Can't Imagine Myself Skinny



  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    I totally feel ya there. I've never been skinny, not even as a younger child. I was very overweight by 7 and obese by 10. The only idea of a "skinny" me I can think of is when I was a teen in martial arts. I was still probably 230 LBs, but that is the closest I can even imagine to being small simply because I was active and had high endurance due to the martial arts training.

    Personally I can't wait for the day I wake up, look in the mirror and don't recognize myself. I wanna know what it feels like to feel lighter :] It'll be a feeling I've -never- felt before, so wondering if maybe I'll even notice when it happens.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I totally get it. As I get closer to a Normal BMI, I wonder more what I'll look like when I'm done. Sometimes I push my fat out of the way to see how an area might look. :)

    It's interesting to watch the changes, which I didn't start noticing until I'd lost 55-60 pounds. Seeing bones poking through...and feeling them. They were buried under fat for SO LONG. It almost seems wrong to see my tibia (shinbone) poking out by knee and to feel the bones in my arm.

    It's like an adventure. It really is. Some of it seems odd and strange...takes getting used to!...but it's all good. :)

    I can't wait to see the finished product.
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    its hard to imagine but as you get toward there and see your body change it gets easier to imagine. my timeline is similar to yours and i still cant wrap myself around the concept that someday i wont be overweight and that i wont have all the stigma to deal with around that... its like... a part of my identity will be totally changed. luckily its such a gradual process that you get time to adjust. its hit or miss now, what i see when i look in the mirror, the fat or the future... but i see the future more now. and sometimes i am shocked when i glimpse myself in a mirror and get weirded out like i am looking at someone else...

    looking forward to that day when it will seem like just a thing and not a weird thing.
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    I think we are twins. Seriously, you just told my story, literally word for word. Our stats are the same.

    Add in the fact that I've got T1 diabetes and I've had 3 c sections. If I can do it, so can you! I believe in you.
  • Christineclendaniel
    I understand this logic...I think even if I get skinny I wont feel skinny. People at work call me "skinny" now and I laugh every time :)
  • VeggieKidMandy
    VeggieKidMandy Posts: 575 Member
    I am 6ft tall and have never been under 180. I played Football on the guys football team all throughout Highschool and continued being active up until I got married, then I gained 130 lbs. I have Lost 100 of those pounds total and am now working to get to 170 lbs for the coast guard. I understand how you feel about being anxious getting back down to that smaller weight, but as some of the previous posters have mentioned, dont focus on the finish line, focus on the journey, and when you finally do reach the finish line the victory will be sweet.
  • lewispwest
    lewispwest Posts: 498 Member
    A bit late to the party here but there was someone on here who had lost a hell of a lot of weight and went from being an obese shut-in to a really good looking guy and I looked at him thinking I could never achieve what he did. I kept at it and I think I'm doing pretty well to emulate it so it is indeed possible, even if you can't picture it now!
  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    I'm the same way. The last time I lost a lot of weight I took these "skinny" pants into the changing room. There was no way they were going to fit, even though the size label said they would. And of course, they fit, and they looked freaking fantastic, and my thighs looked like they belonged to someone else. I actually burst into tears.

    And that was at a higher weight than I want and expect to be a year from today.

    I think we can sabotage ourselves with these thoughts, like somehow we don't deserve to be thin or "that body's not for me".

    That thin body you can barely imagine ... It is for you. It will be you. And once you earn it, you're going to keep it there, because that's the real you.
  • jharlowlives
    jharlowlives Posts: 41 Member
    I feel the same, I am actually scared to lose weight. I'm afraid I'll be ugly.
  • crystallynnl
    crystallynnl Posts: 100 Member
    I can't think of myself skinny either. I know I would feel better about myself but I have to get there. I am 22 years old and I don't want to be overweight forever. I haven't been "slim" since I was like 10 probably..
  • StephenNesbit
    StephenNesbit Posts: 77 Member
    I know the feeling. I was a skinny kid with high metabolism until I discovered the NES around 7-or-8-years old.

    I slowly gained weight since then, and have been overweight/obese for as long as I can remember.

    I really have NO IDEA what I would--I mean--WILL look like when I become skinny. No idea what-so-ever.
  • Great_Mazinga
    Great_Mazinga Posts: 214 Member
    You can do this. I have MFP friends who have lost MORE than you currently weigh. I'm over 40, and weigh less than I have since 2001. I'm in better shape and health than I was ten years ago.

    If you do nothing in a year, you'll either maintain or gain. If you do something, the year will STILL pass and you may lose, but at least you're less likely to gain.

    Look at those inspirational stories. What have they done? Why can you not do those things? Get your veggies, greens, protein, and watch your flours and sugars. With exercise, logging your foods, and staying at/under goal you will lose weight. The only exception might be hormonal/medical issues, but you don't need to look at those until honestly trying your best at least for a few months.

    Good luck, and NEVER give up.
  • tabicatinthehat
    tabicatinthehat Posts: 329 Member
    Thinking too far ahead is overwhelming. I have to step back every now and then and think about more short-term goals or I will give up.
  • nicolen160
    nicolen160 Posts: 197 Member
    People call me skinny all the time now and I still don't see it even though I have lost a 130lbs, I still feel big. I know that I look a lot different but I think my height still makes me feel big, I am 6 ft tall. You will get there, just keep up the logging and exercise and it will happen! Good Luck!
  • pleasurelittletreasure
    I have the opposite problem. I only imagine myself as skinny (and i'm totally not) so every time i see a picture of myself and i'm not that skinny version, i get mad.
    I'm trying not to focus on my idea of it and just go with the proof: numbers on the scale/measuring tape, and how far and fast I can run every week. :)

    LOL! Sometimes I catch myself in a mirror and I think, "WHAT THE H?!" It just crept up on me and now I'm battling my way back down.

    OP: Don't focus so much on the final weight you want to be at but on each small success. Seriously makes the journey an awesome and positive experience. Set yourself small goals of 5 or 10lbs and they add up
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I never imagined I'd get as thin as I was in my early 20s again, but last year, at age 35 and after 2 babies, I did! In fact, as I did so much exercise including strength training to get there, I looked even better. Then I got pregnant again lol.

    Now I'm working on getting there again, although this time I'm hoping to lose my baby weight and the last few lbs I wanted to lose then.
  • lewispwest
    lewispwest Posts: 498 Member
    Not trying to deflect this away from you OP, just hoping my comparison picture will help you realise that your body can change when you think it impossible. This is me from last Christmas to August this year:

  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    I started at 173. When my doctor asked my goal weight I said around 140. Sge looked at me funny and said "you could safely get down to around 125". It made me a little annoyed and I thought she was crazy. I also thought I would look bad at that weight. I am at 127 now. I dont look too skinny and never ever ever thought I could do it and could NOT visualize it either! Well, if you stick to your calorie deficit, it will happen and you wont have to imagine it anymore...!!
  • gamesandgains
    gamesandgains Posts: 640 Member
    The body will do what the mind believes.
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    I dont think any or many of us can see ourselves as skinny. I know I never will be skinny. My goal is 180 to 175. That is far from skinny. I just hope when I get there I will feel healthy.