How much do YOU weigh?

As well as keeping an accurate food diary and exercise diary, do you feel it's beneficial to announce your weight and your goal in order to stay accountable?


  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    No - my weight is my personal business. But that's just my opinion :bigsmile:
  • awesomedjmcvey
    awesomedjmcvey Posts: 50 Member
    I announce mine, 330 down from 405. Still got a long way to go but I am getting there!!! I say announce it loud and proud.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I don't know if it's beneficial or not, but I don't mind sharing.
    SW: 260lbs (2012/after birth of first son)
    Got down to 170lbs (2013)
    Went up to 212lbs (May 2014 & 41 wks pregnant)
    CW: 180.8lbs
    GW: 130lbs or 20% BF (whatever weight that ends up being)
  • rach072012
    A month ago: No thank you.
    Today: Why not?
    Tomorrow: Who knows...
  • HappyBlues
    HappyBlues Posts: 94 Member
    I think like every other aspect of weight loss, it's probably going to be different per person. For me I am sure it'd make no difference whatsoever but for others maybe. :)
  • pzacher68
    pzacher68 Posts: 38 Member
    260 down from 330. It doesn't bother me to tell people, they act so surprised when I tell them how much weight I've lost, and can't believe how heavy I actually was.
  • 40poundslessby40
    people don't believe me when i tell them i'm 210. :-) or that i'm "plus sized" - so it will be interesting when i get back in the 180's to see if they notice. :-) weight is a number... it's more about how you feel. I don't care if people know, but i also don't care if people know my age. it is what it is.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I think everyone is different in this regard. The most I've ever said "publicly" is announcing when I was under 200 lb for the first time in many years. So obviously people can do the math there a bit. But I've always been much more private with my friends and family when it comes to stuff like this. They don't know my HW 307 or start weight for this site (262) nor my current weight of 173. Some people like to share those stats but I generally just say I've lost "about 100 lb" when someone asks.
  • Wookinpanub
    Wookinpanub Posts: 635 Member
    I don't mind sharing on here but at work and with friends, they ask me how much I have lost. I certainly don't tell them the right amount of weight lost because it is embarrassing and validates how heavy I was.

    SW - 255
    CW - 197
    GW - 195
  • alison2earth
    I have a hard time discussing my weight. I've told my husband a few times and that is about it. I like to stick to the amount I'd like to lose instead. Maybe once I've lost it, I'll feel differently. :)
  • _Tink_
    _Tink_ Posts: 3,845 Member
    It doesn't bother me to share, though it doesn't do anything to keep me accountable, either.

    5' 9.5"
    128 pounds
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I'm not particularly shy about my weight anymore. But, there's a significant amount of distance between the original 265 lb me, and the new 175 lb me. As that distance grows, it becomes easier to talk about who I used to be, what I did to change it, and who I am now.
  • sdort156
    sdort156 Posts: 20 Member
    I do. I'm proud of how much I've lost and how hard I've worked. It also keeps me motivated!
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    As well as keeping an accurate food diary and exercise diary, do you feel it's beneficial to announce your weight and your goal in order to stay accountable?

    Nope.. but I weight 213 lbs..
  • JenniferIsLosingIt
    Yepperoni! I started at 412 I am currently 347 ( I am up one pound thanks to lovely sodium and water retention.) I do not stress the scale though. I take lots of picutres and measure myself. Weight aint nothing but a number lol!
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Please.....236lbs at 5'9".

    And I have lots of gray hair that I dye natural brown.

    And I'm 46.

    And I look about 36.

    Let's get over the vanity thing, shall we?

    Adding: Actually, I retract that last statement. Everyone has the right to feel how they want. I don't own the right to tell people how to feel.
  • Harunan
    Harunan Posts: 22 Member
    I don't mind announcing it most of the time anymore. I'm 161 at 5'8". Down from 220 at my highest. :)
  • KrzyGal
    KrzyGal Posts: 139 Member
    127, underweight again but I'll get there. For those that are on a weight loss journey, I'm sure it's motivational to post their milestones.
  • mswoodsy
    mswoodsy Posts: 91 Member
    I tell everyone. Literally, everyone. I probably annoy people after telling them two or three times. BUT I went from 176 to my current 125 lbs. Maybe never being SO big is why I'm more open about it?

    That or because I'm where I want to be now. I didn't share my weight much when it was 176 or even 150. I'm much more confident saying I WAS that, now I'm this. If that makes sense...
  • carolineat111
    carolineat111 Posts: 97 Member
    I don't care if someone knows how much I weigh? It's just a number. I'm 5'10" and weigh 159lbs, high weight of 230lbs (day I had my third child). Really, your weight NUMBER has little to do with how fit/healthy/attractive you are.