Vegan Dieters!



  • You can add me! My diary is open. 99.5% vegan :) We eat vegan at home and never buy meat/dairy/eggs for groceries. I am more flexible when ging out to eat, and will try to eat vegan but will also eat vegetarian. I've been vegetarian for 20 years (I'm 33 years old) and been a flexi-vegan for two years.
    Just wanted to throw this out there, I am one of the few people who can honestly say I didn't notice a difference in weight or energy when I switched from vegetarian to vegan. I can find junk food in any specialty diet. Haha!
    But no really, I did a strictly raw, vegan diet for six months about 5 years ago trying to feel more energized and I didn't feel that way. That change of diet, did however cause me to lose a bunch of weight because I struggled to get enough calories in every day. I also got so sick of eating avocados :P And I was living in Japan, and the diet was so complicated to explain to people over there. I actually felt less energized bc I didn't end up eating enough. So I do realize that maybe if I had done it more carefully it would have worked... but I was struggling to get in even 1,000 calories a day and was super active so I ended up switching back to vegetarian.
    I totally agree with you, you can find junk food no matter what diet you have! French fries anyone? lol. I guess the main cause for my energy boost is sticking to a vegetable based diet and combining it with exercise and not drinking any alcohol that is probably why my body is feeling more energized. But I have been a junk food vegetarian for 2 years and the switch to non junk food vegan has helped me tremendously. :)
  • ciarotheray
    ciarotheray Posts: 20 Member
    hey! I'm a life-long veggie, and was vegan for years... then started eating cheese again and gained a ton of weight. Shocker!

    So I'm thinking I should back to plants only for a while too.

    I don't take supplements, don't have any deficiencies and am relatively active (but no way an athlete)... happy to do recipe swaps/motivation any time!
  • brokentide
    brokentide Posts: 21 Member
    Lots of people lack in b12, meat eater or not. It comes from soil, but the quality of soil is becoming very poor so it's resulting in lots of b12 deficiencies.

    For vegans, nutritional yeast has b12 and tastes amazing. I love it!

    Hi, I've been vegetarian for a year, currently transitioning into veganism. Is Vitamin B12 absolutely necessary? I suffer from moderate acne and last month I was taking a B complex supplement and it made me break out like crazy along my mouth, chin, and jawline. It was horrible! I stopped taking it and the breakouts ceased immediately.

    I am not sure if B12 is really necessary it is in a lot of different foods. I just take it for the extra energy boost but on days that I forget to take the vitamin I am usually just fine. If it was making me break out I would stop taking it too :)

    B12 is a must, you should always have sublingual tablets on hand. What exists in foods is fortified with vitamin b12 (nutritional yeast, breakfast cereals, soy milk, etc.) and it isn't ideal to rely on those because they typically don't get fully absorbed. Don't believe any vegan who tells you that B12 exists naturally in algae or unwashed vegetables or anything else.
  • ChristinaWelch78
    I'm looking for friends too so feel free to add me =) I have been vegetarian since 12/2013 and started going vegan over the past few months. I am not 100% yet. I caved and ate Turkey Hill Deep Dark Chocolate ice cream because it is limited edition and rarely comes out. So yeah, I'm a work in progress.
  • I've been a vegetarian for 5 years now and about 3 months ago went vegan! It's great but harder than I expected just because there's a lot I don't know yet!

    I'm glad there are so many vegetarians/vegans here!

    Feel free to add me!
  • kay182
    kay182 Posts: 32 Member
    Fellow vegetarian here!

    I also ran across this group in another thread:
  • Pamela_June
    Pamela_June Posts: 342 Member
    I am probably the oldest person who has posted here so far (68) .... and just starting to eat more vegetarian..... I know I feel better when I eat more veggies... but I am the 'old dog learning new tricks'..... so I am in need of ideas, recipes... and more pals that can help me along the way.

    Bottom line, I would love to have more Vegan/vegetarian pals....please feel free to add me as a pal !

  • phyllisgehrke
    phyllisgehrke Posts: 238 Member
    Feel Free to Add me.

    I am 68 years old also and don't cook very much.
    I eat a lot of soy protein like soy bacon and soy chicken.

    Would love to swap recipes
  • Runcakes
    Runcakes Posts: 92 Member
    Vegetarian here! I'd say I eat about 80% "plant-based". I've cut out meat/eggs/dairy directly, but there are still some things that I eat that have milk or eggs listed in the ingredients. Lately I've been trying out some new recipes, so I'm hoping that with time I'll be able to eat fully plant-based :)
  • JenD1066
    JenD1066 Posts: 298 Member
    Greetings! I've been vegan since I was 19 - more than 25 years. I would love to have more vegetarian and vegan friends.
    My diary is open, and I post every day. Sending a friend request.
  • ChelseaHotel2
    Hi! I lost more than 40 lbs by going vegan my Freshman year :)
  • Neritel
    Neritel Posts: 24 Member
    I have been vegan for two years now, it has done a lot for my health. Feel free to add me :)
  • tara1266
    tara1266 Posts: 3 Member

    I've been vegetarian (ovo-lacto) for 30 years and am planning on becoming vegan in the next few months.

    It feels like the natural next step for me as I also live cruelty free and just need to eliminate and find alternatives to the animal products that I currently eat/use.

    I want to make sure that I get all the nutrients that I need when I make the shift

    I'm planning on doing this in phases .
