told me I looked a mess, and until I lost some weight, I needed to buy new clothes. I had to admit she was right, so I bit the bullet and bought some clothes, so I wouldn't continue to look a mess. When I finally got my head into it again, I lost the weight.

    Unfortunately for me, I've done this more than once. I'm a repeat offender. I have spent tons of money on buying new clothes. I don't mind when I'm thin, but I don't look forward to it when it's because I've gained. I lose weight and gain it back. I'm trying to figure out how to maintain a healthy lifestyle and deal with life's hardships (Every time someone close to me dies, I eat for comfort). One of these days I will master this and get off of the see-saw. Hopefully, you've made a lifestyle change.

    Therefore, I'm probably going to be one of the few people on here to say keep a few put away for at least two or three years, just in case.
  • skylineprints
    skylineprints Posts: 31 Member
    Ceremonious bonfire!!! Singing, dancing, a good time was held by all. :laugh:

    on serious note, since i work in downtown Atlanta, I see a lot of homeless people. I carried my jackets, sweaters, hoodies, jeans, etc... with me everyday for awhile. As I saw people who might could use them, I'd ask. My weight loss journey started late last fall so most of this was done during the winter. You wouldn't believe how something so simple can make someone else so happy.

    The rest i gave directly to a local homeless shelter.
  • clewpage
    clewpage Posts: 44 Member
    The items I am really in love with I will have tailored. I have 1 skirt that has a size 12 tag, but over the years it's been altered numerous times to it's final at around a 6. That's pretty true for most of my skirts and dresses. If I love it, I alter it. If it's too complicated to alter, or it is nice but Im not heartbroken about not being able to wear it, it goes on eBay or to a consignment shop.
    Pants and tops are a completely different story. Tops also go to the consignment shop, and if they don't sell, they get added to the seasonally appropriate pants and I make a donation.
    When things do sell at the consignment, I use the money as store credit and buy "new" stuff. I never take a check home. I also leave eBay funds in my Paypal account for future purchases.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    give them to someone who wants them or donate to value village

    make them into something else ...like a bag , dress, different shirt whatever
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    I have almost everything boxed up to donate to goodwill. I have a few nice longer tunics and skirts I am giving to a friend. If I had anything really nice, I'd sell it on ebay or consign it. But I don't - in fact it's one big goodwill circle. Most of my fat clothes came from there, my current less fat wardrobe is from there, and I go every weekend to poke through smaller sizes for my when I reach my goal weight wardrobe.

    All except one pair of my biggest size jeans, which I'm saving for a hopeful in one leg goal weight picture :)
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I wear my clothes out. I don't think anyone would want my fat clothes. I have donated clothes that have been sitting in my closet and I never wear. When my aunt loses weight she gives me her shirts. I have a friend who is about my size that I could give those to when they don't fit me.
  • ann5659
    donate to a woman's shelter. they would use your nicer ones to help women dress for success, job interviews etc you can get tax credit plus keeping them is "having a back door" slowing you to have something just incase you gain weight. I have gotten rid of mine and no regrets, :)
  • kimnsc
    kimnsc Posts: 560 Member
    I donated most of mine to a local abused women's shelter and some of my items I sent to a consignment shop to try and get some of the money out of them.
  • JenToms80
    JenToms80 Posts: 373 Member
    I did the obliglatory trying them on and realising just how much I lost and taking a few "before and after" type pictures...then put them in a pile for charity!

  • Anahita_Swims
    Anahita_Swims Posts: 4,127 Member
    I still wear most of mine... I have a one in one out policy so I'm currently still wearing lots of 2 sizes to big tops from last winter... when i get the money ill replace them :)

    I've got a very small wardrobe I have 8 ish dresses for work and 2 casual dresses and 2 going out dresses and 1 formal dress...

    I wear dresses most of the time... i have 4 pairs for trousers and a pair of shorts only the shorts fit properly and a couple of t-shirts that don't fit... :)
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Okay. I felt like a jerk for not wanting to give away the designer jeans but it seems like it's not that jerkish of an idea after reading responses.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Okay. I felt like a jerk for not wanting to give away the designer jeans but it seems like it's not that jerkish of an idea after reading responses.

    Definitely not!

    Why not sort out things into piles or boxes to sell, donate, repurpose/trash? That's kind of what I do now. The only things that are effectively "trashed" are like, pants with a broken zipper and t-shirts with a hole or stain that turn into cleaning rags.
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    I'm cleaning out my closet and gonna have a yard sale to help get some funds for a new wardrobe and then donate whatever is left to a shelter. :)
  • Smirnoff65
    Smirnoff65 Posts: 1,060 Member
    6 large bags of my old clothes were taken away today to a charity shop, including some clothes that I only bought a couple of months back and are already far too big, my wardrobe is officially bare :laugh:
  • Organicgasm
    Organicgasm Posts: 592 Member
    I give them to friends. Same thing I do when my kids outgrow things. :)
  • sarajenivieve
    sarajenivieve Posts: 303 Member
    donate to a shelter would be my recomandation maybe if you have friends those sizes like them look through first
  • Marbella29660
    Marbella29660 Posts: 71 Member
    Burn them. Including the bras. Eff it!

    ^^^ Oh YES!