


  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Yay for those of you getting back into riding after a break! There were a few years in my past where I didn't ride much, but I was always working around horses, so that helped. I did have to build my confidence back in the saddle, though not because of weight issues; just being away from riding too long.

    Uptonia: Teaspoon is gorgeous! I love drafts and half-drafts. We had a Belgian/QH in our therapeutic riding program for several yeas and he was just a big old teddy bear. He'll always be one of my favorites, even though he is no longer with us :cry:
  • uptonia
    uptonia Posts: 26
    Confidence is a big deal for every rider, but I definitely think it affects those who are overweight more. I was gaining weight due to starting an office job and bad eating habits, but was still riding during that time just not as much bc my horse was in training. I took a BAD fall one day, and was never the same rider after that. That nervousness and stress led to almost 2.5 years off of riding, which made the weight gain even worse.

    Now I have my trusty Spoon and just try to get out there 5 days a week and push myself when I ride. When I get tired of posting, I do no-stirrup work... just something so my muscles continue to catch up!

    Heather: Thanks for your comments about Spoon :) He's the first half draft I've ever owned, and even though he isn't as docile (in some ways) as I've heard they can be he's truly a lovely horse!
  • Well I never owned a horse but I rode whenever I got the chance growing up. Including working summers at a race horse farm. I live in Minnesota now and I would love to ride but I know no one with horses. Hopefully in the future a farm with a couple horses will be in the cards.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Well I never owned a horse but I rode whenever I got the chance growing up. Including working summers at a race horse farm. I live in Minnesota now and I would love to ride but I know no one with horses. Hopefully in the future a farm with a couple horses will be in the cards.

    Take lessons in the meantime! Riding several different horses will make you a much better rider for when you have your own!
  • Dancerten
    Dancerten Posts: 237 Member
    More mud and snow, oh joy :tongue: My boy Dancer is the one on the right, the one on the left is his buddy Banjo.

  • Dancerten
    Dancerten Posts: 237 Member
    One more lol...

  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    Wow, there are a lot of you on here!!! I'm from Alberta, Canada...on a little acreage just outside of Calgary! I bought my kids a 12 year old pony last year and hopefully we'll get another this spring as well as a larger horse for myself or my husband to ride!!! I am sooo excited! I have always loved horses and now that we have the space, I can't wait to learn to ride!
  • sarahemily86
    sarahemily86 Posts: 78 Member
    Hi! I'm from Michigan! I've never owned a horse, but I've been working in barns and riding for almost 10 years now. I barn I currently work at has 16 TN Walkers!

    Does anyone own their own boarding/training facility? Any advice for someone wanting to start their own place?

  • samb
    samb Posts: 464 Member
    Hi everyone! I am Sam, from CT & I have had my horse Monty for 12 years (since I was 10). He is an arab/quarter horse cross & even at the age of 20 he still is as energetic as ever, but is starting to be more willing to learn & focus than he used to (thank goodness). I do eventing (but my horse is schizophrenic - seriously!-sometimes he loves jumping and then completely randomly he will just decide he is terrified of everything--so we do more dressage than jumping at times-and especially in winter since we only have outdoor riding rings & it is icy). I love him (&all horses) to death! I went to UCONN & my minor was in Equine Business Management. My goal for the future is to own a show stable and I am set on making it happen! :) It is so nice to see so many other horse lovers out there!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Samb: If that's Monty in your profile pic, he's beautiful! I have a soft spot for greys!
  • I live in MN and have 5 horses, well 1 draft mule, 1 donkey and 3 horses! lol I ride and give lessons, most of my lessons are now just my nieces as I kindof retired from "outside" lessons. I just enjoy spending time with my horses, riding and sharing them with my nieces. My main motivation for loosing weight besides better health is for my horses! I raised and somewhat trained my appy mare who is now 11. I have never ridden her, I did all ground work and training up to getting in the saddle, than I had someone else ride her as she was to small for me. So my goal is to ride her by next summer! I love that little horse and I WILL ride her one day!
  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    I live in Southern Ill and trail ride, mostly in the Shawnee National forest. I have 2 horses, one Lucas I raised from a baby.

    This is Cody, my main ride. Lucas has some health issues that will never go away so he time under saddle is mainly just for exercise

    Let me tell you about Cody....a few yrs ago we had to remove one of his eyes. He punctured it somehow and the vet tried to save it, he put a stint in his eye and I flushed meds every 4 hrs for 72 hrs. The eye looked like it was healing but then it ruptured. That was 4 yrs ago. He does AWESOME on the trails with only one eye! He's calm and laid back, he is my trail bud. We put a lot of miles in together during the fiding season. I could go on and on about this horse but it would take all day.

    crap, I give up trying to load the pics. MFP is the only site I have trouble loading pics!
  • horsehelpnow
    horsehelpnow Posts: 35 Member
    Hi, my name is kendra and I live in northern california. I grew up on a ranch and have owned many different horses. My baby just died at the age of 33 I had her since we were both 7 she was an arab mare. I still own her baby that is now pregnant, she is the only one I own right now. I have continued to ride even at my largest however my confidence is directly connected to my weight so I do not ride as much as I would like to, however tbat is slowly changing. So glad to find fellow horse people on here.
  • Capone007
    Capone007 Posts: 33 Member
    Hey guys! I saw samb post on this topic, so I had to also! Please feel free to add me as a friend if you like too.

    I have an 8 y/o thoroughbred, we mainly compete in jumpers and dressage. Not sure how much dressage we'll do this year, but we did win Champion of Spring series last year, and got 3rd overall for the year in our level. Jumpers is what we both love the most though!

    Here are some pics, hope they work!

    3' Jumpers (me jumping with a herniated disc in my neck before I knew what was wrong, oops!)

    Before a dressage show
  • Dancerten
    Dancerten Posts: 237 Member
    Hi, my name is kendra and I live in northern california. I grew up on a ranch and have owned many different horses. My baby just died at the age of 33 I had her since we were both 7 she was an arab mare. I still own her baby that is now pregnant, she is the only one I own right now. I have continued to ride even at my largest however my confidence is directly connected to my weight so I do not ride as much as I would like to, however tbat is slowly changing. So glad to find fellow horse people on here.

    I'm so sorry for your loss :cry: But 33 is an awesome age! My boy is 25 (we're also the same age, I got him when we were both 13), and it's nice to know I may still have another 5-10 years with him. Good luck with your weight loss, and have fun with your mare!
  • Dancerten
    Dancerten Posts: 237 Member
    Hey guys! I saw samb post on this topic, so I had to also! Please feel free to add me as a friend if you like too.

    I have an 8 y/o thoroughbred, we mainly compete in jumpers and dressage. Not sure how much dressage we'll do this year, but we did win Champion of Spring series last year, and got 3rd overall for the year in our level. Jumpers is what we both love the most though!

    Yay!!! Finally another TB owner!! :happy: I thought I was gonna be the only one on here. Your boy is ADORABLE!!! My guy is 25, and used to LOVE jumping but he has navicular so we stick to dressage now. Congrats on your Champion of Spring, and good luck on your weight loss!

    P.S. here's another pic of my boy Dancerten if you didn't see my earlier posts...

  • Dom82
    Dom82 Posts: 235
    I'm a TB owner too hehe My boy raced til he was 8 and now has started his career in dressage and show jumping. I now live in Australia but rode the hunter/jumper circuit in IL for 12 years before that :tongue:

    this is TJ

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Welcome to those who are new!

    I have to say that I love the elegant looking pictures of those of you who ride English. Although I've ridden both, I'm a gaming, trail-riding type of girl but have such respect for those of you who jump and ride dressage. Just beautiful!
  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    Welcome to those who are new!

    I have to say that I love the elegant looking pictures of those of you who ride English. Although I've ridden both, I'm a gaming, trail-riding type of girl but have such respect for those of you who jump and ride dressage. Just beautiful!

    I agree, the pictures are awesome, I'm stictly a trail rider myself.
  • Dancerten
    Dancerten Posts: 237 Member
    I'm a TB owner too hehe My boy raced til he was 8 and now has started his career in dressage and show jumping. I now live in Australia but rode the hunter/jumper circuit in IL for 12 years before that :tongue:

    LOVE IT!! Did you get TJ in Australia or did you bring him over there from the states? My boy is an ex-racer too, but he was too slow for the track so that career ended pretty quickly lol.
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