Anyone tried a diet pill that worked?



  • daniellefennell
    daniellefennell Posts: 10 Member
    I have been struggling with my weight since after having my second child at 40, and having strong pre menopausal symptoms, depression, anxiety mid-40's. I have seasonal depression, and it is worse in the dark winter months. I have lost weight before, and have slowly gained it back, all without the aid of any pills. This year I got to my highest weight, 190lbs at 5'4", and consulted with my doctor about surgery. She said I was a candidate, but I truly did not want to go this route...yet.

    So we agreed to try Adipex for 3 months. I am on my 3rd month, and I have been teaching myself to eat when I am hungry, realize that food is to benefit my nutritional needs and not be an emotional crutch. I do not diet, but eat in moderation, pushing back my plate and chair when my needs are met.

    Alot of relearning, and I feel confident I can do this once I am off of adipex. please see my food log, it's open
  • post a link to the study if you will. I have done a lot of research over the years and the human stomach stays the same goes back down to original size when you eat less. it only stretches a little when you eat. if that were the case people who go on 3 weeks fasts and only drink water would not be able to resume eating without getting sick.Their stomach would reject it.
    Incorrect - Researchers at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and the Department of Medicine and Psychiatry at St. Lukes-Roosevelt Hospital have actually measured the size of the stomachs of people before and after 4 weeks of eating less. They found that dieters had their stomachs shrink by 27-36%!
    your stomach does not stretch out or shrink that is a common misconception.your stomach can only hold so much food.It does expand to a degree when you eat but it will stay the normal size when you eat less. only way to make it smaller is by surgery
    I am on adipex-p. Doctor prescribed. If you are too large they will not prescribe it to you. My husband 340 lb they would not give it to him. They wanted him to loose 40 then they would talk about it again.

    Me I am on it. I started on it at 245lb. I am 233 now 20 days later. Yes I am on a low calorie diet 1200-1400 a day,

    A lot of people will down the use of pills. But I see it no differently than if you had surgery.
    Surgery and pills can help and fail. With both you need to change you lifestyle/way of eating for the rest of your life to keep it off. I know this, And when I stop the pills I will still be loosing weight and keep it off.

    if a stomach has been streached out too big you will have a hard time ever feeling full. So taking this pill a few months would help shrink your tummy because you are eating less. So with a smaller tummy when you get off the pill, you will be fuller sooner, and eat less. As long as you keep your new habits.

    A good example of this is I use to be able to eat an entire medium pizza. The other day I made a pizza for dinner. I worked out for two hours that morning to have the calories for a extra sclice. So 3 total. I ended up being full and unable to eat the extra one I worked out for. I was ok with that, and happy.
  • CarKiller2013
    CarKiller2013 Posts: 26 Member
    I lost 50 lbs using Phentermine. I was willing to overlook the horrible side effects because of all the positive attention I was getting. Side effects like wicked dry mouth, heart palpatations, excessive sweating and massive mood swings. But I looked good!! <eye roll>

    I was right at the 50 lb mark when I seemed to build up a tolerance to the meds. Suddenly I was starving all the time. And here I am....gained it all back and then some. Not worth it.
  • I am currently taking Phentermine. The effects were immediate - I was not at all hungry. I pretty much had to make myself eat. After some time, the effect lessens. I do not get physical hunger pains but I do have to be stubborn and fight psychological cravings. Luckily I have not faced any of the negative side-affects, apart from a dry mouth, which I just use as encouragement to drink more water. My doctor was extremely adamant about me taking the dose as early as possible every morning to ward off any chances of insomnia. You still have to remember that this drug and others won't make miracles occur. If you pig out and make bad food choices you're not going to lose any weight.