Active Users with Public Diaries



  • lavenderphoenix
    lavenderphoenix Posts: 48 Member
    Anyone can add me if they want....all my stuff is open to everyone. (Although I'm not so good at logging food on weekends just fyi - something I'm working on). As you can see from my profile pic, I have nothing to hide. lol
  • Deniseacc
    Deniseacc Posts: 2 Member
    If anyone wants to add me, my diary is open and I love to cook from scratch :)
  • FrazierSamuel
    FrazierSamuel Posts: 45 Member
    Happy to have anyone add me. My diary is open to friends. I'm not following any particular diet, mostly just counting calories to get a handle on portion control.

    Also try to exercise a few times a week for general health.
  • ronercat
    ronercat Posts: 273 Member
    Like everyone else on here, my diary is open. It may not be pretty at times, but it is open. Anyone can feel free to add me. I am also not following a specific pattern of eating.I am just keeping track of calories.
  • MsDellyssa
    MsDellyssa Posts: 66 Member
    As far as I know everything I have is open. Share ideas, share achievements, share mess ups, I feel that's what MFP is for. But each to their own. Anyone who wants to add me is welcome to.
  • amjo2693
    amjo2693 Posts: 89 Member
    I log in every day (300 days today!) and have an open diary. I don't follow any specific plan aside from being aware of my calorie intake. I have a food allergy and try to stick with organic and/or preservative free foods so I don't feel like crap. Anyone can feel free to add me.
  • Natasha_Fit_Fab
    Natasha_Fit_Fab Posts: 93 Member
    I signed up in July and logged in everyday except when I went out of town...the place where I was did not have internet and my phone was out of service so MFP started all over again...anyway I log in everyday and I try to cook creative meals that I know that I can continue this journey for the rest of my life not a quick fix (mistake I done before to loose a quick pound). Please feel free to add me!!
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Feel free to add me :) My diary is open and I'm active on here during weekdays...not so much on the weekends, but I'm trying to be.
  • moonbeams896
    moonbeams896 Posts: 191 Member
    I'm also open to have anyone add me. I'm active, have an open diary and don't follow anything other than calorie counting. And MFP reset my streak even though I logged in everyday from my phone while on vacation this last week. grrr
  • Kaelakcr
    Kaelakcr Posts: 505 Member
    Hi there! I'm active and have a public diary. The last two or three days are a bad example--I haven't had time to log fully. But other than the past couple days I've been religiously logging and conversing with friends!
  • manderthegreat
    manderthegreat Posts: 30 Member
    I am the same way. anyone feel free to add me. daily user and open diary
  • KrissyRawrz
    KrissyRawrz Posts: 342 Member
    Lol "friendly or mean" :P mines public, I shall add you :)
  • Vonikins
    Vonikins Posts: 56 Member
    I'm active and open. I agree that MFP is a tool to reflect a lifestyle choice towards healthy living and not a diet. I refuse to consider myself on a diet ever again. I've just focused on moving more and making smart choices on the macro level for nutrition and forgiving myself for the blips in the road and looking at the larger, long term picture of my choices.
  • moraiwebird
    moraiwebird Posts: 71 Member
    I'm active and have a diary open to friends. Most stuff is home-cooked, and I love sharing recipes if asked!
  • BillRicks1
    BillRicks1 Posts: 473 Member
    Anyone can add me as well. My food log is pretty boring for most (food is only fuel) but open and login as often as possible.