Any one trying to lose baby weight?



  • ashley_144000
    ashley_144000 Posts: 24 Member
    Yes! My son is 9 months & I only have 4 pounds to go! You can add me!
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
  • Shalaurise
    Shalaurise Posts: 707 Member
    Does it count as baby weight after 6 years? :P
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    Does it count as baby weight after 6 years? :P
    And how about after 11 years? That counts right? ;)
  • juliesauber
    juliesauber Posts: 22 Member

    This could have been me. I started my fitness journey when my 2nd child was nearly two years old. I was in a job I hated and I was constantly frazzled. I have gained and lost before so I know how to lose weight lol. It is a matter of making a decision to change your lifestyle. It is going to feel selfish to make time for yourself, but it is honestly the BEST thing you can do for your children. They deserve a happy, healthy mommy. Remember that they are constantly watching you, so taking care of yourself sets a great example for them. They can be great motivators! My kids love exercising with me. They like to walk, jog, do yoga, and they even try to do some of my workout videos with me. :) Start tracking your food, and stick with it if that's what works for you.

    I know it is hard, but something that helped me was to start small. I made very small changes in my diet at first, and I only promised myself 20 minutes of exercise every other day. I did 30 day shred, just not every day. When I started to see results, that motivated me to do more.

    Another thing that helped was that I got another job. I hated my job, so I found another one and quit. A lot of people like to say it's not that easy, but it really is very simple. If you hate your job, find another one. If you can't find another one--find a way to cope with stress so that you are not miserable. Exercise will help with this. Life is too short to be stressed and miserable all the time. If, God forbid, you keeled over--the work would still be there.

    Hang in there--don't give up.

    What a fantastic post. THANK YOU!
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    anyone know of any other workouts under 20 minutes besides 30ds or bodyrock? HIIT preferred
  • ainsliejane
    ainsliejane Posts: 24 Member
    Pick me! Trying hard to lose the baby weight after bub number 3 who is now 10 months old. Feel free to add me
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Yes, me! My third baby is 5 months old tomorrow. I lost all the weight and more after my second, so I'm hoping to do the same again!
  • colleen586
    colleen586 Posts: 12 Member
    Yep! My little guy is almost 15 months. I was 5 pounds away from my pre pregnancy weight shortly after giving birth, but ended up gaining a lot of weight and now I"m 9 pounds more than I was when I gave birth! It's so frustrating, but I'm trying to stay motivated so we can have another baby in the next year or so :smile:
  • smitha42190
    My youngest is 4months and I am still breastfeeding, not loosing from that though..... :( I need some tips to loose but not drop supply!
  • NewMummy96
    NewMummy96 Posts: 19 Member
    Hey! I had my baby girl 8 days ago and even though the only exercise I can do is walking with buggy , I really would love some tips on loosing some weight plz xx
  • Frankiigii
    Frankiigii Posts: 62 Member
    Can it still count as baby weight if it's been three years since I had my last child?