Body Beast Women's Group!



  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hello beastettes! How was everyone's weekend? Mine was good, I ate too much crap yesterday! But you better believe I worked it off today! Back at it!

    I had a good sweat fest today! Turbo Fire 30 followed by Body Beast Bulk Legs! DNA removal at it's best!

    How is everyone doing with the program???
  • florabelle33
    florabelle33 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi I started BB 2 days ago and am struggling with how many calories a day do I need? I am 5"5" @ 175lbs.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi I started BB 2 days ago and am struggling with how many calories a day do I need? I am 5"5" @ 175lbs.

    Have you looked through the Beast book to help you? It has the calculations in there to help you. And welcome to the group!!!
  • Wolffie12
    Wolffie12 Posts: 11 Member
    I"m starting today Wolffie12! Did you get your program ordered? :)

    Yup! I'm supposed to be getting it soon... "Estimated Delivery Date: August 24"... though I hope it comes earlier. The anticipation is killing me. I want to get started! :happy: I also went out and got the dumbbells needed to start up as I decided to wait a bit on the adjustable ones... man are the expensive.
  • NYGoddess77
    NYGoddess77 Posts: 146 Member
    I'll be starting Body Beast 9/22 after I finish Insanity. Does anyone here follow a Paleo/Primal eating regimen while doing Body Beast? If so, what are your results. ?

    Welcome! I follow a partial paleo diet; I'm not strict about it but it can work. Are you currently following a paleo diet?

    Yes I'm more Primal than paleo...I agree it's too strict. Yes I've been primal for a few years now...but it just proves that anything without proper macro-nutrient and caloric intake would yield negative results. I've gained back the 30lbs of fat I had lost when I did Insanity a few years ago.
  • WandaWoman41
    WandaWoman41 Posts: 153 Member
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hey girls! How's it going? It's almost Friday! Whoot! Whoot! :drinker: :bigsmile:

    How is everyone doing with their workouts? Today was Beast Cardio and PiYo Buns for me and then I did about 30 min on the elliptical too! Feeling good!

    Oh and I signed up for my first "mud run!" I'm soooo excited! This kind of obstacle stuff is right up my alley! It's in about 2 weeks so I'm getting some running into my schedule too!

    Hope you're all doing well! Remember, "Whatever It Takes!"
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Where you at Beastettes????
  • qndivat
    qndivat Posts: 5 Member
    Hello Beastettes!
    I started Body Beast yesterday and would love to join your group. Today I did Build Legs. I've started with 5, 8, and 10lbs dumbells and a stability ball. For supplements, I'm using fish oil, shakeology, and a multivitamin. My goal is lose weight and lower my blood pressure.

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hello Beastettes!
    I started Body Beast yesterday and would love to join your group. Today I did Build Legs. I've started with 5, 8, and 10lbs dumbells and a stability ball. For supplements, I'm using fish oil, shakeology, and a multivitamin. My goal is lose weight and lower my blood pressure.


    Welcome Tanika! So, how did you like your first Build Legs??? Killer, huh? Glad to have you in the group!!!
  • Wolffie12
    Wolffie12 Posts: 11 Member
    Question for you all... how often do you weigh/measure? Once a week? Every few weeks? At the 30/60/90 day marks?

    I've only just completed the first full week of BB and want to measure, but I also don't want to get discouraged if the results aren't fabulous. I understand it takes time. It would be nice to see if my efforts are paying off, though. However, if it's best to wait a little while to see greater results, I can make myself wait... impatiently, but I can do it. ;p
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Question for you all... how often do you weigh/measure? Once a week? Every few weeks? At the 30/60/90 day marks?

    I've only just completed the first full week of BB and want to measure, but I also don't want to get discouraged if the results aren't fabulous. I understand it takes time. It would be nice to see if my efforts are paying off, though. However, if it's best to wait a little while to see greater results, I can make myself wait... impatiently, but I can do it. ;p

    I used to measure every 30 days but haven't in a long time. As far as the scale goes, I weight myself only about 1-2x per month. I try not to let that "number" mess with my head! LOL

    I would wait until at least you're 30 days in before you measure/weigh, especially since you just started; you don't want to lose momentum and get discouraged.

    How are you liking it so far?
  • Hello everyone. I just started Body Beast on Monday. Interested in connecting with others to stay motivated. Would love to hear how Body Beast is going for you all so far. Day 3 for me and I am pretty sore! :smile:
  • Wolffie12
    Wolffie12 Posts: 11 Member

    I used to measure every 30 days but haven't in a long time. As far as the scale goes, I weight myself only about 1-2x per month. I try not to let that "number" mess with my head! LOL

    I would wait until at least you're 30 days in before you measure/weigh, especially since you just started; you don't want to lose momentum and get discouraged.

    How are you liking it so far?

    That's good to know. I'd like to keep going at the pace I've been doing. So... I guess I'll make myself wait until that magically Day 30 before I weigh/measure. :tongue:

    I am absolutely loving it! The first time I did the Legs workout... I literally fell over later that night, my legs felt so much like jelly. I don't feel overly strained doing them but I can also feel a difference. And they aren't tediously long which is so nice, Today will be Day 9 and I'm determined to stick through to the end. I really am glad I decided to get into it!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hello ladies! Happy Sunday!

    Today is my rest day! Whoot! Whoot! Yesterday I completed my very first mud run, obstacle course race and it was a blast! I'm hooked! LOL

    Have any of you ever done one? I'm now looking at the Tough Mudder next! I wish I wouldn't started these sooner in the summer season!

    I am looking forward to lifting tomorrow though!
  • Hi everyone. I'm also doing BB and I'm on week 3 (legs today). I've also been adding 20-30 min on the stair stepper after the workout. Is anyone following the nutrition in the BB book?
  • Hello! I just ordered the program and hope to start Oct 6th. (Monday) Anyone interested in helping in accountability? Feel free to send a request. :D

    Thanks! Can't wait to hear all of your experiences... and to make my own! :D

  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I'm on my 2nd round, week 3. Truly enjoy the lifting -oh and my results!!
  • Keeta83
    Keeta83 Posts: 423 Member
    I just completed day 12 of BB and loving it! Nice to see so many ladies doing it too!
  • 20Grit
    20Grit Posts: 752 Member
    I've been doing BB for over a year now, It's nice to see so many women doing it and loving it! :bigsmile: