Vixen&Foxes: Valentine's Challange



  • changing my goal weight to 185. don't think i'll might 183 by valentines day. but over i want to be down another 20 by my daughters birthday in may
  • skinnyschool
    skinnyschool Posts: 8 Member
    Quote for the day from Skinnyschool " Don't let anyone and I mean ANYONE cut NOTCHES in your Hi-Heels today. Now get out there and strut your fine selves ! " Keep up you great food choices and exercise and don't forget to :bigsmile: Good luck !!!! Hugs MJ
  • lexicalabrese
    lexicalabrese Posts: 200 Member
    Good morning, guys! Did my 25/25 challenge twice yesterday, so I guess I'm going to change it to a 50/50 challenge. I've found that by spreading them out through the day helps, for example I did one set in the morning and then another set right before bed. I am also doing girlie push-ups, so I'm cheating a little bit lol.

    I'm still at 135, looking forward to the day when I hit 130 but I highly doubt that will be by V Day haha. I'm thinking I'll probably be 133 by V Day :)
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon everyone and happy hump day! Today was not a great workout day for me. I awoke still feeling sore and a bit sluggish but knew I had to get the workout in early b/c a long day was ahead. Today I completed the Push Circuit 2 dvd from the Chalean Extreme program. I don't know why but I don't really enjoy doing shoulder work and this circuit is primarily shoulders which made today's workout that much harder.
  • txchic_73
    txchic_73 Posts: 139 Member
    Weigh in at 138.0 as of Monday! I have met my V-Day goal! So now on to the next mini goal!
  • skinnyschool
    skinnyschool Posts: 8 Member
    MJ only lost >14 this week ... holy moly I've worked my butt off and stayed on food great...Go figure ...mybe next week!!! Hugs MJ
  • skinnyschool
    skinnyschool Posts: 8 Member
    Thats .14MJ
  • CarrieAbbey
    CarrieAbbey Posts: 378 Member
    Just a quick heads up!!! This challange was a total of 45 days long. We are now 25 days into it. Only 20 days left!!!!

    I'm probably not going to make my goal, but with any luck, my plateauiness might be over finally :) So, I might get close.

    Is it wrong that I've been looking at a calander to decide the rest of our goal days for the rest of the year... and now trying to decide what my goal weights should be by those days... I guess today is not a 'one day at a time' type day!!! hahaha

    That's so funny, I was doing that today too. I'm not sure if I'm going to make my V-day goal but I'm going to try my hardest to make it! I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one.

    Have a great night all!

  • Weighed into. 191.5. Lost a pound and almost saying goodbye to the 190 and hello to the 180s
  • lexicalabrese
    lexicalabrese Posts: 200 Member
    Weighed in this morning....135.1 lbs :)

    Did my 25/25 yesterday morning but not last night because I had kickboxing class and my muscles would NOT allow for any more work to be done lol. About to go do my 25/25 now :)
  • Yay!!! I'm down to 196.8 :-) Fell off the path over the weeekend but 191, here I come!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good evening everyone! TOM is lurking and I have absolutely no energy and am pretty achy. In addition to not feeling great, I've been very busy trying to preparing for my return to the office next week. We've already been assigned cases so I've been doing a lot of prep work so I can hit the ground running next week. Anyway, Today I completed the Fire 30 dvd from the Turbo Fire program. I am sooooo glad a shorter workout was scheduled for today.

    I probably won't make my v-day weight either. I am currently 124.5 and would like to be 122 lbs. I'm still in my goal range but would of really liked to be on the lower end. I'm going to have to really evaluate whether I can seriously attain AND maintain a weight of 120-122 lbs for a lifetime because everytime I get down I seem to go back to 124/125 lbs.
  • KadieA
    KadieA Posts: 167
    I'm in. Hopefully this will motivate me to work out.

    SW: 132
    Vals Day GW: 125
  • Hope everyone is doing good...I love reading all of the stories about the gym and everyone's day

    Thurs. is my weigh in day...Down 2lbs from last week...yeah...which offically puts me over ten pounds from the start of being on the website..but not at my V-day goal yet...almost though! Hopefully next week is as good.
  • clarkey72
    clarkey72 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello everyone - its Friday! Whoopee!!! Weighed this morning and was 143lb. :flowerforyou:
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    Yay, a loss this week :happy: - I'm checking in at 124 (-1lb). Only 1 more to go!
    Well done to everyone!
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    OOO I just checked the chart and I hit my v-day goal!!! I thought it was 123 - I'll make that my new mini-goal then. Woop!
  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    weigh-in---267.6 for a lost of 12.4 pounds so far, reached my V-day goal, but I am continuing cause I have a long journey of weight loss ahead of me! :0)
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Friday! Still not feeling like myself but managed to struggle through today's workout. I completed the Push Circuit 3 dvd from the Chalean Extreme program.

    I am still busy with a prep work assignment so I hope to respond to posts later in the day. Hope everyone is having a great day.
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    Down 2 pounds this week! I now weight 147 pounds.
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