Anyone doing the Low carb/ High fat & protien "diet"?



  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    I am not a fan of "atkins" simply because it doesn't embrace the calories in calories out mantra , rather uses a eat reasonable portions approach but if you want to do a traditional low carb induction then research " atkins induction". The atkins site will walk you through the phases and even list the recommended foods per phase.

    ^^ good idea ^^
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    Yeah Im starting out cutting the breads and starches out... which leaves room for fruit and veggies which I love. I tried to go pescatarian but that didnt work out for long.... My family loves meat .... it was too much temptation going on lol but if I cut out the bread and other stuff I should be fine plus with me working out. My major problem is bordom with food i guess.... Im constantly looking for new recipies to please everyone thats a problem with my picky eaters.... I'll eat dirt if i have to in order to loose weight lol my kids and husband... not so much lol

    see, this is my issue, too, and thankfully everyone so far is on-board with our new eating lifestyle. it has been far easier this weekend to cook, etc. without having to make 2 different meals, one for husband (keto) and one for the rest of us (paleo) LOL

    my sons are 20 and 18, so they pretty much can eat what they want if they do not like what i make (i am making a keto pizza for dinner tonight and my son wants a "real" pizza so he is buying one from pizza hut)

    our 6-year old eats a "normal" diet of fruits/veggies/lean meats, etc. she doesn't do keto since she is still growing and needs those carbs. but she is gluten-intolerant and has been gluten-free for about 2 years now.
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    I am not a fan of "atkins" simply because it doesn't embrace the calories in calories out mantra , rather uses a eat reasonable portions approach but if you want to do a traditional low carb induction then research " atkins induction". The atkins site will walk you through the phases and even list the recommended foods per phase.

    Thanks so much Im googling it as we speak.:drinker:

    Spend some time and research it throughly, in my opinion if you like the concept and are going to try it then at least do it correctly and give yourself a chance to evaluate it.

    I see people try one aspect of it for a short time and quit before they are even actually keto adapted. You should be well informed of the process and what to expect during induction. There are some side effects however many are blown out of proportion.

    It's certainly not everybody's cup of tea.

    Feel free to add me.
  • Kittymarie83
    Kittymarie83 Posts: 25 Member
    I am not a fan of "atkins" simply because it doesn't embrace the calories in calories out mantra , rather uses a eat reasonable portions approach but if you want to do a traditional low carb induction then research " atkins induction". The atkins site will walk you through the phases and even list the recommended foods per phase.

    Thanks so much Im googling it as we speak.:drinker:

    Spend some time and research it throughly, in my opinion if you like the concept and are going to try it then at least do it correctly and give yourself a chance to evaluate it.

    I see people try one aspect of it for a short time and quit before they are even actually keto adapted. You should be well informed of the process and what to expect during induction. There are some side effects however many are blown out of proportion.

    It's certainly not everybody's cup of tea.

    Feel free to add me.

    Thanks Hun.... I defintely research anything before trying it and who knows... I was so confused when I first asked the question because all i saw on facebook was a whole bunch of heavy people eating fatty foods lol but yes I will add you and do my research... Thank you for the info!
  • PatchEFog
    PatchEFog Posts: 152 Member
    That is basically the Adtkins diet. I did that a few years ago and I lost weight. The problem with that and ALL diets is that when you go off of them the weight comes back on.
    Thats what is good here on MFP. You eventually adjust your normal eating together with excersize to start losing weight and keep it off !!
    This is simply not true if you make this WOE your WOL, not treat it as a short-term 'diet'. Low carb/high fat has no less of a success rate than any other 'diet' plan in a case as you describe.
  • annenm416
    annenm416 Posts: 5 Member
    I've used lots of things over the years over the years: low fat, very low calorie, WW points, WW Points Plus, Slimfast, Medifast...

    My best successes were with WW Points and Medifast. Approaching 200# (with a normal weight of about 150) and feeling desperate, I tried the new WW and failed miserably. Medifast worked for me a couple years ago, but I balked at the price of trying it again. SO...last week started low-carb/high protein with MFP.

    It's working great so far. I really like the MFP interface. I've been really hungry only once this week, managed to stay within my calorie goal each day, no cravings. I think I may be highly sensitive to carbs, since my "usual" diet was cereal and milk for breakfast, and I was ravenous by 11am. With a breakfast high in protein/fat and low in carbs, like lunch meat or eggs, I've had no issues.

    The last couple days I've been reading about the higher fat levels, so I'm gradually adding those in. Keeping fingers crossed that this will get me to my goal and become a WOE.

  • I've been doing it for 2 weeks now and have lost 5 lbs. Yes its healthy, there are sooo! many diets by other names that follow the same guidelines. in fact the last two magazines "woman's world" and "for women First" have several stories and ads in them talking about new diet plans and books that after reading them are essentially is the same diet. It was called Atkins first, then South beach, Ketogenic, The Grain Bran, bah, bah, bah...
    Your not cutting out veggies, just bread, pasta, potatoes, corn, and the like. 2 years ago I went on a diet and lost 55 lbs. doing the same thing but, I did a food log. I have found that even thought your told to just count carbs, it ends up that you still have to monitor how much food you eat. I have found eating a higher fat and protein diet tends to stop me from wanting to eat between meals, which is a good thing. I also have found that I don't crave junk food. But, the first week was a tad ruff. I had headaches, sleep issues, but they all went away after detoxing.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    It was called Atkins first, then South beach, Ketogenic, The Grain Bran, bah, bah, bah...

    South Beach is not low carb.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Low carb/high fat has no less of a success rate than any other 'diet' plan in a case as you describe.

    More descriptively - it has no higher a success rate than any other diet plan.

    Meaning most people fail on it, just as most people fail on other styles of dieting.
  • chaos416
    chaos416 Posts: 89 Member
    Just jumping in for the low car info.
  • ronrstaats
    ronrstaats Posts: 294 Member
    You might be in the same Facebook group(s) I am in

    But it worked and is still working for me. I have been at goal weight for over two years now and still
    eating the same way. Sometimes I go off Low Carb for a couple of days when I go out to eat or go
    to a party but I go right back to eating that way for the majority of the time.

  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    congrats to you ron r
    wow! that is fantastic - way to go!
  • I follow the Cardiolist's Wheat Belly diet which eliminates all grain. Been on it for 2 years now. I find that my "creaks and groans" have been eliminated and all IBS symptoms. Haven't lost a lot of weight, but my sister has lost about 35 lbs. going grain-free. She can run up and down stairs now which she could not do before. Losing all the grains certainly eliminates a lot of carbs and is a healthy diet.
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    Ron you rock !
  • Kittymarie83
    Kittymarie83 Posts: 25 Member
    You might be in the same Facebook group(s) I am in

    But it worked and is still working for me. I have been at goal weight for over two years now and still
    eating the same way. Sometimes I go off Low Carb for a couple of days when I go out to eat or go
    to a party but I go right back to eating that way for the majority of the time.


    maybe I am in the same group.... but I commend you on your progress and being able to keep it off... I take what helps me from that group and everything else i leave right there on facebook lol
  • Kittymarie83
    Kittymarie83 Posts: 25 Member
    Low carb/high fat has no less of a success rate than any other 'diet' plan in a case as you describe.

    More descriptively - it has no higher a success rate than any other diet plan.

    Meaning most people fail on it, just as most people fail on other styles of dieting.

    So what do you suggest... do you have a specific meal plan that you follow.... I see a few rebuttals from you but no real suggestions or ideas that may be better.... Im open to suggestions.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Low carb/high fat has no less of a success rate than any other 'diet' plan in a case as you describe.

    More descriptively - it has no higher a success rate than any other diet plan.

    Meaning most people fail on it, just as most people fail on other styles of dieting.

    So what do you suggest... do you have a specific meal plan that you follow.... I see a few rebuttals from you but no real suggestions or ideas that may be better.... Im open to suggestions.

    The very high failure rates across all styles of dieting tell me that most people are more comfortable being fat than they are voluntarily restricting their food intake. If I were to make a suggestion, it would be for people to stop dieting and stressing out over something most of them don't really want to change anyway.
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    Low carb/high fat has no less of a success rate than any other 'diet' plan in a case as you describe.

    More descriptively - it has no higher a success rate than any other diet plan.

    Meaning most people fail on it, just as most people fail on other styles of dieting.

    So what do you suggest... do you have a specific meal plan that you follow.... I see a few rebuttals from you but no real suggestions or ideas that may be better.... Im open to suggestions.

    the way i see it, everyone has a diet. a diet is the way you eat. going on so-called fad diets do not work, just like everyone says, because once you quit doing them, the weight comes back. the reason i am interested in the keto is because it is a lifestyle choice (so is paleo) - it isn't a fad. it is something to stick to for the rest of your life and has the ability to incorporate everything at one point. (such as, if i eat a cupcake once a year on my birthday, i am not going to gain back all my weight)

    saying that eating keto does not have a higher success rate would require more information and research. i would be interested to see why someone would say that. ANYTHING that you stick to for the rest of your life can be successful. putting a blanket "it won't work" on it just isn't fair, IMO.
  • pltjess
    pltjess Posts: 101 Member
    I am on the ketogenic diet, and honestly, it's been the most sustainable diet I've ever been on. It absolutely works for me, but I would never push it on anyone else... it's definitely something that is either great for you, or isn't.

    Also, I eat TONS of vegetables, some meats, cheeses, etc... These huge amounts of fat are for satiety only and NOT some magic number that they HAVE to eat. That's the problem with a lot of people that start out keto, they think that they have to eat that much fat, but really, they don't! Low on carb, meet protein goals, then eat fat to be full.

    Really, I've never been more satisfied before AND I'm losing weight.