

  • Jdigs88
    Jdigs88 Posts: 71 Member
    Okay okay guys take a chill pill.I am RECOVERING from an eating disorder SLOWLY by increasing my calorie intake SLOWLY because I don't want to shock my body with a huge amount of food at a time.Basically I'm at 800 cal per day now and I'm increasing it to 900-1000 in the next two weeks or so.Please don't look at the older posts because I do realise I have an eating disorder.Honestly,I would REALLY RATHER eat 200 cal worth of avocados than 200cal worth of crackers.Im just having a hard time accepting the fact that I ate so much of unhealthy food at once.Sigh.

    Your OP reports eating 577 calories and you were panicked about it. You had more than enough room even within your slowly eating more budget, and you couldn't do it. Clearly, you aren't OK yet with 800 calories. <-- That's why we're all saying talk to a professional. There are people trained to help you address food panic and caloric intake in healthy ways that work best for you given your medical, psychological, emotional, and environmental considerations. MFP is not the best place for that. Here, we aren't trained to help you in that way.

    *edited for a typo*
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    So your "older" posts are only from about a month ago. You should really talk to a therapist about about your concern about gaining weight. It would make things a lot easier. All your posts are obsessing with calories and asking if you are going to gain weight from this or that.
  • LeenaJean
    LeenaJean Posts: 276 Member
    So I just had an eye opening experience reading your previous posts. I have a feeling you like it when people tell you that you're starving yourself and love hearing about how little you are eating. Your posts are so obviously you getting your fix. "Did I eat too much" "Will I gain weight" "Had a cheat day" (ate like 500 calories TOTAL on your cheat day) "you guys are so mean" EVERYONE is telling you that you are not eating enough and you keep bring it up, keep asking over and over, then post a picture of your stomach as your profile pic. Everyone that I know of that had an ED kept it quiet and certainly did not create a profile so everyone could see that they have an ED. Your ED is not the only thing about you that is sick and need to get off this site ASAP because if you keep this *kitten* up, there wont be anyone else who will feel sorry for you and then you'll need to eat even less to get more comments about how you don't eat enough then you'll die. And I'm not sorry about this, you are using this site to get more attention for your ED, which is the EXACT opposite that it is intended for!
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    The OP is at the typical age for ED issues. And reading this .. I think we know the answer already.

    Time to do some talking.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
  • kefryar
    kefryar Posts: 77 Member
    If you truly are that scared of eating, please go talk to someone before you get any worse. The longer this goes on, the harder it is to recover from. I've been there.
    You probably will gain weight in recovery, but your therapist is there to make sure that it's healthy-their goal is not to make you obese.
    Go talk to someone. Anorexia is not fun.
    Good luck.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,375 Member
    I would say that this is probably not the place for you right now. Try here:


    It's an anorexia recovery forum. As everyone has said, please make your health a priority, the only way to do that is to work toward overcoming your obvious bad relationship with food. You have to eat more to fuel your body.

    Eat more. Talk to a professional. Get support.

    Please don't die. I am being very completely serious.
  • Eyesee
    Eyesee Posts: 111 Member
    So I just had an eye opening experience reading your previous posts. I have a feeling you like it when people tell you that you're starving yourself and love hearing about how little you are eating. Your posts are so obviously you getting your fix. "Did I eat too much" "Will I gain weight" "Had a cheat day" (ate like 500 calories TOTAL on your cheat day) "you guys are so mean" EVERYONE is telling you that you are not eating enough and you keep bring it up, keep asking over and over, then post a picture of your stomach as your profile pic. Everyone that I know of that had an ED kept it quiet and certainly did not create a profile so everyone could see that they have an ED. Your ED is not the only thing about you that is sick and need to get off this site ASAP because if you keep this *kitten* up, there wont be anyone else who will feel sorry for you and then you'll need to eat even less to get more comments about how you don't eat enough then you'll die. And I'm not sorry about this, you are using this site to get more attention for your ED, which is the EXACT opposite that it is intended for!

    THIS. 100x, this.
  • rosnz
    rosnz Posts: 91 Member
    Yes I agree. People on here are giving you good concerned advice. You start a post header screaming in capitals and when you don't like what people write you say 'take a chill pill' Not only to you have an eating disorder and are attention seeking you are also rude and resistant to help. All issues that can be sorted but you need professional help. Hop off these boards where kind people are trying to assist and you are ignoring them and go to a specialised facility.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Holy crap I feel so guilty right now.I started off the day healthily,steel cut oatmeal (water + blackberries) (170kcal).an apple,some boiled red beans and plain greek yogurt for lunch (220kcal).And after lunch was when the culprit began luring me into eating unhealthily.I ate a packet (6 pieces) of jacobs high calcium (81kcal),a mini sunmaid raisin (42kcal) AND 8 nabisco reduced fat wheat thins (64kcal) all while reading a book.My god I tend to have better control of myself at night when I don't snack but I usually snack the most during the day.I felt so guilty I only had 2 boiled egg whites and some sugar snap peas for dinner and that's it. I feel so guilty will I gain weight??I really don't want to gain back the weight I've lost,plus I don't usually have crackers but when I do,I can't stop.God I think I'm gonna throw them all away for good.

    :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:

    hmmm.....alrighty then.....
    Plz put down the back of nabiscos and walk slowly away
  • release_the_kraken
    Trolls have it so easy on this site....
  • BevRodriguez52
    The yogurt at lunch may have been your downfall. Many people don't realize some kinds are loaded with as many as 24 gm of carbohydrates. You many need to read the labels and limit the carbs at each meal. I try to keep my carbs at 25% protein at 45% and fat at 30%. The mobile app is wonderful for keeping track of this. Don't get too frustrated, just realize there are going to be bad days and tomorrow is a new day.